Resolution 472 - SID 1357i'PSOLUTJOI, JrC. 472.
A n`"1(11710Y TTIT;, -171YBETZ 07 A F`,PT?CIPJ, IT'I"PROVEYE1,111T
IDISI"'.IICT 1%17) 1)7071DIMC ',"P71 C?7;"ATATNTG 07 "All) 2,P7,CIAL I]11111PR0V'Py7" T
� N
IMAND PA17�11MV�OF, TIF:, 111`,"RET
111MRIN, TliVIIINNEA117) _T-11 FTj,l` , T 1�
T coi,,7MM(1,1210!� 07 �-TTIRS, AITM f)TOMY, All-D 'SUCT-T 0TURR IINPIDIFT-Tfij,
1`0Mr " NA11' T-17 N"CESSAM.,' TO "VIII 111 1 VT,177 4A T
'j'!T'1' APwnxi!,A�, rc)o,T ',PF7R'ROF AYD T11VEP 7T- 'El " :IT' "077NCIT 1111
---------------- Coo ----------------
BE IT ec
M' TT17, CIT7 C1,)TjR'1j OT;' TIPCITY 07 KAJ=PIU-1, 70INT:
Sect Ion 1. it is deemed neceonary to er—te thore ir! hereby
1m)pro.,vcrent istriot4 Vie boil ndarios of wKich
-ire h-rein-after ret fartli.
-ection 2. -Lhat the nunber of tmid Specinj Iraprovr,.,Tn.ent District is
hereby desiC;nnted as Vo, 1.3J®
Section 3. That the boundaries of gnaid Specin] ImProvenent -District
are T,,ereby declared to be -is follors.—
Commencing at a point where the center line, o' the alley
between 7,7oir and, -First A.venue, - 7�,ist interr,(,rts the s,,Uth
lir' �- othe (7re--)t l'ortbern Railway r'Cht-of-vmy; thence running
in i zroutherl v direction thrcuFh the center of said all ey to a
point a line so drawn interq(,ots tre center I ine of Third
Street; thence runninp,, in a westerly direction tbrourh the center
of T,hird 2trcot to -j p<) iter-,-ets with
j,nt where line so, dr
th(, Iii Lb e beteen I!ejn `Arect .zed First Avenue
14'ost; thence running in a northerly direction throur,11 the center
of sasIrl n1ley to the point of intersection vuith the soutli line of
the Great 11orthern Railway right-of-way; thence running, in an
ous,terly direction aloe,( the s.uthern boundary of s-,.Iid Great
s:ovlhcrn Rnilvay to, Lhe place of be17,inming
airl Special Tniprovement Dintrict to incll de the West half
of blocks 36, 415 -md 56 ,,md th- enst half of blocks 5�, 46, and 3
of the Oripinnl Twrnsite of Kalispell,
Seetion 4, Tijrrt in Ac(�or&meo witli a petition of more, ',;vn a
rn,jr,rity of tiie propertlli owners in the r),bove named blocks hereto -
ore -filed, the sai;I improvements 9."e to be made at the following
plIieer, --,wi of the f0llrorinr ,, character, te-wit.—
J'h,rit all of ssir] inprovements are to be on dJaiin Otrept within
the boundliries of slijd Tynprovfmenb 'District, but th-n,t iaid
Improvemonts, ave not to be made coon any other streets within
s°iie4 bf)undr)ries v,,ith the ex(,epl , ion of r.t the plaice s rtere snid
other streets intersect with vain Street.
it anpearing :Prom the petition teat , q M4 orIty f the prop
ov7nF,,rr, reqiiested thast said street be ptmvl, with that oortein
pftvement known as "DolArirjayll paverrent, the s-3id :Dolorwaly w3voment
is here by adoptcd as the pvivemen" wr sRid Improve ,momt., Dstri et.
The ro-dNWILY boti-om the curb lines on said u-9-in Utreet be
excavated to the neccsst?rr, depth below the cstail,,liehed vr-ride of' the
finiqY,ed rondway eanrl thnrouE-hl-y rolled untii the far td is solid and
p-)r*]lel to ttie p-roponel siirfla,oe o' Llh,� c,)iiter, ' pjate6 -Pavement. nn
to,p of sub-f-�,,)m��!)t�cn crushed stone, be a t}-:-efld to u,
adept i vrTich when Viorou,Nhly cony)lacted 1,,Itb as otearr, rolier rill
comform 'to the contour vmvi be 1,-41 inches -bolow tho surface of the
finished paverlent. A° -tor roll ink;
upon the sLib-er�urle thus prepared
there s!inl be spread a,, F"ortIg"M6 'orient Concrete cco-ding to tl'io
Plans-, aan,i speeificflticms on file in the oLfice 01' the Oity
Exit- in eer a.a7 c riezete when conpsct+-4 shall, be not less than
five inches -in thickness; upon the concrete thus constructed
there,shall be sprood a patented TA.tuminouq ire7ir5ns- ' rsurf,a(-e kn'Own
aS the "DA1,1rWIV' Pa�VeMent) all in ad�n ocornce the pl,ins and
s L peri.f.lcntione on file in tile 0 `jee of the; Cit,,� Rnfrl eer.
