Resolution 472 - SID 1357i'PSOLUTJOI, JrC. 472. A n`"1(11710Y TTIT;, -171YBETZ 07 A F`,PT?CIPJ, IT'I"PROVEYE1,111T IDISI"'.IICT 1%17) 1)7071DIMC ',"P71 C?7;"ATATNTG 07 "All) 2,P7,CIAL I]11111PR0V'Py7" T � ­N TI',TRICT FO-RT TITEP'UII�PMOOEOF GTIADJI1 IMAND PA17�11MV�OF, TIF:, 111`,"RET 111MRIN, TliVIIINNEA117) _T-11 FTj,l` , T 1� T coi,,7MM(1,1210!� 07 �-TTIRS, AITM f)TOMY, All-D 'SUCT-T 0TURR IINPIDIFT-Tfij, 1`0Mr " NA11' T-17 N"CESSAM.,' TO "VIII 111 1 VT,177 4A T Vl, 'j'!T'1' APwnxi!,A�­, rc)o,T ',PF7R'ROF AYD T11VEP 7T- 'El " :IT' "077NCIT 1111 I'M FINA] A'DOPTIOIT, ---------------- Coo ---------------- BE IT ec M' TT17, CIT7 C1,)TjR'1j OT;' TIPCITY 07 KAJ=PIU-1, 70INT: Sect Ion 1. it is deemed neceonary to er—te -.ml thore ir! hereby 1m)pro.,vcrent istriot4 Vie boil ndarios of wKich -ire h-rein-after ret fartli. -ection 2. -Lhat the nunber of tmid Specinj Iraprovr,.,Tn.ent District is hereby desiC;nnted as Vo, 1.3J® Section 3. That the boundaries of gnaid Specin] ImProvenent -District are T,,ereby declared to be -is follors.— Commencing at a point where the center line, o' the alley between 7,7oir and, -First A.venue, - 7�,ist interr,(,rts the s,,Uth lir' �- othe (7re--)t l'ortbern Railway r'Cht-of-vmy; thence running in i zroutherl v direction thrcuFh the center of said all ey to a point a line so drawn interq(,ots tre center I ine of Third Street; thence runninp,, in a westerly direction tbrourh the center of T,hird 2trcot to -j p<) iter-,-ets with j,nt where line so, dr th(, Iii Lb e beteen I!ejn `Arect .zed First Avenue 14'ost; thence running in a northerly direction throur,11 the center of sasIrl n1ley to the point of intersection vuith the soutli line of the Great 11orthern Railway right-of-way; thence running, in an ous,terly direction aloe,( the s.uthern boundary of s-,.Iid Great s:ovlhcrn Rnilvay to, Lhe place of be17,inming­ ­airl Special Tniprovement Dintrict to incll de the West half of blocks 36, 415 -md 56 ,,md th- enst half of blocks 5�, 46, and 3 of the Oripinnl Twrnsite of Kalispell, Seetion 4, Tijrrt in Ac(�or&meo witli a petition of more, ',;vn a rn,jr,rity of tiie propertlli owners in the r),bove named blocks hereto - ore -filed, the sai;I improvements 9."e to be made at the following plIieer, --,wi of the f0llrorinr ,, character, te-wit.— J'h,rit all of ssir] inprovements are to be on dJaiin Otrept within the boundliries of slijd Tynprovfmenb 'District, but th-n,t iaid Improvemonts, ave not to be made coon any other streets within s°iie4 bf)undr)ries v,,ith the ex(,epl , ion of r.t the plaice s rtere snid other streets intersect with vain Street. it anpearing :Prom the petition teat , q M4 orIty f the prop erty 1� ov7nF,,rr, reqiiested thast said street be ptmvl, with that oortein pftvement known as "DolArirjayll paverrent, the s-3id :Dolorwaly w3voment is here by adoptcd as the pvivemen" wr sRid Improve ,momt., Dstri et. The ro-dNWILY boti-om the curb lines on said u-9-in Utreet be excavated to the necc­sst?rr, depth below the cstail,,liehed vr-ride of' the finiqY,ed rondway eanrl thnrouE-hl-y rolled untii the far td is solid and p-)r*]lel to ttie p-roponel siirfla,oe o­' Llh,� c,)iiter, ' pjate6 -Pavement. nn to,p of sub-f-�,,)m��!)t�cn crushed stone, be a t}-:-efld to u, adept i vrTich when Viorou,Nhly cony)lacted 1,,Itb as otearr, rolier rill comform 'to the contour vmvi be 1,-41 inches -bolow tho surface of the finished paverlent. A° -tor roll ink; upon the sLib-e­r�urle thus prepared there s!inl be spread a,, F"ortIg"M6 'orient Concrete cco-ding to tl'io Plans-, aan,i speeificflticms on file in the oLfice 01' the Oity Exit- in eer a.a7 c riezete when conpsct+-4 shall, be not less than five inches -in