Resolution 424 - Special Lighting District No 2!;-,TAIP; "ISKINI A ATTIA1, _7 T `11,%'I.,�C 1)1;',VZICT OT "A121 RAILROAD QM "OURTH STM,T, TOSCRIBINO 'MY, rOUNnARs. IE", 11'Z()1,rIPi,1:(1 7��P� �)F PA'T-o11,U,,T A,17� E TMAQ C017CTUOR W IT' NE&I V&PTION. -------- 00000 -------- DE, IT %o`,SOLV71D BY 1111',! "111""y OWWII. n- In, r1- W-TWA. Section 1, Unt it is deemed n-cccp�I(,y to there is --eby crr,nted, r, lir?.i)tinr.- ^"iqtrict, tile of j'J)!(- are herednn'lt-r Let 'o r th . `we, tion 2, Thrt thn nqmbor & Wil Q&0 "QjAiny niotrict is, h er o-lb Section Tha Vie obo-iracter of Uie ,posts to 1� eo,, ctea ;,5.nd r, to W !mWtq1na-,,d in said Special I tliStrclt al-ce hereby dercirbed RB follows: The, of conduits nnd theorec'U'on, of 1,]hirt�y-txro !,-nip t s 1. t"le (-1Fre of the sider,alk on Wn Street withAl the bound- vireis r)" the dirWet nr V reNrYte-r des"10", w;Wi lyny nosts sball hRve place s Worroon, five PT!"tow ]Jyots ;,t ", llej,ht 0`' rrot, 11.ess, ten frets from the ridmajo, ,"e-ovr o" is WIT33 hn 30hted on even po3t frorn dIuhk yntll ml%ir-bt, *W t"in top I on onc'r, ;pnrst hoc be 1-jFxhted from -Lntlll dcy,'Iic-',it -in fnear ien 4, That the bnondarles of al 7,; !-Ltin(-7 11jstrigt vo n�,rety to I)- r-)s follxus: Reginninp,at thu, south siilo of Pailro:)d �'trc,,ot on T.n ",treat roW extmiAkr souK on 710n Street H 2avortY Street including all loto -mn cvowty s1ututino u)on pfli`l rt,coet as Poll own: The east of )ilocks, 66, 6nd-ost half of b�ocko 5b, 4,�, and ti,on . T (,,int the am pproxinto cost N' imstylling tho .said ppents -P.5 and 1i7bting systems as hereby provided for in the Emm of $2400.00. Tlh,7t the approxtrin',e of :�aid s1stem pw� yenr ie the sum of $60,00, 1XII t1l't tile npproxirointe cost 0- mmwtawing rKm 11YAS is We% net for e,mn 0` ""'1600,00 n yeas, 7ection That the entire cost ani exponse of mOrkimning slid lights and lighting r.i7] be, to aid ap, follo-rn: One ll.iaf of ri,,Tq to 1)e:' pr)J,': Toy r'n'] ] iF�­rj d is Lr lot ; eaclia ot or rcr,l o" lrnnd -,!V-Jn elistrirt s',hilll be nrsessed for t1v,-o.t of the di7",rict, ri7c'h V-c of 7 lneril feet W ench lot or wmcel of -WroH 1"rdWng upon T,,,)dd 7 i.,n 'V,,rithin rli:ol -ri(,t be,,.aT-s i,, ',Ihn ontjrp nqm1pr oT Unca] "opt Quittinx- upon said Nain Street; nn i UeoWer ' Wf n" tho enst of the expense A zimIntaining sill�l ] �Iistriot so; -)II be laid by tlhn city c-' XaIirpell o)ut of the Water rand light Wood. Section 7. Thai,t rrlusall.y, A)rginning avith trw your 1<',I?, tToe city zncl o , t1le C iyt of '�,n.7 ispel 1, r1h,-, ll ) L,resol,vt i or , Levy Pil !'Iscessn'leylt o 'i �, � the', i3rop<�rty I,,- in S 1 i I Sp ow al 7 i pin t i Tig 1) i s t r j o t f or t : p � i r ,,) .0 c fo defmoing the cost and expensp of 7n�rct-,Jinir,F F!-il 7 jglttlap, oystem r— herein '",et fort, , which assessnent nhall cno-xtitute, as f ?nl to he 1cnoaoon as S)peciro.l 1jF,-1:ting Toiswict Fund Fc. 2 9raction 8. Thyt on the 2nd of October, 2911, at the council el"nMber in the City BPI] in the City of Talispell, TkinownR, at 13 O'clock 1. K., the city Comoil mKII hear cb)-ctions K the ofAcip! onannal adyq,ion of this rpsolution, nt W! Wh time Pnj person n- pc,rson- w1ho nxe the cil"'nors ''r cf orht C "-)vnners rof ro%-, 19t or p;i,rcel of 2,,hnel ,melt h in 1e,id 1a,-ellting djsip-j,t ml,all lx)ve Lhe right to appem at sail meeti-,rw7, in r s o n or by I - nto �aentioned ,�ttor,,iey , onrl rho cause, J" 1��ny i,liere be, why tho impi'nve,-ne 'ri(,rein s)-ta)l not be -,jade. Section 9. TWo resolution ohn3l be publ�is'hed in the V,,,)Jlspell Tirlries a -nekly newsprPrr OWs! ied in ;;raid city OC T�,�.l 'e ro, Woos for ", four conssocutive weeks prtpm to said ')Tad day of October, parood nn! approved Unir, ?nd dn,y of octobor S Sinned Mayor I- I Kend&l A. I - City Clerk,