Ordinance 881 - Annexation - HendricksonJ. 4, AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE ALTERATION OF THE B THE CITY OF KALISPELL BY INCLUDING THEREIN, AS AN A1VBY IM/ CERTAIN REALTY TO BE KNOWN AS "HENDRICKSON ADDITION ' WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, by petition of Lloyd W. Hendrickson an4 wgA H. Hendrickson, resident freeholders of more than 51% of @ &YWt9t9 real property situated outside the boundary of the Ci'w @€ $#14§= pell, but contiguous thereto, the City of Kalispell .f Auaust 3 , 1977, requested to adopt a Resoli' t Of Intention to consider annexation of said realty to thO TRY Of Kalispell; said realty being more particularly descries t Exhibit "A" attached hereto which, by this reference; $§ a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the City Council in response to said pe #4 -&dtj on August 3, 1977, adopt Resolution No. 3133 to consi W L49 •;" annexation of said realty, to be known as "Hendricksor� fife No. 70"; and, 'pursuant thereto, the City Council did jWt a it113� hearing to be held on said petition, and due and proper said public hearing was given by the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held by t1i°�ti'4$ pursuant to said notice at its regular meeting on Sept"6*- $WIi and, at such public hearing, the City Council, after i of the report made and filed as required by Section 14-= t Ar+FA* e 1947, as amended, and hearing all evidence presented.@__ ' petition, did find that all standards for annexation, i4P Section 11-519, R.C.M., 1947, as amended, were met and & ILY considered; and WHEREAS, the City does intend to provide all serif@ sGaz realty being annexed as are set forth in the report rn 1M, filed with the City Clerk as required by Section 11-5W 1947, as amended; and WHEREAS, the effective date of said annexation s "198 the date that the City Clerk does, pursuant to order Qf the Council, file with the Flathead County Clerk and Recdi*k( & copy of the record as entered on the minutes of the e$ these proceedings; and WHEREAS, said premises to be annexed to the City �{- and abut a portion of the City classified as a No. 1 afi District under the Kalispell City Zoning Ordinance, M431M ire has been shown pursuant to said zoning ordinance that'. �v to be annexed should take any other or lesser classif - -)W NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED THAT: 1. The real property as is more particularly deai* Exhibit "A" attached hereto, shall be annexed to the 91V @f Kalispell and the boundary of the City is altered to §@ ff@vvi@; and 2. If, within twenty (20) days of the 6th day d"f�• 1977, said date being the date of the public hearing $ Ah@ City Council on the Petition to Annex and as a resul4@9,ft464 $@ No. 3133, there are not received by the City Clerk eix @ i mm 6ff; disapproval of this annexation made in writing by a m ""I 64 the resident freeholders of said area to be annexed, Et�ji Clerk is directed to then make and certify, under the •_ " LL*@ City, a copy of the record of these proceedings as af,6 @ the minutes of the City, and forthwith file said docd#@AC With the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder; and 482 BiiB 635 °AA 17 3. From and after the date of said filing of said document as prepared by the City Clerk, said annexed territory is a part of the City of Kalispell and said territory and its citizens and property shall be subject to all debts, laws, ordinances and regulations in force in the City of Kalispell and shall be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as are other parts of the City. 4. All of said realty so annexed to the City shall be a No. 1 Residence District under the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. PASSED THE CITY UNC L OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AND APPROVED T E MAYOR T S TH day of SEPTEKBER 1977. Norma E. Happ, Maycr .r: EXHIBIT "A" All and singular that certain piece and parcel of land situate, lying and being in Lot Twelve (12) of Section Six (6), Township Twenty-eight (28) North, Range Twenty-one (21) West, 462 feet north of the Southwest corner of said Lot Twelve (12); thence continuing northerly along the said westerly boundary of Lot Twelve (12) South 860 36' East, 9 feet to a point on the westerly boundary of the County Road; thence South 220 19' East, 154 feet; thence South 280 24' East, 144 feet; thence South 61' 48' East, 296 feet; t North 860 36' t, 420.5 fee more or less to the point of beginning% I, Gporp/ Beardslee, certif the fore: Pas ... by C s%S,p enber 1977. Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana be a true copy of Ordinance No. 881 it and approveq by the Mayor the 1oith day STATE OF MONTANA, SS County of Flathead Filed ford at the request of ______________ __�z_ this V day of----- i---------- 19_7 PAGE --- A/4a.------- ------- . Records of Flathead State of and recorded in 1. i _i F'h£U