Ordinance 841 - Basic Rate Sanitary Sewer UseORDINANCE NO. 8141 AN ORDINANCE, TO MIEND SECTION NO. 23-6(a) OF KALISPELL CITY CODE TO PROVIDE THE BASIC RATE FOR CITY SANITARY SEATER USE FOR USERS SHALL BE 100%'OF THE ADJUSTED WATER BILL OF USERS; AND TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AS FOLLOWS: ' Section 1. Section No. 23-6(a) of the Kalispell City Code is hereby amended to hereafter provide as follows: Every person using city water shall be charged each month a basic rate of one hundred percent (100%) of his adjusted water bill, such rates to be computed separately on each water meter measuring city water to such person; provided, however, that persons using three hundred thousand gallons.or more of water per month shall pay -- 100 percent of their adjusted water bill for the first three hundred thousand gallons used and 50 percent of the charge for water used in excess of t r�i ee hundred thousand gallons per month. This rate shall also apply in determing the sewerage charges under subsection (b) of_ -this section. Se ion 2. All othe provisi ns of Section No. 23-6 of Kalis 11 C' y Code steal remain n fu1Z force and effect. PA. ED BY HE CITY CO CIL OF HE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AND A ROVED Y THE "' 0. THIS 1 DAY OF SEPTEMER , 1975. Norma E. Happ, Yaor is I, Geo yy j eardsle ty 'erk of the ¢ lispell, Mon ana, certify tf�at on nance the GG��(/ UU ay o , 19 , po ed a co v o the f gol In m office, a he same remained poste d for period of ve da and or iregoi P Y and regoin; ' is a true and correct copy of the or Ina a as assed by t City ounci Cl le of t i of Kalispell, Montana