Resolution 495 - Assessment - SID 109GO 111 C" 377 L-VYI'' 1C1A �,',)I,,1 11UV:0W2ZAT DISTUCT NO, 109 On A—, OF TlCO'ST 0,0 '1'111-'--11T 11�11D-11011.1127& flruill"� A17711 Cilt 0111 "'�V/A'7 KS i111i1)?iJ111K1RG A110 ,ACA-.VLU ZING AVR�1E17B WT PHWI A= WAST 1f SEVRITE STRENT. TT 11110TY21) TIV TU MY CRUM 51 it? CITY OP KV 14711, MT! vjImA5 tha city C,,,uncil oll' ac Cit;"y of '.':,esolution by the tems of 0,1ch KPOC102 ImpvoVemen" Dintrict No, log was created for Qm jmrVaBe of conciructing mient midewn:kS, P`QI',)O, �md plvving and macRdmizii, -Vc-u(:* 'iIeot bct,,eeu Firnt um6 Ceventh Streets wiMdn suW District ond provioinn mode 041uin Car the paoment of the cost Of [Mid 'mrk in Imoing i-qiust Um pruper%' within Said SPOCKI ""A'Lcict "�'o. 10c). 'v , BE YUITPUt l�. �" Le wlle t"—"ins't I Af' .], o "Ile c �%it";')in Enid SPROW2 IT711)-�-)VQCl,, DjE,t,j'j,Ct 1; 0. 110 fra 1. ow S 11 161 ]wUt 9 10 11 22 m so: Ica. 362 7tame b j. n c �, c n, IT-rv,,in W. Arsemient portial Ans"nL, ua 156 so 17-11 ivq:Q6 Am) 129.56 A., 122-74 ly,54 122-74 Ir z 1-60,08 16,26 1 tin, 150.08 16,26 2 !Nrtin, 7,10 T&Ourthl, P,Tj 2 122 .74 15,34 7•CC)Vt'n'y' '. T. 110,"4 15,34 4 :iCIlie 129,56 W, ig 13 14 1,01,56 16,19 61 '-7. 130,90 17.12, i n e �' , �": - _ v:j A i j6, go 17-1) 2 -Porbes' "'. Ti. 129.56 16.19 3 Unlervioud, Ruby C, 129.55 W, it) Skogivind, 17ellie 129,56 A, q Rynn, Mabel 1py, 16m) Ceo. T. 150,90 17,11 BIOWC 10. 166 7 Sawler, W, T. 1-16,90 17-11 'Aririe A W. p) iovorr, ",ory 16 1() 11 i f f o r' r i 16, v) 12 "')Vy 17,11 11 ock No. 161) 7 70ispoll ToWnUto co, 136,yo 17-11 , t, Rhinco, Fran,,,-, 12g , 56 16, ig 10 Trim Xohn F. 229-55 i6m) 12 dwords, ;, C, npt"te :.5c,90 17-11. blubc To. 170 I 91t1t,o, .7ohn i 16. go 17.11 '2 Perry, Tom 12q.56 K. ig 5 hnon, Knnlecyi lllcj 50 1 (3 . I) 4 Short, Aychie I 0ohn A, 1 1,a Trieloy, U, Estate 1.29,56 Wag ock 4 3 loward, Son ( YIM,Criffin) i2q.,11 0,39 129.56 IV 19 PrQnklin. 1, K, IOU k 7 Coo. N. Q90 loll 4 " 77 1 1) ,09 7T i C k0a 2W te 64aa 0() y 10 Packmoler, Ge"(mmo"Ovy) 12,56 1 vy al J.eru"'; "'V, ny§ A, 19 12 Yelson, ingsborg 13"YO 37-11 PI udc vo. 178 8 11 il U 129.5-5 1U.1(J 9 Curtis, 1, Estate IPV §4 16.19 10 Comrmh Amde i2q.,;3 a6.ig 11 Is 04 16.19 1701 Block NO. 14) 1j628 R Crops, AMC 129, ,4 16, 1(� Collins, 1, 11. 143 16 jo 1. 1 tJ > 64 16 lq 6 1§6 88 17-11 1,11ock No. IG4 I `.rennc, !,1. 116 aS I, .11 " 2 cadwy!ar, Twttie E, 129,54 R 0.9 5 11 „ 12 C" . ✓ 5 1L) 4 -75 1f a34 1 4 KalispeD TOWWO CQ 130.05 16.2� H ,t to 122 -1 15.34 4 10 -1!F. 11V 54 1609 11 Coll irls, !". IV. 129.53 16.19 942P,o6 The af orcraid man to lie 7pim wmve set QrQ�M on, �jefe­red )ayments it t,­,c, of oeT �-�Urva' payable nmuially. love Wd pu;nlontr 1. be nVide On or 110fork, the jOth dw of !Mvm*er o� c­c'n ,,.nd ev­vy first A' Le Me in ae jmcr M" Llis 1"�Vn w" 1512. Attest: (00, r OW Otto Z' "AD) ",Vn, Vy of notNmr,1012, Lbe Lo in) postpl rur a qnrLod of Fian P1 TWAnanne 'MMA M Vot said 2eswut'1 "'' �)'j f t e r), v :"o �jv 21LPrntjoln nnRe t�"ejn tin" too g1vSmqe qnd addroval taoy %Y ne MY aamwil n" In the -newlAn V­eof. L. n -,,-twYnto -non VAn 71n&�VV, of Oct. or !�c MY Coal<