Ordinance 940A - Prohibits Brush From Encroaching on SidewalksNMA ORDINANCE NO. 940A AN ORDINANCE TO AMEnD SECTION 17-13 (ORDINANCE NO. 659, SECTION 1), KALISPELL CITY CODE; TO PROHIBIT BRUSH, TREES, ETC., FROM ENCROACH- ING ON CITY SIDEWALKS AND WALKWAYS; TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 17-13 of the Kalispell City Code (Ordinance No. 659, Section 1), is hereby amended to hereafter read and provide as follows: Section 17-13. Abuttina urooerty owners at intersections -- traffic. It shall be unlawful for the owner of property abutting upon any street intersection in this city, or other person occupying or having the management and control of such pro- perty, to permit bushes, shrubs, evergreen trees or hedges to exceed a height of thirty-six inches from the ground, within a triangular area formed by the intersection of the center lines of the adjoining streets and a straight line connecting points on such center lines eighty feet from such intersection, or to permit limbs or other trees to extend over the sidewalk or property line within such area at a height of less than eight feet from the ground; it is also unlawful for the owner or occupant operson in charge of anv Property abutting on anv street irn the city to permit bushes, shrubs, trees or hedges to extend over the public sidewalk or public walkway adjacent to said property at a height of less than eight feet from the surface level of said sidewalk or public walkway. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective thirty days from and after its final adoption by the City Council and approval by the Mayor. FINALLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 21st DAY OF January , 1980 ATTEST: Marjori Giermann, City Clerk E. Happ, Mayor 7 I, Marjorie Gie=qRnv City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do certify that on the 2l44 day of 19 Po , I posted a copy of the foregoing ordinance in my office, and th same re ed posted for a period of five days, and the foregoing is a true and correct copy o the ordinance as passed by the Cty Council. the City of Kalispell,