Resolution 489 - Assessment - SID 137' T'Ni,-,, 439.
A Usm sim! lvvyinc A
1T111-)'-M",'K7'TT D12TRICT UO. 137, W TUE XRNUI OF
I' Q- a OTS 15, 14, 1 ,, 16, 17, 20 -)nd 2 1,
133. IT 1. mo euy C{JUJ'Cjj- (),7 'f'"E ('I'fY
Ifto C.ity
YanWns, hos heretofore yqssed a resolutimq by the terms of
WAch, SpendImppovument Tistrint ','o. 2�7 Qxer)'Lod for, the
"rpore of constlnu('tillf, cericnt sidewalk in front
of lots 15, 14, 1§, 16, In IV, 19, 20 and 21 in rJock 65,
on JWQ Struct, within said Timoict, nnd provNion made therein
for the pq;ment uf Lhe coot of void -�,('vyiy;f- Ue
property within anid Rpe!i,il Ijzi,)rovenaent 7,i;�,Lrirt "o. 137.
PH IT KRUTZ QW]VAD thnt a Ievy 'be ,al�Ae i,,q,,'ildnnt uJI of
tla =�svesoo�-")] (" p-o,'pert; it'.-,,i.n ;"id 7peAqTnproveront 7 i,,-Y,i(-,t
7" 337 us
rom No, 65.
lot 13 ElkQ Tea)1e Qmoci83tiori 4 . 0 5 6 - 7 5
14 a 1-4.04 6.75
,4-04 6.75
16 1" imah Tareden 54,04 6,75
17 V" P, Sherman 54,04 6.75
18 Rmlie loge relson 64,04 6 - 7,,'
19 Xniisdc3l Tovnsite C, c, . r4.05 6 .,�5
20 Gorum f-
,� 4, Olt 6
The vforeo-id sums to Le paid as Aove set Qrth witli
inLorost an &Hevred poymento nL A six per Cr t
'a z I T I U." n' nnnuully, Th- —id to be rde cn or
before the jOth lay of Novolber of c=ich "ind evory the
FirsL of which p,���ents ol';,)II be made in t&; jenr 1912.
Paspud nul approved this 7th of oct-A)er, 1912,
LZ -,I,-
C 1 TY 0 7 10 N PRE,
I, n T. UcAllinter, CiLy C1 o1k, (�� Li(Cit✓of
mjnt-;qdo .'cc Oil �'3tlh dr.y of October , 3�1)12'
I c "-"'oa �' e (, I e r rv, r e o' C) 1,,,i ,, i o n L u r) e , oo, L e,1 'r i r c d in
Drdinnnce 10) 374 nnA An L paid remluWon rur"ned posted
for R N"iod of ove Ays nn" Aat there h-ve Komi ral chnnRes or, �,rlc r.Lnce yus-'?p-c it qpvuval
by tho Cit; Council npr in IN rrn1or6Aq7 Q!Pre0f.