Ordinance 844 - Zone Change - Lot 2, Highland Park AdditionORDINANCE NO. 844 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 7, OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL TO REZONE LOT 2, HIGHLAND PARK ADDITION FROM NO. 1 RESIDENTIAL ZONE TO NO. 5 BUSINESS -RESIDENCE ZONE. WHEREAS, on the 18thday of August , 1975, petition was il ber of Lot made to the City Councy the own2, Highland Park Addition to the. City of Kalispell to rezone said premises from a No. 1 Residence Zone to a No. 5 Business -Residence Zone, and, good cause having been shown therefore,. the Citv Council did at its regular meeting on the 15th day of =Septemb6r , 1975, refer said petition to the Kalispell Board of Adjustment for proceedings , as provided therefore by Section 17 of said Zoning Ordinance of the City of Kalispell; and WHEREAS, by communication dated September 29, 1975, the Kalis- pell Board of Adjustment did advise the City Council that rezoning of said premises as requested was recommended by said Board of Adjustment; and WHEREAS, the City Council did, at a special meeting thereof on September 29, 1975, approve said proposed rezoning of said premises as requested; and WHEREAS, more than ten (10) days have elapsed since said rezoning was presented to and approved by the City Council; and no protests thereto have been made to the City Council or filed with the City Clerk of the City of Kalispell; and WHEREAS, the City Council does unanimously approve said zone change, NOW THEREFORE, BENT ORDAINE➢ BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA: That Lot 2, Highland Park Addition to the City of Kalispell, is hereby deleted from that portion of the City of Kalispell within the No. 1 Residential District Zone and is hereby included in the No: 5 Business -Residential District Zone of the Citv of Kalispell.. S ction 7 of the Kali pell Zoning Ordinance is amended accor in'gly. Al other porY,ions f said Section 7 of the Kalispell Zoning Orcyinal shall bd cont'nued in full force and effect. PASSED,BY,THE CITY C NCIL OF THE CITY K ISPELL, MONTANA A FROU'$D B/Y_I'H'E-,' R THIS 20th DAY OCT BER, 1975. ATTEST;/ Norm E. Happ, May r I, G ark of the City o Ka ispell, Monta a, do certify that on the y of , 19 , I poste a copy of a for going ordinance in my o;trdslee ce, and the same emained posted or a eriod off a days and tha fo ,going is a true and correct copy of the ordinan as p ssed by th City uncil. 1/ A�,1� // /7 1