T'he silewalke on 7,11nin Street shall be widened to a uniform
wiriti) of 16 feet alonCr,,- the entire fenpth of sigirl, Street ritUn
District +nd curbs ,.,Iqaaj he .,nqtrurtefl of c,norflte, aand
cepTent r.13 in accordruice with the specifications as set forth in the
ordinqnces of the City of Kalispell, Montma Alld storm sewerg,
or drr,,in for tlse pur-
pooe of o-Irryinfr off surface water li(=
constructed and atteiched to -an connectel pith the present sanitor��
sewer sy,-,ter . in a(,<�ordance with the pinns and specifications now on
file in the office of the City Erigineer.
1i11 of said iriprovemontq above dencr]bed being r1ore fu.11.y, -ind
particularly def-,erii.,ed in --aid plns -ind sPenificqtions,
!-e(,ti(i,n 5. 'Pj-,qt the pproxim-ate cost of constriActing and making all
of the sgid improverients incl-udinr the cost, of cngirleerirlfs and
inspection is tilt-,, sur, of TiIi-r-teen ThoiAgand Eight Tlizndred �QvenLh
91'-Ve (4,11,275) Dollorq.
t:cctiorl 6. T19 rt t " i j o ontiy,c rest expense oC sliid inj,)rovomc-.nts
shall be paid by the property withi.n Improverent listrict, ('-'-I(,'h
tot or parcel of 1-,,nd within s-,iil 7raproverient ointrict to be as esse,d
for tl,�,Iat .,-art O't the r,,,hole ;which it's area bears to tbe area of
the entire District, exclusive of etreetq, alleys and piiblic p1sces.
-ection 7. That the said assessment shall. be paid for in ten (10)
),nnunl insto,11ments on,,t a).,ra hereby exten,ied over �I period of
ten (10) years, ULe first of which sh,-3,11 be pairl in the, ye. Ir 1012
-)nd all deferred pt,.Lyments shall bear interest art t1Yce rqte of Pix
per cent (6,�,f,) per annum, annually,
5-aid -losestment sb-7:412 nonetitute a fund to lln ',morn 9 '.'Decinl
!.Trprov�,Tnent i)icttrict 1"und ro.
'I'llvt on the ^3rfl dl�iy of july '1912, in L1tr, (Iruricil (',)-ambers in
the "ity Iinj'l in t1jo. City of 'Kal j9pel.1, Yont�,na,, at 8-,00 olclock
of, r-,A(I day, the sai,', ('.itZ/ C(,,uncil will bear objections to
the final adoption of this reooicitlon, Ott timo any ,person or
pprscnq 1r, rr.xi oi;,nori or ogent or owner of any lot or p-Arcol of 2Rnd
within said improvement, District shall hove, the rJfI-ht to appear at
sai,,a ,ri r-,,ting in person or by counsel and ShLow Cause, if any there be,
improvementq montion r.hy the , -d. herein, oh.-ull. not �)e r,,,,ade, and
time 'Ole eazd t,'jty roirnnil will ncnsdder any written , protests agt.lnst
the aa.doption of tvlio lulp r Orion, ent, Jristrict
wh4.1 ch may be
fAer' in accord,,-3nce with the T,nntana Stntutes.
-ection 9. This, rcoolution sli-,ill 1-,c published in the F ' Timea;
a ,-enerxal clrniOA �inn pub?in!)Cd in. the aid of
Kalispell, L'nntana, on the 1,8th ' of uly,
TTjc forepoirij,- resulution ic her'eby a6cpted t1his J��tj-j ,jv�y of
July 1912.
Attest'. ya"70r
r'ity ('].•k.
St9te of rontanu,
Conant-;- of Fl-ithed,
s S
Cit�, of
i, r. j, ,"cAllister, city cleric of City of
Falis,pell, Tiontt)nra, do horeby ccrtify ti,,7tt on the l8th (J,ay Of
JTUIY 1(1�, I enused the foregoing TP<�,olution to be posted as
req'Ard in (')&iinr�nce Yp, 1?4, tln,at ---id llca.,,olvtion rem*.rned
pouted, or Period cif 'five dRYS µyid ghat t1he're hove beer nc)
chRrges or lt,^rfat ions P.-Me thrrein E�inco the passs.),Crcr nild npprovs-lj
thereof by the City Cr ,uncil nor in the recor,ling, tliereof.
Rccor,io,(I herein niA this certificatc rifa,Ie this 2,1�th
Of 7UIy,
I (�'I 2
City Clerk.