Resolution 515 - SID 146M RESOLUTION 110, 515. A RNSCLUTION DE210MATIUC THM NUMBER OF A SPECIAL IMPHOVRXHUT DIS- TRICT, 11MP011010 THM BOUNnA21nS TnERInP, 9TATINa THE COARACT11 OF, THE IMPROVEVENTS MITMI AR! TO NIP, 1,!AT)IP ANP TIPIP, APPROXINLATE COST THNRTnF AND TER TII,11141' V(iaEVE T11E COUXICIL WILL HRAR OBjECTIONS TO IT" FINAL ADOPTION. BE IT ORDAINNI) BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TER CITY nF KALISPHIL, VOETAEA: secti.o_n,!_- That it is deemed necessary to create and there in hereby created as special improvement district, the bound- aries of which are hereinafter set forth. Section That the number of said Special improvement District is hereby deoignuted as No. 146. RectORAL That the boundaries of said Special Improvement Dis- trict are hereby declared to be as follows: Beginning at as point where as line drawn through the center of Third Avenue East would intersect the south bound- ary of the Great Northern Railway Right of Way; thence run- ning south through the center of said Third Avenue East to a point where a line so drawn would intersect the center line of Second Street; thence running in an easterly direction through the center of Second Street to a point where a line so drawn would intersect the center line of Fourth Avenue, Rest; Red from thence running through the center of Fourth Avenue East in a northerly direction to as point where a line so drawn would intersect the south boundary of the Great Northern Railway Right of Way; end from thence to the place of beginning; and including within said boundaries Blocks Thirty-nine (39) and Forty-two (42) of the Original Townsite of the City of Kalispell. AntOn-S That the character of improvements to be made in said Speciel Improvement District ure hereby declared to be as follows: The construction of a sanitary sewer through the alley contained within said boundaries above described and running from the Great Northern Railway Right of Way to the contra of Second Street, said sewer to be twelve (12) inches in dia- meter and to be laid in place of the present sewer which is inadequqte for the service required. Section-L. That the approximate cost of constructing said improve- ment is right Hundred Fifty-nine and 51/100 Dollars ($859.51) and the approximote cost of engineering, inspection and other expenses incurred in creating and completing nRid improvement is Fifty Dollgro 050.00) Section 6. That the entire cost and expense of said improvements shall be paid by the said improvement district, Mach lot or parcel of land within said district is to be assessed for that part of the whole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, 913eys and public plqces, 13;012112 That said assessments shall be paid for in three annual instnIlments and ore hereby extended over R period of three years; said assessments sbgll constitute a fund to be known as "Special Improvement District Fund he. 146o. SootAx That, on the twenty-second dqy of August, 1913, qt the Council Chambers at the City Hall in Kalispell, Tontang, at eight o'clock P. M_ of said date, the City Council will hear objections to the final adoption of this resolution, sat whdoll time any person, or pernons, who rare owners, or ugents of owners, of any lot or parcel of land within said Improvement District, who shall, within fifteen days after the first pub3ioRtion of the notice of the passage of this resolutios, M ind intention, have delivered to the Clerk of the City Council a protest in writing against the proposed work or against the extent or creation of the district to be as- sessed, or both, shall have the right to appear at said meeting in person, or by counsel, and show cause, if any there be, why the improvement herein mentioned should not be made. SnUan-2. That the following notice of the adoption of this resolution shall be published in The Daily Inter Lake, a, newspRper published in the City of Kalispell, for a period of five days, to -wit: NOTICE IS PT`,RXBY GIVT'N, Lkint, on the fourth day of August, 1913, the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, adopted a certain resolution of intention to create a special impro"mmt district for the Purpose of making the following improvements in said district, viz., the laying of a twelve inch (12") sanitary sewer in the alley between Third Avenue post and Yourth Avenue East wd running from the Great Northern Railway Right of Way to Second Street; and the property to be effected thereby is Blocks Thirty-nine (39) and Forty-two (42) of the Original Townsite of the City of Kalispell; that the estimated cost of the same is the sum of Nine Hundred Nine and 511100 Dollars Q909.51), which cost is to be assessed as a Special Assessment oFainst the property embraced in said district; that said resolution of intention is No. 515 and is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the City of Kalispell, to which, resolution for further description of the boundaries of said district reference is YeTety meads; that the City Council of the City of Kalispell will be in session in the Council ChamIcTs in the City Stall, in Kalispell, Montana, at eight o'clock P. M., on the twenty-second day of August, 103, at which time and place, the said Council will hear objec- tions to the final "no official adoption of said resolu- tion, at which time any pennon, or p"nons, On we the owners, or agents of owners, of ony lot or parcel of land within said proposed improvement district who QR11, within fifteen days qftW the f"ot publication of NAe no"ce have delivered to the CIvrR of the City Council a Protest in writing against the proposed work or against the extent or creation of said improvement district, or both, shyll have the right to appear at said meeting in person, or by counsel, and show cause, if any there be, why the improve- ment proposed to be made should not be made, or why such improvement district should not be created. By order of the City ' c'l of said City of Kalispell. el - City Cl:(A of Said city of Kalispell. The Clerk of said city of Kalispell is hereby directed