Resolution 468 - Resolution of Intent - SID 134T'14'SOLVTION 1!0. 468.
A MM,'�()I,UTIOIN Tn PSTAPI ISH MOM 11900Y7010 701-T`,IfIT l',0.134
111-ZOVID1,17C, 7)Tl TTF7 (11TIA' I11M, A-17) 11AV11,,'(', 077 T11T,
STRIM 'ill P721711Tiri+
�T 'T,
Iy1 ,TPcl e,,0QTPJI
7�,vci:nTIT `T`
000 ----------
BE IT 7110,MT�111,`D ]�Y TV`� CITY
- (`, JW, MOF KIC 1,1MYT:
WMINAS: It is no intention of tile City of isle "'ity
Of Kalispell to create a new Special l.anpooveroent, =_istriot to be ',,,sown
as "Spulal 1MprnvC.Mnt is" Wt 70. 130 for the purpose of "ading
and paving the street therein, the widuhng W wms4nwtiw1 of side-
rMs, the mnsLruction of curbs -,ind sl_rori sower-., ,,n6 suc.rj oth,r,,j,
juMeMal work -7�- naay be necessary tc co-ripiete i v
rapro emcnts;
the b„unc'31.4rie, of Emid Disaict being dencrilled and defined an 1432owe:
Cosownelng ;" a puint v;sriere 'Ghe cenLer line of Ove allpy between
min � treoL nnd lat Avenue East, Qter,c(.!LE; tjae scut
h I I n e o., tA
Great Northern QuIlroul right-of-way; thence south in the center of
ovid alley 1431 feet to the center of 4th fltri-et; thence west in the
center of 4th ,,Greet 390 feet to it,s intersection -vith the center
31ne of the alley between Min Street and Ict --ve. W; hhence, north
in the center of ,iea aiacy 1431 feet to it's intmvection with the
nnuth ',irie of the Grept 7urbyrn Wlvoel riF`nt-of-way ; tvience
Mot Wong snid Gim-t hurl, arn Roilroad line to the
P'Ice Of beFir'ni."g,
Improve!%"ent isMct to include zb2 west of 'i o-locks
,�6, 45'6 ,end 65 5: , the east half of TZI,acks 35, 46, 55 and 66 of the
0riFj.n,i,l TovTnsite of VAIP"ll, Tontom,
A2'13'j U17AF' : It QPPOfIrs jT*nm the estimte 'nrr,i�-Jled Ly the City
Engineer of anid City tint polarney ovemmL if, L]-j.e f'.ndt best
pa-vownt 'Mat can be uM for the pnvin,- of str(-�et in said :'istrict.
,(,, 7U`ZFRP hW s�iid speoir-1 lraprnverient
District No, 134, an above defined, be the srr,.ie is hereby cre!,ateCl
for the jmrpose ef PnAi,j, paving mid the of Mdewnlka,
eur,Gs, and s',orm, sewers, on MRin Street ,nl its intprcoction wit'fiin
tl,e aLove des(.tribed, 3 hnits.
- a Letweeli Am mob lines be excavated to the
deptn below 1.hc, est-ul_',is"ried of the finihed roadviay
and thorougMy roiled until the i,,olid , nri tc the
proposed surface or Lhe contemplated pave: cnt. on top of' t1ois ai)l)-
foun%tiun cvuFhed stune shall be oprcarl to a depth which, wl-,en
tlnnrou�;hly corlpref-.ncd rith --) steai. -oiler, W13 conform to the contour
and be Yj inches Mow the surfajce of the 1"Inis'ned pave,'ent.
After roll iris, upon the sub-Frade thus prej,.)ared Lhore ll Ue
fia .Portllnr` ce!.ont Concrete to the plans and
specificntlans on Me in the office of tide , it",, :ilis
cmarete Men cor.-,pactecl zh�,,11 II)e not less 1_ian _nchcp in
tbicUess. Upwi the ronmeto TaFe thus c:)nstructed tl."ore s,11%01 be
sp-reo,d patented Eltuhnous Venrin(' sar::',ice, kno,,!n
Me-wnt, rcl in arcordunce wiLh Lhe p1mm nrA specific athnm on file
in the City Wrineorle o"fice. The silmmike upon nab! nhi Strent
shall be widened to a unirorm width o_' 1% feet t.iLe entire LeYIF-th, of
cri'. s rest ,yi6 curbs cnnntructed, aJain accordance zritlL the
spocific^Iuions z- -;et', _'o-rth in We orMwmces of the City of K,'.�ljspeal
gonnnC and a starni sever or Min for ti)(,, ,;ur.,)ose of
-i e C 7.11tOr S�!!,'31 be, nrcofdIng to IJ p
L Ar the o7rice of the City Anphwen all of Wrich
imnoven ants qrc pore fuily M particularly described U. the plQns
PH opprificRt"ns thereof by the City �,n�,ineer of the
City of MWell, "o tana, qnd opproved by City GUlncil.
To, t the estimoted cost a- the entire aL,,.,,ve dercriber,
q tile surl of ThFhteen Thcusund live 00) Dollnr�,, qad
the cost Of 1S-'D.i6 inl�provonnenshall be assessed nigpalnqt tlio eyty
WiWn Papi paid in ton (10) oqul a,ax,.-Lio'A or
paynaent,i, th�a "i-ost of shn,11 pnid in theye~cr 1912, t,,nd all
del-crre'd oa,',ents shall interest 9L the rate of Hoc poreent (6%)
per %nnum, P%yable UrP Lo Refray Mo cost of sq1d imynovmwnts
u npucial assopmant shall be WHO against 911 of Ow ansessRule,
P-operty Within 201 �istrict RM Wpiece or parcel of l!)nd within
;ariloi , L a I s �rl,6 pul,)iic pl°.Ices shall
c of s—rec' , �,,Iley,
bear that proportim of Uh- coat 0:' r1nqta, ,ls t'e ,,troa
thereof shall be--r I-) the of t)(' entive dioi-rict, exciusive of
streets, piibi,ic
It i,-, awomed timt Me City QW, WLish awti" of talc;
Pammge of Imis Imsoull" fV or -"' fuil "iLEIe re-,-uired uy 1,,aw Vierefor,
giving no Lice to tAe amers mid agol-its of mmers of proper,y wit Tin
Cjis--cjet Ant
�and liakle to be aseetsed with the cost tMore-of, -
the Cty GolmcA OF the City of i'leet at t-ne cnu!'(;ij
in the City !Nil -n the Ist Of "-Iiiy' 191?, for tne
'u"P'We-oino ol-'iJoetioll'u, to t"")e
254, P,,t
which time nny o-MCIV or ,q--,cnt of -ip"ro"pert,," vritIhin r"lid -iotrict
2my appear in person or by attorney ond protest q-1 not the
estaujimpwnt to s"id jjsWicL providing for the c-aWanctica of 006
ipqo->,v�.mcsnt,-, !us herein deperibed; Rnd 0-it 1`10,irC SiVill be
in the "KaImpeD T&reo" Lho sime bes rE a nowspRper of generaj,
circulatlun in sho QQ a: Wn"o-ell, —nt-nm.
Pnnsed ind approved Wiis lUth dfy o- June A,,P.,