Ordinance 832 - Sewer Connection Fee358 k+ `a . � _.• - /J pre ORDTNANCr NO. �\ AN ORDrNANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A SEPTER COP'NP.CTION, OR 1100:-014 FEE CF '050.00; TO T-TAXF A S?NFR CONNECTION OR FOOKUP WITHOUT PAY,4F.;?T TITFREOF UrTLAWFUL; AND TO DECLARE AN E%'ERGr CY AND PRO`•7IDE FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT CRDAn7rD SY TITF CITY COUNCTT, OF TITR CITY OF KALI SPELL, MONTANA, AS FOLLMIS: Section 1. Before the .sewer drain of any pi=_blic or private build may ire connected -ith or_ hooked on to the City Sewer a fee of $450.00 shall be paid to the City Treasurer. Said fee shall, be in addition to any other fee required by Section No. 21-17 or any other section of the Kalispell City Code. . Section 2. It is unlawful for any person to connect, attach or hookup the sewer drain of any public or private building to the City Sewer System without having first paid such fee and obtained all Permits as may be required by the Ralisnell City Code. Section 3. An emergency is hereby proclaimed of immediate necessity y for the health and safety of the City of Kalispell and this Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon passage and app- val. PASSED BY THE CITY COM C.IL OF THE CITY OF KALISPPLT. , MONTA1A, -AIND APPROV7D BY THE ?MAYOR THIS �` DAY OF �� L��S� 1975. A7TEScT i e—eGr.Te Beardslee, City Clerk '.7Zt7_ 6U�-� -gFsz ?'amp,''?ayor