Resolution 481 - Assessment - SID 114110411 :3115 -(j, 422. TTI 1a 1.iz."!'=,�-o7, Cl T 4th. ATM, W,, h== Ist AND 2nd TRATS, =11 1VID 013VACT. 12 11 TO: INE11 !a Y! E G[TY WITC12 1:1 WVCITY -V W 1717PL, i (00 112 PAR, the C i ty C a a ric!". L-� c, -it"if i 1, o tv"M of mich rpe(jal 3-14 inn cement nidewn7hv "nd vopsmIks nnd mmninknia 41, lvowo mst be4mcn Ist y;W 2nd Streets w1tKin wid llivlr�ct w 1 grovi"Iwi :PAO, Lhwrain for tile pujuvwt, r t""e cr)'t- -)" naiad T;cv- 'by � ...... � � 1..,t s'Jho propoG.y e"t;rain ri I M Epo, in] Yil)rrov �c-,nt .r j c! t ago. 114 ; E IT ATT201 RE593"71), Vint ra: I e'vy be —: ie n-,", 11 -1 011' the annessol le 1wopwAl w0b in sqil TVoclal improwo"na -isivict to, 214 Rs follows: - LOT F1 mul WSMTLM,T 7 4c) IBM john Bue 8 4, 167,11 CAws. 1, Uchroeder 09 Q- 85-59 Colas, Eupple w W 4 51.16 ." P. hryQW, 10 c 1'77 .41,1 , , OIAI-to'n a `C°iin S112, 49 3 �, - 5,-� �-).�,nerinc 7eiffer,� Ufa] Q) 60.35 Theodore lWand 12 4y NO= Z A. Wrud 1: 50 Brueyknuser 50 1 'P, 0 S A.11ert Perp,,ren 4 5 50 jjq 6747 W- 1� F, Kustell 6 50 " ',.! 5 . () -/ , "n e , i;. or 16'. r"OW Ln be IwH. �F�, T� uqe set t t aa deferred puyienLs qt Vie rote u.-,.' "nn',,m,11&. yhe Saul oxyonts W, be Ende 'M or ).,,"ogre tlo,,-, 6,�,, of t.,,e firpt of HANK yl�v>qellt shfol,11 Le 11,Arocd ,,.n,`, %,ppioved this, 3r,3 Attest! Y-F 7,t,.-ito rity of KallspQ1, 0 1, ARLL- ARgor, 1, C . j , AWN 1 j n ter, Nty 73 ON: of Lie '4 Q of 1011 Mwl 1, Yonnn" do hereby certify 4th the '.'Uregoing -lenNotdcis to he posted -r, inla 11, ya, 174 nd Vk,-iuruid for, ��, tie-,rjwj f iv e ,,here hqve Uteri no Or n.ince -,pp--Uv%tl i,liereof bJ the -it.y in Lim rocQ-i5y, 0wroof. Remuded herein nnd WAs ce&if Onto cnie Lois 1"y, dy',��v -epta*cr, 1912. '0^'