Ordinance 948 - Special Improvement District Fee Schedule1 02 ORDINANCE NO. 948 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A STANDARD FEE.SCHEDULE TO BE CHARGED BY THE CITY FOR COSTS AND EXPENSES OF FORMATION OF A SPECIAL IMPROVE- MENT DISTRICT, PLAN PREPARATION, ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND ADMINISTRATION OF DISTRICT RECORDS, ASSESSMENTS AND ACCOUNTS; PROVIDING THAT ONE-HALF OF SUCH FEES COLLECTED BE DEPOSITED IN GENERAL FUND AND ONE-HALF IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT RE- VOLVING FUND; TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE DATE AND APPLICATION. WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Montana provide that the cost and expense connected with and incidental to the formation of any special improvement district, including the cost of preparation of plans, specifications, maps, and plats; engineering, superin- tendence, and inspection (including the compensation of the city engineer for work done by him); the cost of printing and advertising; and the preparation of assessment rolls shall be considered a part of the cost and expenses of making the improvements within such special improvement district; and WHEREAS, it is proper that the City should establish a standard fee schedule for special improvement districts established by the City to adequately cover such costs as well as the reasonable costs for the legal services of the city attorney in connection with the formation and administration of the said districts, the professional services of the city engineer or director of public works in re- lation to said districts, and the continuing costs of the city clerk and city treasurer in maintaining and servicing the records, assess- ments, and accounts of the district until it is ultimately terminated; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following shall be the standard fee schedule to be ' charged each special improvement district formed by the City and same shall be collected by the city treasurer from the funds of the district: 1) For the first $50,000.00 or less of a district: 2) For the next $50,000.00 of a district: 5% of the amount of the district up to $50,000.00 (with minimum fee of $500.00); or the first $50,000.00 thereof. 42% of the amount of the district above $50,000.00, or the next $50,000.00. 3) For the next $100,000.00 of a distrigt: 4% of the amount of the district above $100,000.00 or the next $100,000.00. 4) For the next $300,000.00 of a district: 32% of the amount of the district above $200,000.00 or the next $300,000.00. 5) For all sums over $500,000.00 of a district: 3% of the amount of the district above $500,000. 6) Maximum fee to be charged: $40,000.00. SECTION II. No other charges for services of city employees may be charged a special improvement district, provided, however, that engineers, architects, or other professional persons not regularly employed by the City or employed on a contractual basis on the said district project, shall not be considered as "City employees" for the purpose of this ordinance. Added costs of non -city employees may be charged to the district. -1- ?_UQ 1 SECTION III. Of the sums collected under the authority Of this ordinance, one-half thereof shall be deposited into the City general fund. The remaining one-half thereof shall be deposited into the City special improvement district revolving fund as created by Ordinance No. 759 and used only as provided therein. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days from the final passage and approval thereof, and shall also apply to all special improvement district projects of the City then in the process of formation or under construction. FINALLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS /'7 DAY OF More A , 1980.. ATTEST: MarjoriI Giermann, City Clerk Forrest W. Da ey Nayor Marjorie Giermann, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do certify that on day of 7A4_, 19 1?9 , I posted a copy of the foregoing ordinance my office and the same is a true copy of the ordinance that remained posted until final passage of the second reading by the City Council on the /7 t7C day of , City the in 19 8 0 . -2-