Ordinance 833 - Repeals Various Sections, KCC359 U OP,DTNANCr NO. U3 AN OPDIIJWICE TO RrPrAL SECTION NOS. 23-9, 23-9, 23-10 AND 23-11 OF THE CITY CODE. :BF IT ORDAI` M 13Y THE CITY COO' iCIT OF TFt^ CITY OF ? ALI'3PFT,L, MONTANA, AS FOLLOWS: : Section 1. Section Nos. 23--8, 23-9, 2.3-10 and 23-11 of the Kalisnel— 1 Cit Code are hereby repealed. Section 2. All other portions of City Ordinance No. 632 of v>hicii the aforesaid repealed sections were ,z part, shall re;nai_n in full force and effect. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, _`ONTANA, AND APPROVED EY THE ILWOR THIS _ DAY OF 2Y4 t �a/ , 1975. ATTESTS Forma E. Happ, Mayor IGecrge Beardslee, City Clerk o n &_'T _ ��f 2?