Resolution 475 - SID 1370
'" C , 11 ", 0 . 4 7 -5 -
A RIPOPTVA WWI "rG '07 aRTRI 0- 1, =710
'P,l 17
'1', �
=HS YnWnE,
T' 7 '1','�.:
"E (',,TY
7 !7AR it
771(" 71111,11y"j, A71()-IT101A.
15 IT ROVINU 01 T"Q CITY 5 111711 (43 TV` 07-1 07 1=011W, '100
Asticn 1, It ladoonel no"vsqry to urvinto �oTnhcw; in nereby
Spnriq! 1MYrOVOIC13Z 7istrkt, Lhe
Section 2. Q-t 1� ie nu7bor of sold Qer,.!,
-1 S r, r iic �'d 5-,r r Ca a 1
Reption 5. Thnt Ae r bo4onrm, Nd pe ' vCqcin]
"ir.rict orc hureby
Gonrovcirc, a!, ),-)-.n'G ,,t 7.iro lr'Clvm t.-i'ie centnr of
nn'r Street would Woc-se-1 - line ir, -1, j_ivectiun
frwi t"Q v ndvc7 line bet"mi lot�� 21 �And 22 of Vioo�, tile
"r ,, r,,
of &he cit! of Eyj
in On 0'3stcIy aln E--,] t'kj- I und°3.ry c- !A 1 atr,
to "'.-n-ore R line so drown w"uld inters,crt u ? 1re
the center of Lim n1loy baLwcon Main Street Rnd First Uvorme Nast,
Pilo A= Umnet! v�,'InVa�c In A"!-,(", Cojjtr of
t� � � � �', -- 1 1 �3� t 0 1 e' t V"I'l e I' t� 0 2_2 L� 0 J d'�_ ')Wn .. qW1 d ir 6" 0 WK We I We
drawn t9rnuCL Zhu enotcr K 4th Kroet nrAl frc"-) Ll_,c,nce in ,,a
"iyocticii 01, U,�"a w,!' 4t'!'trcct tU ",1 "ri:sre Y -ine co
arary onald inuerscQt a line drawn nr.Af� he cun,er n' !AN Strcet
an& frmr '6�,
Wid OpuQ0 im"ravornaL 7istrict tc incindc ioLp 1j, 14, a;,
TO a id 21 in R?ock 65 cf We DviOrU Tomwite A the
'Not t"c v0d improw -onts .-6 " he -ode vA tn a lowhig
pinevs nq! cf ',I)e
side of We lotp Wuvn Yen! kned -"d nn Min -,;ud ;,,i d 1 k
Wall cxtend fr,- -e -crth Loundapy of sn!d "pea%! !myrooNvuo DIntrict,
l r .a u Lru €-tT 1 y I ir ect i" YI t", t:Je CA I iro °,n - or s idc,, I, f 4tij
C.,trnc', ,nld , L,", cc cnsLruutQd twOve rool, in A"dtl pn(j
to 13in wiR the ext=sIni Of silwWR lnr�,Aofore provl.ed, 'ur
W' ouid improvm6ent,, to, be n,Ie
7":tTl tl",e a
i C-A lho A ty of 41 !quo I v0d
dn apperd"WCO Wita W,e plan. rd upeciliciLl%no rile in tha AMC
of the City Engimer,
Bectlyn 5, Tvqt tns mpproximIte
nll of tiic,, cost of
pcn, n if,
`7 C, c t Tlt3z, en'tiro cost qnd axnenpe of oqjd improverent
",:I bJ cy Ae p,ormly onrers Q `,n Tnpvov�,,e��t ','utrict,
cc& 1 on j4rpel K lund wil"in s- !d lmpvovt,rvent ?, ;tict Lbe
apsenoed Wr Owl, part of Wo w"ole cost w_ ich jtlo; rorI .<6
,ntiro dis"ic, exWurive Q strants, alloyn nnd pubHn,
oc', i'� 7 tLe 'Le ),ui6 in
i�lot�1 1,Wts nud ar a imr oby ext 2nded ovQr , per i �-t QZuL
€ is
',b 2 L Of W"Gh SIMA Le ;M 1 d i n Lho YeRy AYIC nad n 1 j
Wferrod puSn2pntu 0 honr lr0r,,est ,t 1be -,j' ter ver cent
pt_'r p,)in0'e ui-In'l;n7]y.
Kcctj. n 8. Thut m Wie 1W dag W Aiqq,st, 1�12, 1jL Lot, Tranell
Gha"!Alro in Art UiLY Pall, 1. City of Enlispe2l, Wontann, ut
3:0,0' P.1,.., 1, r' nnil QRj thu's-in 71a Council Q32 hean Ajections to
t'o "inn! n1aptimi of win rerolut.-m nt vn ich Ulme nny [wrour or
pernons who ip Qu ovner or w7ent of o"ners oF qny lot or >""P! of
!Qnj wltbka onid Onoup—ent 71onict nha32 A v� UP Aght to - -pan-
9L said -,anttrg (Or by uourre], sad Y,;-.w ctil)ou, if' bup wl,ly
the impravementn mentiondl Veroin QW1 noL he ode and 0 o",Ed time
tto rity m 010il will C noider n Y T�,1Lt"3r � L r-.1 ! n S t
S&wl. n le), t I �.,n of tn is 7 -� -- iA" "out M zLrict VIAh
MY in worordnac, -!in. t�,e i"�,.Ila 7',�,tlltes.
Section This resojutinn MY, "be put-,olirhoq '.r Lhe
ne)�'spn,,J)er eircuI-it-ion pjbIs'`el it
sat! 01y, of KsMpM, on tne ki-,,, of, 1`;;12.
The foreqning rono!Mm in laneby WpLed wn& 5tv dn.,
J� t t C 0 t : 611011 K"
wity i3r 1",
C io, of aA? is nil,
my he
ti, e
i, C;, j, wAllamr, Qtjj Clorb of ne My of Frillopeill
rontnnn, lo wrubj certify Ant an fe 7th dy of Caust, 1Y12,
174, ro-mynwi ynated for
-�f "iv, da,s -oil WaU Mure Tvive r,� or iat,,„rntljns
r"ale Ltoe' �nd _Ipprovil t'neveof T)y L,Me
CwmcO nwr in trL(� rrn�_rlinp: Lz�er(,,Of,
Inis we"Mwtp -nds Von !§M