Resolution 461 - Street Lighting Extensionm 7,fl,01'TT k1TI01T 1"o, 461. A !1T',S0T.1TT1(XZ ORDFRING T117 FXTTRNSIRNI OF TEE --,TR7,RT1 1.I7,'HT111G C-3Y9'jFN OF TIM, 1.10TMI1:'RIT I71AHO AND TTOI%TTP"T\TA POYM7 COYFAIPY, AIND �37r,,tm'mo, Tm:, CITY CT,= TO SERVE UpnN SAITI CojMj),jjY. ,tV, IT r,i T77' OITY CI)TT1T , 01, TTTV OITY 7 XATT1-1)7I, "orrT, �17A: That the r'orthern Idaho and Imontma rower Company be, and is hereby required, in compliance with the provisions of it's c,-)ntract N'lith thy: cit-,; of Kal ispell, tea extend it's Lip',ntvag �y�tFm voA One - four cluster lamp at the corner of Sixth Avenue 7,1est -gn(,l First street. And the cmid City Clerk is 'here -by required rinrl o-r'dered to serve a notice ordering siJ6 extension together rith a copy of this 731eqolition, ,,.,on the 1,7orthern IdRho and ,'or-tana j1owr,-r Company. Passed and approved this 2nd, day -of April, I,"' ., 1912 -�X Attest: C ity CI M.