Ordinance 847 - Residency Requirements for Employees383 ORDINANCE NO. 847 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS OF FULL TIME AND TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA: SECTION 1. Every person now employed by, or hereafter employed by the City of Kalispell as a full time employee of any depart- ment of the City of Kalispell shall, at the time said person is employed, and at all times thereafter, be required to maintain his bona fide residence within Flathead County. SECTION 2. All city employees appointed to a position as head of a department of the City, and such assistants to such department heads as the council may from time to time desigante, shall, during the term of such appointment, maintain a bona fide residence within the city limits of the City of Kalispell, unless authorized by the City Council to reside outside the city limits; such authorization may be given with such conditions as the Council may deem necessary and impose upon such appointee. SECTION 3. Any present employee of the City residing within the city limits, or any person hereafter employed by the City of Kal- ispell, who is, at the time of such employment, a resident within, the Kalispell City Limits, may move his residence to any point outside the limits of the City of Kalispell, but within Flathead County, only with the authorization of the head of the department wherein said employee is employed and with the concurrance of the City Council; such authorization may be given with such conditions as the Council may deem necessary and impose upon such employee.. SECTION 4. This ordiance shall not apply to temporary or seasonal employees of the City of Kalispell, or to persons employed to furnish professional or technical services to the City, or to elected or__appoined officers of the City. S�:CTIUN 5. All ordinances t.h� 'ity, 'n conflict ZerPASSED THE CITY CQU APPROVZ BY THE MAYQ/R —OFIF e 11 r reyolutions or portions thereof, of th §Vre hereby repealed. OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AND 8th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1975. I, Geo Beardsv rle of th y Kali tha day 0442 , 19�posted in ny office, anne rem red poste for a p is a true and correct cony of the ordina ce as ca 11, Mon ropy of a of f by thq do Certify that on orekolnA ordinance days,