Resolution 426 - Sewer District 130PW 1, 2WOLUTTCA 71CIC27ITYR 117 2T4F-R Uy A SpVQAT 4710 01-TUCT, T",T'; 77V PTPTTY" ?P_ CYAMCTTI 00 !u's 17,11- _C1W%1'7 1__'1�_1.'T"'_" TE :TK? W 117 APPIOXIVATE A72CIATE W 1171 CUT 12=- OF, Am y; � Will, 11NAn lo ADOPTION. BE IT RESAVAD BY TF4 HTY 00MCII W TU CATY W WJSAUT, TOTTOM, Section ThRt it is deemed nece,r;ry to c.rewte, ;nO there ie, lloreb""" 7ewer Distirct, the bnnndwrjes & Want :=E, nr Up-eirrifter set forth. qection 2. 7%ut to.. numbor of void rpenl-)l 70-!cr 'i'-tcict j"L" )»� rc- by ode sirnqtM � Ko, 1J0. 7ection 3. Tho Yound,iries of Rid Speciil "�evrer �"istrlct ore 1­re- b y d c c 3 � r e d t n 1) c r Y f o I I ow s : To include ­01 r)f lot;rlcred four (4) -A�od PeVel'itecrj (17) or the, oriVn�.il nT 7:,Ilspell. Section 4. Thot Me c5mracter of tho improvements -Q) Wo mnde in sv,icl 7)1­,trict it h-roby decl�"red to? 1)," fo"loz's" The c—intruction of o Uterr,,-.], z3e,,,,�er in, tlhe alley in svid Block". fo,,,r, and sevent,,,en, —Anilin-_ "lOrth CV011 M"rin il-1 �"'trect F'octiorl �-� , . T�iqt the opproxb-to cost of c(nistructing said Improve- ment: is Vic fuin K S900. the ��­,)p'o:K%nte POSt or th" cr.,-iWyrinp� W-NentiOT1 �nd Cl..0 otb"" inrc1,1.7.red in Scn�rcr it'he swa -of �175- Section 71­,,t entire cort 11'1 of slid imp-ov"n'lents sh-11 be ,.aid Vy said sewer district, Radi lot or parcel of 7nnd with- in said District to be for that jwrt of t1w Owle cost vUch it-, nrea ben'rp' to t'he ol,� thr entirp diRtAct, cxQusiw: of strents, alloys, W inblin p1noes. Tecti,Dn 7. .Tyt said assessment shvA be puid in Unee (3) amnw?.,1 installmentr, "T'ch ­-c -Vtwded over a period of VX00 ynqrn; said erswienbs sh,13 nrnntit�ltc ,I, f',,,n,i t" 1'' '7ev'er 711nd :]0. 130. Section 8. Thot an the 2nd of Oct. 1�)ll, <at the Counc.;l C��nlrfters in the City 1101 in the City 7ral 37o"-'t�"nu' at 8 olcloclx the City Council will bear ob,ections to tl,,,c,, nrd f1'n"',1 ndoption or t41p revolutim rt &Wq Win nny person w, invons Hz, n11(' a^nor» a" of ov"'.-'ors� (-'_0 n'ny 7ot' oT, o',' lranr3 r i 't hi n cq%Lid s(r,r('r Piptrict, r"r1r5'11 'h!'.Ve to nppn— at sn,19 meetwF in yersn,­j r1r 1;y r,Ltw"ey, -nd ghow cnusn it any there he v4y the naction 9, This renoWtion shlall be th(, 11­v,­Ciia,,�Cll Timers", a vi:,okly newsp,,-per p,,ub! ished in sRid City of inpell, "ontana, on the 24-th �md 21st, o" oepLe-fiber, 1c))ll. Pqssed nrd qpprovel this 2nd df�y of October 1(,111. sicred An- !I- ELI a 0 a - __ yayor , City Cler"',