Ordinance 893 - Full Time City AttorneyORDINANCE NO. 893 AN ORD"",ANCE TO REPEAL SECTION 2-18 and 2-19, KALISPELL CITY CODE Alllf7 TO ESTABLISH A FULL TIME CITY ATTORNEY; TO RESTRICT THE CITY A! 'C' , i'ORNEY FROM PRIVATE LAW PRACTICE; ESTABLISHING THE QUALIFj.;,'ATIONS AND DUTIES OF A CITY ATTORNEY AND PROVIDING 1 , "OR LEG"11� FEY-i;S EARNED OR AWARDED TO CITY ATTORNEY ON BE1-,J(ALF Tfll-(''I-TY TO BE PAID TO THE CITY; TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE_ the City has found a substantial. increase in the n-ecd for legal services, and a part-time city attorney is unable to fulfill such needs; and WHE'REAS, it is to the advantage of the City to establish the posiUon of city attorney as a full-time position and to -i--esLrict. the city attorney from other private practice of law a-nd 11--huts minimize the possibility of a conflict of into -rest with other c-3..-JLents of the city attorney; and W11-811,EAS, the legal service needs of the city are becoming i-,tore co,,-i-tplex indicating the desirability of prior -legal exper- ience on -the part of the city attorney. NOTH THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF KALISPELL: SECTION I. Sections 2-18 and 2-19 of -the Kalispell City Code arc, hereby repealed. 11. The following new city code sections are enacted: Section 1. The Mayor, with the advise and consent ok- the City Council, shall appoint a City Attorney who be a person licensed to practice as an attorney in 4-1_.,..'i r3 state and who shall have been licensed to pra.ctice as an attorney in the. United States for at least -three ,,,7(:,;ars next prior to the date of his appointment; the City Attorney shall hold office for two years, unless F ..,,.)(:;.nded or removed a,,-,,, provided by law, and until his i -i c c — essor has been appoin.ted. Section 2. 'Phe office of City Attorney shall be a 1-time position and The City Attorney shall riot engage any private practice as an attorney, or share directly crr -indirectly in the profits of any private practice of 1,,�3, except, however, that he may represent himself or ;zi-,ibers of his immediate family. The location of the 0-Efice of the City Attorney shall be in the City 111all, or at.- some other convenient place with the consent of the Section 3. It shall be the duty of the City Attorney ,.c represent the City in the city court and at all other cc­,irts of the State of Montana or the United States; the Cii--,/ Attorney ­.-.h.­1.l a.1so repli­ese*1rit tho City in mai-.ters ho-1),ught before other local, state or -federal adn miis-'Cra- t ions or regulatory agencies;t provided, however, if he k- Cif­y entitled to othe.r legal representation in any cT?,3'C,tor; as a result of inEvurance cover:�,ige,. such represen- t,:i.J.ve need not be -the C-Lity ALtarney., Tile City 'Af-4-orney sl-:J J- prepal7E.,, W*1,_..�1'1 ­-­qU­(,-is _ 1 1. ( .1 ordin�_-,nces and or- to c0i)si!`.':,"Ic',J, b,/, the City a.nd to contr a 0 i -I s to W),-)JC'11, i-JI-le city a PE. r 1_'_v 'T'he Cit­/ Attorney 1all a.-iso, to the Ur. Cii_y Council wL:.:Itteii opil.,.sons or. questic��,� P e r - !-:aj I i to t- h e d,,_.,i t i.nd Lhe, rJ_.qht-s, j_iabili.tics.and 5 t3b_ powers of the corporation. Provided, however, that the City Council- may provide for assistants to the City Attorney and, in special cases, employ other and addit- ional legal counsel and provide for payment of such services.. Sec Lion 4a The Cil_y Attorney shall be paid a. salary for his services. The City Council shall fix his annual.. salary by ordinance as provided by law. All other legal fees charged by or awarded to the City Attorney as a result of his representation of the City shall be paid to the City. Section 5. Upoy.1 the expiration of his term, or his resignation or removal from office, the City Attorney shall forthwith, on demand, deliver to his successor in office, all papers belonging to the City and report con- cerning the status of all pending legal matters of the City. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective or and after the Ist day of'July, 1978. PASSED BY BY THE MA ITY COUNCIL.,"O'F THE .ATY OF KALISPELL, AND APPROVED IS IrWII PAY OF 19 7 33. I Norma E. e.rk n app, May G �q CitY rj,�rk Of the ("i'ty rv,F tlle day of T4_ 19 T - postt,�'d a copy Of Ord In In'y offick-,, And ine'-n-ce Ile satfj rein, per1rd of flvc� V D• qvid ooip h��, n. d )v y da 5'e k 4.y :z