Resolution 471 - SID 134RR,�',0TTUT1l,')Y4 110, 471.
A TIFS01,77101T -D-,S1(,—,hT11T(, T11r, NT710,71IR OP cl."TIM `10-I'liCT
A17) P10,71DIN03 70,Q 07 rAID "1P'7,CIA7 1TTPQWV7T�',F`T T)iSTRICIT
11,17) `7TORTL F�MN,7MRS, ANT) "MCH, n1'H571 11,7017)P27TAT, WORT', M! TTAY Tan, YFT7,SSARY
(,T` 171.: C-11 0E „` TO I S
Sect ion 1, it is dnened neoess-viry to create aInd there is hereby
ore oted a Specrij Improverrent *District, botindardei of which-,�,qro
hereinnfter se� forth,
Section 2. Th-at the number of soil SP,Icif3l Inpro,venent District
is hereby design;Ltcd ns 'ro. 134.
-eotlon 3Th-vit the bound"rie17, Of P-sid 'p-eig] 'Improvement District
Rre hereby deelnxrl to bet an foilonts:-
CoriynencinT, at a -loint where the -Line drnwn through the center
of the alley betwr-en rain Street and First Avenue ER'st intersects
or line d—n�rn tbrouFh the center of TlJrd Street; thence runnin{* in
a isout),.erly direction throurb, the (.-,enter of sniel n2joy to a, point
vIbere -', lin+, so irn-gn will internect thf: center, of a line drawn
through the �-nter of loorth `,treet; t'n-,(--nco runnlnT_7 in e. westerly
directlon to -.i, point where a line so drawn would intereect V), line
drawn through the center of the alley between Main Street and Yirst
Avenue West; thence rinning in 9 northerly direction through the
renter ol", said alley to a point t,shnrv, ti line so drviwn would
intersect �i line dratyn through center of Tklird Street from
tlience to the pl=ice of berinninf-r,
T13o :add Bpeci-aj IMPw'ov,eat District to include the half
of ""lock 65 ,).nd tEie crest holf of block 66 in the 0-rir,-!n-,j1 Townnite
7?ection 4. Th'at in yacoorda.nce with a petition of more than a
majority of the property owners in the above named blocks, hereto-
fore filed, the said improvements are to be mide at the. following,
places and of the following chsrncter, to -wit.
Th^-t all of
w,,id irqprovf,rqeyitv; --,r(, to be on 1,11ain C7treet Nprithin
the boundaries of cqirl "Improvement District, but that Said improve-
mento ~are not to lbe made upon any other streets YI-lithin said
boundaries, with the exception of at, t-he Plolees iyhore S�airl other
strc--.-etr intersoct with Main -treet,
It :ap,earinf:,r from the petition a majority of tile property
nvrners requested thnt said ,treat be prived i,-ith that certain
pavm�en' known Wa.s r,'Dalarway11 psyement, s-,airl pn.vement is h(-,roby
adopted as the pavement for Tmprovr,,ment 'isU,-ict.
The rof;dv,,ay br�tween he curb Imes on s--id 7qin 2trr�et 1aa11. be
exenvated to the neecsspry depth below tl-,,e cstr,0,,]is1-,ed grt7rde of the
finished roadway anea thoroughly rolled, until the gr-nde is solid and
pa-rallel to the Proposed, ourfsec of Lh., contemplated pavement. On
top of this sub-"oiinrintion (Irorfied stone shall be rpresd to a depth
which 77ren t1hor0uF,h1.y compacted iy,,rith ,. ste,,ari roller will ccnform to
the contour f,,,nd be !;-", inches Lc,.10r, uE.^ r,,urfnce of th,- --inighed
p,n.verie,nt. After roll- intr upon the sub-gr--�de thus prop-irod th,�are .,,hall
be spread n, PortInnd Cenort CFcnerete=a.trcordinr to Lhe pDans and
opecific,,),tlons on file in thr,� of -rice of the City Rngineer, Thin
concrete, when compuctell be not less than five 'inches in
thickness: upon the concrete base thus constructed there 311all be
spread -s pn.t(,nte6 Pitumillous vlearing surf -ice known f.i.s the "Dolarway,,
j)f,M,,Tr,en+, , �, I I in � oc ordruce ,,,i th t"ni P r)lans and p per, if. ic.ation,", on
file in the office of t.kse City Enp-ineer.
