Resolution 482 - SID 139-' i 101­; 0, 4�2. Y�0710= -47 !14 MOST! P. h? VAIP UMAI ETRUN.- HYT D13TAICT WK 00, zuntOt`T`_ 0:17 mQuITT: �A 17TAR 1: E �'M WONT 14" 7 it ('ITT P7 Ke" T"071, MIT: SMAW1 1. it K dcened -vessn-r; to er,Qto vl& 0 "we in Preby cr�Aev 'I Spepim! w,-0700m ict, V e WuNqvino of M&I Ire wolil,�ftpr �,ot Section 2. Th- t 0, WPM- of rqid q)COM irprivolmn 70trint le-vl� c ' c ien � , '.i,vt ine 1,ounr7uriau of is 7peciuI Dq)n,nr ..it; ore 11"Toto rleMrel W ", an Mlown: - eE inc 1 lj� 0 L " aint 0 c�H a line drown L%r" yi not uriAer of hqnh hotuc 7trest Y, uld innersect 5, 1 ine drnwn Ke cent2r nf the 01c; ietweep jsL -nd 2nd AvMves :�st ind fropq ',,,ence in 4 numherij, di—etion Wv:iurk W,c of nvjc� 01ey to q clot in 0," vWor of QW0, ltveet tivi from WMIce, ru—IM in on eusLer% Kiroctinn to a Pint 1AAnoQ Llte contar., nf, "t"reet Wo - � lut ne '10 ­,'rrcn zro�,,3'.' _'ntel­ !�­otdiwonQ v""et jupt eRst of Unck PS rM Man Mnioe riavidy, in " n,ya e"ste-my xioeccQn oxnyo, tj,e cocr,!",C, o,,' S��Jld d1q,Y010 Ft - pet Ln - K)�A Who -") lvuwrl wMd AAerqnct L�Q entnwiwi A n line dr-wn Yr iyd, Ow ocinter v" Mao 13py hetween 2nd "nd 3rd Ave,,Puc� -ing, dirpetlun QM�uE­n t_;­ cttIter of soj,j uQ pa As ,are z; line so "Ryn a:c;Jrl ;"r.P of QUM nf7 Street q11 PrOT7 of Yhe oqi' Oro to Dow0wr P)t -10whet to ]"lude LEO Wnt If tlocks 2335 , "% q"Y qnd '116 'n A Lhc wrol h0f of 13A)MI "121, '222, 2224 -ad ull of Wock 225. Yhqt the Emid !",v -wntn -yr, W) e ime ­L M, fullowlyy. y1aces qud of We Wim,aT u'uructer; J.-t q port],"& aorqent coincrete eddmmIk in L, uu 3uld on nin"es of 2]nrl nust �,Ilu�iin tho of s"Id "IntHU ";i LIM tPn nevysFnqry. crosnvvoks .-re. to Le �"de nt 0 o -treet irnmthAn wit W of F"Id "Mrst. All j ouid MyrouTants qrn to vp n-de in cecWromon 7qu, zhc ()rdjqq11CQ0 mid upWAM401000 of' ON, CQiqwloin�cnWee WiitWKUs c njecificMans "" file in On office ,r y, Uit, jinninuar, Section 4, Th,t 11 o �,yroxirnto cQ-t Z c imtTuctinE �A rnkiv,: &I of saki innoye-lent,z j."'oe-_1 =IL;q", 'ut_'e of Lho smn of 1 Artj SCVMI 740yAnd 11ollyrS. Section 5, ThOL t! e CMWT, cost an! anjunw, 001 Llpwvy-wnts 'ue, 'rdi(j n, _,"P visvict unyl lot or xrCA 07 1-1'd TiWort o0d iNQnveawat 74onot to P. "sensed for tAnt pnrt or tK, wMe covL winh its qyev Len'F) �ir� 'jVesl o vt!Jre Mtrict, exavipive of' nbru"oto, q7cy,,, &Qlic places. �q L i , 6 , ?I po b vvy qusenoi ant tv v` q! 3 � e on id 01 el J A vqu- I, ,9JITIU111 .jt,'tnlj,nmts und nre horeby exi-nKind ovur 9 Aorind of vkq:l La PON in VIP F"r 1 03 2, 9nd 011. c t t" per cent in WAV NQ i 921, La.Q,) Na- K,� _e"M, of Suid dot z! n ryid A Q Y wycil WRI K-M nUnWor's o jWL Wme qny perrul or er.­Ono iS- - '; � � _- j 0 �' � - +' u (21 of lcnd i�tq& rQC1 Improv-"nL -jrKMA v!] '� v- WN Wilt tO M n,)pef�x, �,.t meenij- ur 11, oinw, nw io,ow wniae, jv ote, ow be, Vol the imp"Mynxiian VeKl �wd w; -pin AM not be Tyde wd nt e0d Lime 1he City owalcil KII Cyald., Uq7 wri"en prat"tr, Ul'ie sr"Ildon of 'AJS 7)wCiQ laywV0 Pnt Asyrict, vtfch tw! )e Mad in Yncorintee Vitt %be von"Mn lownues. TH reno!"tion N,013 Le "Monad A tba (arn] nirew>tion Aj"hcd in 1he nail CIQ of Kul is ell, on Liz, Ott irc of AQW) r, IL12, Thp fDrnn cC resolution is livreby Kopbed Win 10th 6�, of AUent: PAQ C311, Mote of Daunn", 5/1 jolispelt , 1, -loo"Dister, rit; CIPA of Ono NA: of K&Iwyell, cprtify thA nP the 12U, NK of reptal v� 1�12, 1 P-eased Vic foreFulnF rerulatlrin `_ ted qs rophrad in ordhnnco 10. 17� -r 1 Uqt s, A rcsNutjon i—nnOed wrted Car f�, period of five :Wys � "YO Y�rn 1"ve bcon no cnqi4ys eir oltewitions nrAy tPorvin s'1 e t.,e7eof by AppomVed , rein 'Aid MU etc of Pane-qX0, 3V12,