Resolution 458 - Street Lighting ExtensionRFS01UT1 ON ITO. 458. A RPSOTUTI0-17- ORDERING THE 'I'MTHNSION OF TIDE', STRFGET LIGHTING SYSTEMP OF TlflNORTITFRN I")AEO AND TiONTAYA POWRR COMPANY AIM REQUIRING THF, CITY CLERK TO SrRVF, ITOTICT' UPOIT SAID COMPANY. ---------- 000 ---------- DE !T RRSOLVED BY M7 CITY COUNCIL OF TH7 CITY "-P KALls-MI'L, VONTAITA. That the Northern Idaho and T-ontama Power Company be, and is hereby required, in compliance with the provisions of its contract with the City of Kalispell, to extend its Tighting System as follows: I ® 4 Cluster lamp at the=corner of Second Avenue West and Eleventh Street. And the sadi City Clerk is hereby required emd ordered to serve notice orderin�- P—jAd extension together with a copy of this Resolution, upor. the 'Northern Idsho and 11ont-ana Power Company. Passed and approved this 18th day of,ltftrchA.D. �1c)12. ATTEST: k"- ITY C14717M.,