Te s"der-Oks ,-in T,,Rin Str-pet shall be wJdenel to a uniform
width of 16 feet 7onr the entire length of sri,id street within
said D-jstrict nnd curbs shall be ronstructed of concrete and cenent
al -al in necord-�.,nce vlith the spenificaLir)nq a s set forth orth in the
ordin,nnee-,, of the Cllt',' of KnlirlaCllg "On rasa, ^nd storm sewers or
r1rnin ?'or ,he ,urpose of curryirel
Off sUrfoce 11f3t�e-r shO ,, I be
constructed � attached to -ind connected wit),; the prcocnt snylitary
ser,pr sstern in the plans ,,tad specifientions now on
file in the office of the City EnIgIneer.
All of Sai`i imPrOvC.'MentS al-,ove descr-J.Led being more fully and
particularly described in 911dd P7',IY)9 Tind ,-,perifjcr3,tjon3.
,>(-Otion That tic -ipproxiinate cost of conqtrurtinf.7 fn,', Tml,-irir all
of the said improvownts W030&in�7 tjp� eost of enr r :, ra , and
inspection is the num of Four Thous,'),nd Six Eunr3red Twenty Five
�$4,62;,) 'DollarS.
,>ection 6. Tjjat the entire cost find expense of srtid improvement 1,11JR12
be paid by the property 1.,iithin s9id improvement District, e,),Ch lot or
pvrcel of -1qq ,-,n� witM'n Pvi8 !Mprovcnen� to `b,. `)sserserl .hor t1lat
part of the, -whole cost vrldoln its 4sren, tenrs to the -ren. of tl,,(, entire
District, cxcl'aq]vc' of streets, udlcys sITld Public places.
Section '7. Th-,t the ssid :is scf,,srtent sht#ll be paid for in ten (10)
equ,,,i!. asrnu-al inst,3,11merts �3nd are 'hereby extcnrled Over a per)Dd of
ten (10) year® tyjE, -1 .o. year IC-12,
, - of -vrbich shall. be P- id in tb
Rno all oefp,(red po,,yT-,ents be-ir intereat .--t the r)te of yix
per cent (PC) p,n, -,nnuri, payal:,,De annually.
Said stall constitute f� fund to be known -,s rpocidl
Improvement District Fund YO, 134.
Tb,p,,t on the,23rd day of July 1()I, in the Council Chariber in
thce city pall in the City of Felispell, ,,it 8:00 o'clock
p,y_ of Wd dan the snid City Council. wiI3 hear objections to the
finR3 adoption of this resolution, at vaAch tire any person or persons
who are orners or agent of owner of any lot or pardel of 19M within
,-, jmproqorient District sba,ll Ia.zve the rirrht to appenr fit si-i(l
m-eting in person or by counsbI and Vow c,-iiiseif !,rny there be, -vhy
tht,, imarD-vmnents mentioned herein, AR11 not be imAC inn sat "id
Wme the seirl City Council will consider any aritten protests apninst
the adoption of this Spenial improverient Dist-tJet which may be filed
in accordance the Yor-ana Statutes.
Section 9. This resolution W11 be in the K-aliepell.
Times a newspaper of gen(-ril Wroulation, pub�is,,icd in the, said Uity
of Yalispell, 7ontrnaon,,the l8th day of OTi0y,_ 21,;12.
TIle foregoing resolution is hereby adopted this 15th d-ry of
july, 191N
—Ci ty clerk.
''t'ste of 7-0-nt-'ria,
001)mty a" 11'I-Itlnen,d, ) '13, S
City of Kalispell,
1, C. j, AM) ister, Ility M-crk of the City of Kalispell,
Montnna, in hereby certifY7 Mit on the lc3thday of July 19.12, 1
caused the forer, ihg neoolution to be astend as regAred in C,rdinance
yo. IMAM that said Resolution remained posted for a period of
five days and that the have* been no cnanre.,,, or a1terations made
therein since the passage and approveO, Ihc�reof by the, City Council
nor in the rer.,,o-r(linf, ti-ierecf.
Pecorded" herein anri this certificate nf),Ie this 24th
day of Toly,
i4 I
Y Clerk.