thickness; upon the concrete bvi.se thus constructed there,shall be sprood a patented TA.tuminouq ire7ir5ns- ' rsurf,a(-e kn'Own aS the "DA1,1rWIV' Pa�VeMent) all in ad�n ocornce the pl,ins and s L peri.f.lcntione on file in tile 0 `jee of the; Cit,,� Rnfrl eer. T'he silewalke on 7,11nin Street shall be widened to a uniform wiriti) of 16 feet alonCr,,- the entire fenpth of sigirl, Street ritUn District +nd curbs ,.,Iqaaj he .,­nqtrurtefl of c­,norflte, aand cepTent r.13 in accordruice with the specifications as set forth in the ordinqnces of the City of Kalispell, Montma­ Alld storm sewerg, or drr,,in for tlse pur- pooe of o-Irryinfr off surface water li(= M constructed and atteiched to -an connectel pith the present sanitor�� sewer sy,-,ter . in a(,<�ordance with the pinns and specifications now on file in the office of the City Erigineer. 1i11 of said iriprovemontq above dencr]bed being r1ore fu.11.y, -ind particularly def-,erii.,ed in --aid plns -ind sPenificqtions, !-e(,ti(i,n 5. 'Pj-,qt the pproxim-ate cost of constriActing and making all of the sgid improverients incl-udinr the cost, of cngirleerirlfs and inspection is tilt-,, sur, of TiIi-r-teen ThoiAgand Eight Tlizndred �QvenLh 91'-Ve (4,11,275) Dollorq. t:cctiorl 6. T19 rt t " i j o ontiy,c rest expense oC sliid inj,)rovomc-.nts shall be paid by the property withi.n qq.id Improverent listrict, ('-'-I(,'h tot or parcel of 1-,,nd within s-,iil 7raproverient ointrict to be as esse,d for tl,�,Iat .,-art O't the r,,,hole ;which it's area bears to tbe area of the entire District, exclusive of etreetq, alleys and piiblic p1sces. -ection 7. That the said assessment shall. be paid for in ten (10) ),nnunl insto,11ments on,,t a).,ra hereby exten,ied over �I period of ten (10) years, ULe first of which sh,-3,11 be pairl in the, ye. Ir 1012 -)nd all deferred pt,.Lyments shall bear interest art t1Yce rqte of Pix per cent (6,�,f,) per annum, annually, 5-aid -losestment sb-7:412 nonetitute a fund to lln ',morn ­9 '.'Decinl !.Trprov�,Tnent i)icttrict 1"und ro. 'I'llvt on the ^3rfl dl�iy of july '1912, in L1tr, (Iruricil (',)-ambers in the "ity Iinj'l in t1jo. City of 'Kal j9pel.1, Yont�,na,, at 8-,00 olclock of, r-,A(I day, the sai,', ('.itZ/ C(,,uncil will bear objections to the final adoption of this reooicitlon, Ott timo any ,person or pprscnq 1r, rr.xi oi;,nori or ogent or owner of any lot or p-Arcol of 2Rnd within said improvement, District shall hove, the rJfI-ht to appear at sai,,a ,ri r-,,ting in person or by counsel and ShLow Cause, if any there be, improvementq montion r.hy the , -d. herein, oh.-ull. not �)e r,,,,ade, and time 'Ole eazd t,'jty roirnnil will ncnsdder any written , protests agt.lnst the aa.doption of tvlio lulp r Orion, ent, Jristrict wh4.1 ch may be fAer' in accord,,-3nce with the T,nntana Stntutes. -ection 9. This, rcoolution sli-,ill 1-,c published in the F ' Timea; a ,-enerxal clrniOA �inn pub?in!)Cd in. the aid of Kalispell, L'nntana, on the 1,8th ' of uly, TTjc forepoirij,- resulution ic her'eby a6cpted t1his J��tj-j ,jv�y of July 1912. Attest'. ya"70r r'ity ('].•k. St9te of rontanu, Conant-;- of Fl-ithed, s S Cit�, of i, r. j, ,"cAllister, city cleric of City of Falis,pell, Tiontt)nra, do horeby ccrtify ti,,7tt on the l8th (J,ay Of JTUIY 1(1�, I enused the foregoing TP<�,olution to be posted as -11, req'Ard in (')&iinr�nce Yp, 1?4, tln,at ---id llca.,,olvtion rem*.rned pouted, or Period cif 'five dRYS µyid ghat t1he're hove beer nc) chRrges or lt,^rfat ions P.-Me thrrein E�inco the passs.),Crcr nild npprovs-lj thereof by the City Cr ,uncil nor in the recor,ling, tliereof. Rccor,io,(I herein niA this certificatc rifa,Ie this 2,1�th Of 7UIy, I (�'I 2 City Clerk.