Thursday, September 5, 2013
Lower Level Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Jeff Clawson, Building Official Mark Crowley, Construction Manager
Dave Dedman, Fire Chief Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent
Keith Haskins, Senior Civil Engineer Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director
Kevin LeClair, Senior Planner (Acting Chair) Rick Parker, Bldg. Dept. Inspector
Wade Rademacher, Police Lieutenant Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
GUESTS: James Freyholtz, Montana Department of Transportation; Tom Heinecke with Morrison-
PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Regarding Wayne Turner's sound wall, he has
submitted a design. LeClair will be meeting with him to discuss color and engineering of the wall. He
will need a building permit for this project.
OLD BUSINESS: School District 5 Central Kitchen — 205 Northwest Lane. This is a 5,400 sq.
ft. single -story, kitchen -only building. Tom Heinecke has been working with Fincher regarding their
landscaping around their facility, and he submitted a draft of that today. Fincher stated it needs to be
treated as a finished, developed lot with grass maintained and irrigated, going all the way up
Northwest Lane. The proposed overlay of the existing trail is on the east side of Northwest Lane. If
the requested grant does not go through for the section of trail on Three Mile Drive, the School
District will be responsible to build that section of the trail. The sidewalk on Northwest Lane could
be waived, but the City would require they submit cash in lieu of paving. Public Works will get a
dollar amount for the cash in lieu. The pavement that is blocked with bollards is not being used, but
they do not want to pay to have it removed. Clawson suggested that they contact FVCC to see if
their Heavy Equipment Class would be interested in removing them as a learning opportunity. The
School District can move forward on the construction with these conditions, but they will need to
submit the cash in lieu money before their C of O will be issued.
Depratu — Glacier Volkswagen — 11,000 sq. ft. building, non-sprinklered. This project is still on
hold for now. This will be on the agenda for next week.
Fred's Appliance — 3075 Hwy 93 S; new retail store. The plans they have submitted pertain to
drainage and utilities. A company in Washington is working on the landscaping drawings for this
project. Fire does not have any issues or questions on this project. Public Works is almost finished
with their comments on water and stormwater issues, and will be requesting a resubmittal. We will
require them to extend the water into the street, up to the Hwy 93 right-of-way for future connection
and looping. Discussion was held regarding the status of United Drive as a local road. Freyholtz
mentioned that a traffic light would not be going in at that location, but farther down from the bypass.
Freyholtz stated they will need to get an approach permit from MDT in order to complete the bike
path. Parker will begin the Building Dept. review on this next week.
PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS — An Application from Owl Corporation regarding Westview Estates
for a preliminary plat to create the lot that was a part of the remainder of the original subdivision; it's
a minor subdivision to create a lot that was part of a tract, therefore, will be treated and reviewed as a
waiver of preliminary plat.
In the same location as the preliminary plat at the southern are of the Westview Estates Subdivision,
we have received a request to change the existing RA-1 zoning to RA-2 and extend the proposed
zoning to the east and bring it all the way across to cover the existing single-family lots that are not
selling. There is interest in bringing in a possible assisted living facility or possibly medical offices to
this area.
The zone change will be on the Planning Board's October agenda for consideration.
OTHER REPORTS: Potential Batting Cage - Section 36 — north side of Kidsports. They are
trying to work out a lease with DNRC. Access will need to be from Treeline Road, west of Reserve
Loop. Kidsports is interested in sharing their access on Treeline Road, possibly in exchange for use
of one of their parking lots for overflow parking. No one at the meeting saw any major problems
with this proposal.
Petsmart — Has requested a zoning determination letter. They are looking at going in next to
Glacier Town Center — Roger Claridge is working with a developer who is interested in bringing in
a 200-unit, high -end apartment complex.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.