Resolution 474 - SID 136XTRC
A, iN " I �li�Dwv OA PWIJ�11 ilP "01v7Di7I1CT
AIM 1QW11113 V& T7 , cw== Q� 11P70UTAW DISTRICT
pol 'ME
TIT APP70KIYATE (077 U017077 W TIT 7701 1772 71- CITY
------------------ 000 ------------------
1-,17,, IT 7iT,.,-,01V71) BY TP4 CITY CCIT011 0CITY '7, 6. 111PIIIIL.11',
7 G. c t i on A. t i r, cin, ,,,J no (, El S S ',"J. 1, L u Cc a t o 1Ii 1, i lelr e i Is, �-) on C,
C(, cerl c oil t r1vLViot, Lhe •x. of
vie�trnftor s(t ctl�
SwLlw 2, Tbut the irombor of w1ca. hpeclui irprovir-ant "'jottict
in Pareby lenlj!rowd qr ro, 1)u,
WAIM, 3. Qxt Lha W;undnrler of ovid 3purind, lmwovomcQ
Tirtrict �rc hn,uby ,n
cno iT,z, It a C a ?ine I. vn :Ir, c o Ki-, t 7 r of
thn Qley lvokwexa wain Street ina 'Fico,t �V'Yme _7,n',qt Wn,,Id intersect,
N 1 ire drnwn through zhe c-rter of 7,06 Htrnef. W n point Viere a
3ine so 1raw w9u1d inMrsupt 41c center 1 in�, Of 7n1r, Liencc
in, ortherly diruction Wraujoi Lie cent-r of 34in Street
to a pnint -bero n 1:inn so Anrn wuld jntm"ect thn v—
Wersion of 010 LOWnWry 1 We betw,,cj1ot°7 1.4 -,,ml 1� of 1'�"? onk, 6 of
the City of thwune running in un cvster3y directior nion,
t,',ee I r, urid,,,r,, 7 ipe TeWwn sail lots 14 arj�j 15 tC the lindrnwn
thro"gh tic conter nr the WWI, betv.,een "ain M:,rcct alld 77irnt
Inoue QPL nan Von, Lh"ce W the 0,na of beginning,
Th,,iid 'Spor.,dnl ImPrOv-yert 70trict tn inAudc lotu 13 und 14
in in OCR 56 C-C We C i ty 0" Fal A apell
VV51 Ti 4, 7!wt AR twhi improvc.oanto "m W� Le n,da
QI'Uring PIOCeS Ind Or WLU fWAOWi1q; obs-acter.
lbut a,nd cuncrete is %,,est.
si,le Of thb lots bb ve meY!tionad nod inn Wm Ptrant m& unid sile-
WK tr UYt8nd UrA-1 Lho 111rth Laundory of via!! lots in a s mWerly
diwicticr to t&c surb 3ine nn tn,, ,idc ni" "Inirel CItreet,
end raid sldmw2h tu La conLru2too tmove f9wt in -Adth "nd to
Icin vith ?'cr xtonniar a .`Cr I" �I,
ver",,, '. 'On. All Qf q-1d AmProw-meats L- be w0a in vivrordnnce
WQ the ordinqncco ind opucificuVans ,)f' tt',e Cjt�, of "'o.iispe7l, �rind
ti-le P�, �� on �110 0 Ww offin-�
of tic ni%1VE!aeor.
7k 'Q tw UPP170AWK cost & C:nntrllct1np,' Ih nu'-�Ing
v of `iid jimprov-ments Anwindin, the coot 1nr,-pec-
t i on itln,e sum of 0335,00 ,dal jsrs
Section 6. T"it Ve enLdre nPat an axpenne of ovid >Vrove-ent
sh&3 to ;,id by the P-oparty nwnerp -01-ir i'mprovement
�ot� ur ,)rco� 1 ,�'j Iripe U 1 vrow DIV-ict zo im assenrV
e,I c �� no
for that part of the Awle cost 7 7w, Wn uren oen," Lo the arwo of
the orldwe AWLTiqt, PxPlyrive of str-otn, mllns w& ynjic p3 u"v
lerlian 7. 'hat the assernments sbull be p-td in viEht equn]
mynival instViventm and `re horeby extended by et jperin,l oj,' toj,fit
j(-.,n,rc, ,.?c firt eZ be pill r no �wqr 291& and ull
'Iefavred pa;pivnts to bear 5nowest y- j 3t, 6�'. pc.,r ce a I, j,
SwA .b abThnt on We 24V d" Uf Puplut, 1.y1w, Ut the cowlell
Mynhurs in mho QLy roll, in the QQ " vai irrely, -onann, rr 1 8:0,)
K", 0: P%!, dvY the onid City Cnanull will heRr oblectinn" 6s Ze
flrw7 UoQtion of 'this resuli.tion, at vnich LVe vig, pernon o- pernons,
who W, nn,ov,,Tler or Of oNnner3 -, `J: t<< Oor 1°ad
"Wriot nl-I,,111 w)v toe rii,'Iht to at gald
meeting or by counnel an(l s.`!ow if ',,A,'re ot,�, jqhy t1,c
imprownentv mentioned herb in �_odt2 °Cnd nL unid -_rne the
vJll C. 11,';ioer ".,,.ny w0tten protastm agninst the adoption
of thic 2peci-I impruvement District,
not ich ma
Ito f 0 cad in
w1Q. tho -nnmna MVArpa
A mv 9.
later Auto", q rerspqper of p:Qnerv?
zaid Oty of Vnlls;&I, or tne
rurogring rcwol�tjpn is '"Yeby
nA.r Sth
W770ter, Cit, oi, t"t'."� Cit"', of
yaltspell, montanu. d- Ameby cartify that an the 7th MaY of
AW>Et;, 2,12, 1 comwel the larog,,ting, LO oe pr;Lte�
rad Cdn"i7no rnnA-c.74, xnd thrit sall ro7custiarn
€i �)erloql of fiv_'
boo no chqngns or Marations naele t�)erein ��in'ce the
in -Grie
parardod MUM ON !"An epOlficito love. OinLL