Resolution 478 - Assessment - SID 104m 4,7B. LAXIM AV AS22GQ2M%' �'I"" ('1�171112.11111'1 i" I'lls"I"PlICIT 11ro. 204 EVE M Mal= OF DMAY439 ZA COPT OF C'11111J•")""1-1111P 111-"-'a, viviva, vinumn, ()"' !"2' P"'M' OF S C a, 1 C, t A V1 T" py �TE cc n mid or m no, KPI-T i 9. hpq beretoVove pnosed 9 resolution by ae Unns uf wd ich Pperial lamovwmnt iMint 0. 304 wnp rrvd,d for p(.)FQ o. rl�'." 9rd pvOIC, tie vAdmi. rg -1d cormtrueti m of Pider921:0, 'Am C Mtruc- tion of (:trbq �,nd stony mmmrs on lot Avei,jAe street cnd fourth Street within vnDl 7qp = ict t)ld ywovMon MAI thorein for Qe womient of t'-1 f'csla of 1-1.d work b! 1000- "E"inst t,,rje pcoperty wMAn soid spim!M imonvo ent Pisv�ot ro. 2044 :-,E ]1T ,, 0, �� , N.", 1, cvy L�o e r-Qper ty 11 th i 11 m i 6 Qm jai lmgWvmmnL iwnict U0, 104 Ds folluvs:- LOT LO CK XM 51/ 030 � 7. 616 M l eson T U I I'd f �' on 57 Toalef von 10 37 2 7 E, 11 .� 7 1" '-"") 67 � 12 3 V 09-67 Alicia T', cvnmd 111- 51/ 290,41 T&D"Ch! & Co. 5 2;0. 41 F Co. 16 511 Q0,41 1L 1WKn gJ t I Co. 17 5 7 Q0.42 7red 11, Numdo 18 6 7 200,42 Fred 1T, Sommki 4G,, 14 J, 4 P49,14 Tnight K Twining 4 f6.1. 6 ,)6 rtin 7 6' r) 2 6, rcrtln aJc("Qy r1rtin mccoy 9 6 05OW6 n , E, Mot 10 -,,,,6 250.26 TNrY Mite 5o.26 ?"ry White 12 5 200.26 :TrN 0 M� 1 45 7 n.26 :t cournd, Trustee 2 4� -00.26 1" T� Conrad, Trumtee, 3 4 15 250,26 i" CAmM Tr"tee 4 45 P50.26 Mlutee I." 250,27 pm i t h' 27 1.0 4, 750.27 on i f�l i t 8, 11, .Bann 11 4 -5007 j. "L ZcKn ON L 1 R,jjenn I 4�� -50-27 0. U , 1AFnQ1' t T n AM= ''Lb 4 1'i tL i o n' a I 44 ?"1-8-74 7,ir s" t tt i o r i -a Ilk 44 '4S?,74 10 44 248,74 Robert TL Gaphorn 11 44 248-74 Prank P, Stool) 4-4 1)n'U1-' ine 14 4A 24',', . 14 .11. i . '-'ooby 4 4 1-)4.07 11 J . Tosby 17 44 240.14 rm Winifed TmAly 18 44 246,14 vinif� red 71rllay 1 '6 754,jg ';e-rcfantile Co. 2 1� 6 254,39 5 56 254,39 4 5,6 254,59 5 5 C, 254,31) 6 56 P54,39 It it 7 5(" 254,39 1q 8' 054,39 1 966 P54,39 10 5 254-39 11 56 PY4.3c) W 0 254,30 7 255,47 United o ,f e r rit 57 253-47 57 153-47 12 57 255,47 13 57 251-71 One Lee inmee 14 Y�, 251 al 11 , r Cup is t U t S W ,, 57 00,9S 1402ellEa. n to ri Oyer 17 � 7 121 96 Tool A Inn TO n KqNr 18 Q V 22196 : �401QA Un IOU inw, 7 64 248,52 Frederick AL BUcksen 10 64 2 4 . 3 2 "ame's 11 6, 4- 046JI Winds M Ames 12 64 748-32 luau Turec, 13 64 248,53 Chris F, MR? 14 6 4 24S.33 701 jam : ou"torl 15 64 P48.52 71mun Penrod 64 248,52 "ery 1.8 (�4 "ew."ge ',:. Proctor 1 (.,5 65 4,, . 11 of 7�,v] Jtape-ll 4 65 �14c;�. I A ilroctul, r 4 11 7 e o . ew tl1vail d 8 6 C50:83 2 e u nr w! T F,Award 1-1 65 250,83 0 (, D r ev", T V. AI wqr d. � o .,r 10 (,5 25,83 C eo. V Dr w! c V V, Alwar d 11 6 1,' W63 C e 0 T) -r or' e P, . 7. Al arfl I'd 1 44 114M K . I, it 1" P. CO. The ifocesn3d surns to he mid aa set 1-ntc-r(�st on nef"red )ulments -t 00 Me of 6; )eV t caid to t,e on or before the J06; do, of r4voo) r of eq&i and ever; year, the Mvst of vO ME MYrImAs AM be made An thn year IY12 p"nsel nd n2pr+.&d Cc, 3rd ou a PePLOWE AMU: (�Ie-ck. ownty of SS 1, G , 1 , AN 3 late!:,�:l 11 e 1, ',(,,reby crr%tfy onot on the 4ti dqY of VeptenScr, 1,12, Veroluti,n tb Le sted "'-Ls raqPvd Q PrAhmnee no, 174 W !�"L sphi remO utiw! rm"incd ASted AP rt p � ve (f 2 juys nnd Wt pmrn ir ve huen nn emng" or 91ter UtIons node vwreln MMW the pqnSnqp wxd warle i I '� t n r in " :',ae ! r .1 " to ,,, r' r l e r ,,, t3 f Aucorded pproin nd 0io Cwtificate Mqdc this 120 00,