Ordinance 894 - Salary OrdinanceORDINANCE NO. 894 AN ORDINANCE FIXING WITHIN LIMITS THE AN14UAL SALARY AND COMPENSATION OF THE FOLLCIHING CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF' THE CITY OF KALISPEL11, PND REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES I,',! CONFLICT HERENI'fH: BE IT ORD.i1INED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AS FCLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the annual salaries and compensation of the City Officers and Employee- of the City of Kalisp6ll, as determined at the Augn)st 8, 1977 budget rno(_�ing, shall be as follows. Where maximum and rainixnum �amit; are established, (,hange3 suci limits may be made by the Mayor with the approval of the City Counc,J.1. I(.)(, those on an annual salary basis. EMPLOYEE BASE SALARY PER Mayor 1100.00 III-ionth Councilmen 160.00 Month City Treasurer 650.00 Month Treasurers Assistant 3.25 Hour City Judge 700-00 Month Judges Secretary 3.16 I-1oljr City Attorney 1222.00 month Ass.t. City Attorney 422.50 Month City Eng-.,U)eer 1166.67 + Increment Month Secretat,y to City Engineer 610.00 + Increment Month Surveyc- 1009-00 + Increment Month Supt. W�',,,,r Works/Sewer Department 1139 .00 + Increment Month City Clel­.VWater Cashier 1-127-00 + Increment Month Finance ,,"i-rector 1145.00 --.- Incremeni, Month Deputy C-l',ty Clerk 814.00 + Increment Month C la i I qs Pro,essor 685.00 + Increment 14onth Asst. Cashier 610.00 + Increment Month Arnbulanc:-. Clerk/Utility Collections 620.00 + Increment Month 1 .1 L, Park-ing Vv,-'-er Supervisor 883.00 + Increment Month Rec-reati,C,ii Director (May 1st thru Sept. 15th) 3994.00 ogn� Stenand Bookkeepers 570-00 Stract Foreman 1167.00 + Increment Month Qf'ficial 961.00 + -men incre it Month Park Superintendent 1054.00 + Increment 1-7 on th N ;,1 .41 -Nt n N Fire Chief 1267.30 + Increment !,i'onth A Assistant Fire Chief' 1132.30 + Increment Month Fire Mar.,.,,all 1085.00 + Increment Month Training Jfficer 1026.00 + Increment Month Captain 993.60 + Increment Mon�h Fire EnL.'.-peer 961.12 + Increment Mion'th Firefig1-0.-,(-,,r 945.00 + Increment Month Firefi&t�7:r First Class Not filled at this time Firefig.f,,' " =_, r Trainee 870-00 Month Temporaa,,;,,- Fireman 870.00 Month incremE',1 based on 750.00. Annual anniversary date for increment, is July 1st, each as established by Ordinance No. 800. Police Chief ."ergeant Patrolina-i -I", 'Policem;,l.-n -K, '), -X- , 00 121171- incrcment Mon tii 1125.00 + Increment Ik10 n t I i 1041.00 + Increment Month ,.0.00 4- Increment Month 950.00 + In,,-.,-c;men't,. Month 000. 0" + T-ncrern,.�nt Month �3 17 . ou nien Dui.y -*30-00 [,Ier -month for al I - licc� r h,_1;3ed on $'(5C,ou, Annua) ann.ivers.-.1r.'y tl. i fol, incr­,�jment Jul-, 1-t, ye,:.Y,., as estabJ.j.,qb(-Ordi -.­! by C -) .-e No , 8 il, is is 4i %t X iw (JIN"U.,�01"M 1 OKASSIFICATION WAGE nATE ALLOWkNCE PER 111OUR PER YEAR Shop Foreman 6.14 Mechanic 5.77 Asst, Supt. Water Works 5.89 Maint.-Repair Water Works 5.77 Meter Reader - Water Department 5.32 Chief Operator - Sewage Plant 5.88 Sewer Maintenance Chief 5.88 COperator - Sewage Plant 5-77 Lab Technician - Sewage Plant 5.65 Sewer Maintenance Assistant 5.64 Grader Finisher 5.95 Grader Operator 5.77 Loader Operator 5.64 Oil Distributor 5.64 iii Sweeper Operator, 5.64 Truck Driver 5.39 Garbage Crew 5.39 Caretaker - Parks 5.33 Laborer V28 Dog Catcher 5.28 Engineer Aide 5.25 Probationary wage rate per hour for new employees - 90% of classification pay. Secretary -Dispatcher, 4.47 95.00 Dispatcher 11 3.85 95.00 Dispatcher 1 3.47 95.00 Parking Meter Maid 11 3.64 00.00 Parking Meter Maid 1 3.27 150.00 Night shift differential - $30&0 per month, Uniform clothing allowance payable on or before the 15th of September. The above base pay is to be supplemented with longevity pay based on a rate of 1% of base pay of $4.00 per hour which is 40 times years of service. Longevity pay increase will be computed each July lst. Employees will be eligible for longevity after at least six (6) months service prior to each July Ist. City of Kalispell to contribute full "medical insurance" for full time employees enrolled in an insurance group approved by the Mayor and City Council, If more than One group, employees will be allowed coverage with company of their choice up to a maximum premium cost of $65.82 per family. Ajjp�ointed administrative and office employees of the city to receive 1% per year of service, longevity increment accumulated on a base wage of $600.00. Longevity pay increase will be computed each July Ist. Employees will be eligible for longevity after at least six (6) months service prior to each duly ist. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after July 1, 1977. SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. PASSED BY THE CITY ,CUNCIL OF THE MAYOR THIS 5TA DAY OF -.-ATTEST.' 7TY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AND APPROVED BY THE JUNE, 197 7 j 7�Teorge Beabdslee, City Clerk G00000- Beardslen, May c1crk of the city of Kalispell, the A01-, day or J, 9 J, - I ­ Montana, do cOrtify that on posted a copy of the fovego;yg ordinvoce In my off 4C., and postV6 for a parlod of five days, and Qe forego!0�, a truQ and corrocQ copy Vy thy ordiusuce KS paosed ly the 0-Ity ccuncll. Norma E. Happ, Mayor