Resolution 454 - Street Lighting Extension],'Q. 454 7lT7-T)�7T7l7 TSTT7:,,,T !A T, ORC7TW-l,71,101=X, OF TEE WITUTIM TPAIN AED ?%VTnA M-M CnlJPJ\lY, 1,3;.D 7�7, Tlfl;,' CIT)' TO YOTICTI, 713111,, 7AID BE IT 97SHMAl TT TU , rTTy rnvNrT7 07 M!", CITY ('17 KA1,T,71'"ll, MYT. That the Yorthern Idaho and !%ntnna Power Company be, and is horeby required, in compli,,mce, 'v—ith tl e provisions of it.3 contract uitli the City of KV is,12, to extend its ' i r, t i Syst,em a,s follows: One, four c,-uster lnmp pit tl,�e corney, of 7th Avenue Wei t an <1 9 th 2 t r e c t . And the dd Cit. �, Cl erk is 'hereby required alid orclered to nerve rintice arderix4j sKM e,-Uen,.,,ion rqoFethc:- vyith Ta co,,:� this Resolutinn, upon the Yorthern T rl,-z h o a.9T16 iltu, na P-or e r Company. Pqssed qnd approved this, aVrl d?l; df Ni-1,V C h I c,,"l A .1,) . Attest: CK, CI T Y" (,;I K.