Resolution 455 - Street Lighting Extension717!�017MOII10, 4j5,
A 117MUMAT rMTR17n TT 11 rXTTWF'70-- ()'- '17— ',zTRTIj,,�T 177-7.111C, -j'527-
py %M 1TR1IMBIT P0`77'
V'1 CIT'Y C7711K TCr`R7,77 -OTIMU11-!7
BF IT MOM "M PY M- MY rMlICTI, 0-€�'' ('1TY ',- YLMITT
That the -orthern 7,3,0,n vnd !'ontr)nn Porre',-, Compliny
be, mid is bereby, required, in camplAnce Mth the Imoviclans of
its cantroct vith the CiQ, of KQ]ispell, to extend its Tdr.hting
S' ystem ao follows:
One, four cluster 11,mp at 1,he corner of 2nd 1-venue
and gth F�tr;`et.
And the mid Uity Clark in horeby required order_
eel to erve It notice orderinf, said extension togehter vrith a
c o of this ''evolution, upon the JTorthern Idn-ho and 111-olitana.
Power Compuny.
Passed nnd Ppproved Wds 1,'th Ya'rch, .112 A.).