Resolution 490 - Assessment - SID 138'j 2! A" 329 qV09UNY! 10, 490. A 177q UTIT: 'Y-IM 0]", 1'A11' IN, 7M 'M,'l 1'uun'os""" ()F h.!I"DH'W!j.K V'J"'ST 22l� ' 5,OF 1,0T2 3 , PSO C('11I.X11,11.1,111Irl, 11'1,111-'�' (MENT PIT"EY"'AlK Cl,,' 11,0111't!",-' ` L`A" LOT 24' Cdh Yd MAT, Toti VOKITICT 112 M 0!� T"', 1,IJ I�I,' IT VY CITY Cl ��,N(',Il C�li' CIT'Y 02 FAI 1"' 1"01"'1': t,he City of "J";c of i -retofore Praed r resolution !, My towin ';f TA lcl� QCAQ improvmuent Divirict to, 158 war crented for ?a mrguec of annstructinr eDnurete qnd cement uddewnlk c"i too West side of late 22, 23 uni 24, qnd on Ule lorkh Pide A Lot 2, in TO ock is: Uri Mird Meet, within ._id Di, trint, nn,3 ,)roviriuri r---ide 'U`koreln for coct imrh by Iev"'jnc' l')ruperty 'J'C o" Vithin Ppecill jMnWVMWnt "An"ict to, 330. Pit lT AMMY! REM= thut '_1 lovy be ,-le 11iCt s3l of property v,iti;in inid QwAul Imyrovwnwl District follov's:- nom Lot 22, A C. whippo 14.0 . 9 2 $17.61 23 r it 14Q.92 1n6l 24 r ft 95V 02 116.25 Se qforesaid suma to be paid rx Wove umt :Mauq wi.th dnterost Dn qerurVed ;"yi mLs ut the ruLo of vix pev cent per 1-111, to 1;e ade on or before the jOth do of joveynber of c�,cjj ';jjr,, cVcj,Y yeg3.r, tjjc� fi'y,r,t cf w-Lich pqymentp phnil to made in she jwsr 112, Passed ond "ppraved tl?is 7th of ()ctcbov, LY------ T t e 0 t City Cl"rk. STP� ll 2MOTY OY jumnum, so CIYY 0-141 lK&I, lQll)7'1'L' 1, r. 7, mAllister, cit; r-!j,-,r,,, or cjG of .,- e13i�) D do creby certify Ant on Ax Sth '50Y of octolpir, 1012, ��'je fo-Tej,7." ,in r to T."C poqted 'u7 required in '-'-)274, and that said reI"'ined po".'Y'ted 'Csr �'u serio3 of five s',,.nd tlwrn hqve beer, no olpaiFes or ulterations mr:Ae t%,erein sinne the punsuco "nd upprwul QrroK by thp rALI� nor, in ,,he R—urdored Incruln =1 this ceroifinNte rroo Qvio 1Q d%/ of ocoqwr,