Ordinance 800 - Salary Ordinance2. GO 2 141 ORDINANCE NO. SOO AN C D,7NANCE FIXING WITHIN LIMIT� HE S TI?F ANNUAL SALARY A"COMPENSATION OF T FOLLOWIrG CITY OFFICM,.S AN0 ENMLOYEES OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, ANO REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CON,17LICT HEREWITH: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C0E=11, OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MOh"fA.NA,'AS FOLLOWS: SECTTON 1. That the annual ;al vies and compensation of the City Officers and Employees of the City of Kalispell, as dote -shined at the August, 1972 budget meeting, shall be as follows, and whnre maximum and minimum limits are established, char,,as within such limits may be made by the M_"zyor with approval oftheCity Council for those on an annual salary basis, and changes within such limits may be made by the City Engineer for those on an hourly basis: D3avor Councilmen City Clerk/Water Cashier Bookkeeper/Ass't. Water Cashier t bulance Clerk/Utility Collections Asset. City Clerk/Payroll Clerk City Engineer Wstsr Superintendent/Disposal Plant City Attorney City Treasurer Police .;udgo Health Officer Recreation Director Firemen Fire Chief Asista-st Fire Chief Fire "r'-zzball Ass i t:.nt Fire Marshall Cantain Ala^ C'arotain Tra. ir. Officer Driver Terpora_^y Fireman SAT.ARY PER $600.00 " Month 125.00 Month 795.82 Month 602.44 - includes increment Month 570.62 - includes increment Month 469.33 - includes increment Month 980.44 Month 906.59 Month 1•11.45 Month 500.00 Month 325.00 Month 202.21 Month 3,300.00 (May 1st through Sept. 15th) Base Pay 642.58 Increment on $525.00 base Base + 168.80 Base + 105.24 Base + 89.68 Base + 31.65 Base + 31.65 Base + 31.65 Bese + 31.65 Base + 10.00 Minimum - 525.00 + Increment Month + Inc*=, m^nt Month + Increment Month + Inca em,_nt Month + Inc;^em_•nt Month + Inc-em=t Month + Increment Month + Increment Month Maxima, - 642.58 Month EstabiI.O.'ing annual annWv.,resry date for fireman increment as July 1st each year, the years of service for each fireman employed prior to July 1, 1971 is established as of .;uly 1, 1972, as follows: 1---aan L. Peters J ' n i carer -,s.s�. 1hompson r,.-; n A. Doty Woodland Years of Service X�me 16 Roger,D. Bocmian 11 M. Duane Larson 12 Melvin Tweet 9 Ted A. Waggener 8 Years of Years of Service F?nm--1 Service 7 0 ;er G. Weller 3 5 Ter: A. Fain 2 4 Orland !,. Leland 2 3 Donald J. Peterson 2 J. David Mayhew 1, vs of service for firamen employed between July 1, as of July 1, 1972 as follows: 7. 'acr 'rriopke 1 Richard T. Seddon :'mice Chief Chief In Clothes Officer _ of I--trctives ..c::..rzn.�:y Policeman 1971 and July 1, 1972, is 1 Allen R. Gustafson 1 °ase Pay 642.58 Increment on $525.00 base Base Pay 685.75 Increment en $650.00 base Base + 168.80 Pane + 105.24 B^.se + 63.30 + 47.48 E-re + 31.65 s:ie,W + 31.65 Minimum - 525.00 Snr nRY + Inc eranat + I �cremc-rt + Inc_ -am: t + Inrse-.- + + j`niC: Incr, mn t: ?L�ximus - 642.53 Month Month Month Month Month h�nth Month .::�. G•- atch".ir 590.62 Month 293 Page 2 OR-INANCE-140. €0o MIN7M°^4 MAXTYUM PE? Police Dispatchers Base + TncrcmantAl.50 550.00 Month Parking Meter M'a9.d Base + Incre:,ant 381.50 550.00 Month. Stenographers & Bookkeepers 381.50 550.00 Month Parking Meter Supervisor $516.0 + Increment Month Street Foreman 81,4.00 Month ' -Ass1t. Street Foreman/surveyor Street Dept. Inspector 738.50 61-.9.C3 Month Month Sewage Plant Operator 665.35 + House Month Shop Foreman 4.47 Hour Grader Finisher 4.29 Hour Ass't. Supt. Water Works 4.24 Hour Maint. - Repair Water Works 4.13 Hour Grader Operator 4.13 Hour Mechanic 4.711 Hour Loader Operator 4.01 Hour Oil Distributor 4.01 Hour Sweeper Operator 4.01 Four Sewer Maintenance 4.01 Hour Truck Driver 3.77� Your Ass't. Operator - Sewage Plant 3.7712- Hour Garbage Crew 3.7712 Hour Caretaker - Parks 3.71'i -our Semi -skilled Water Dept. 3.711- Hour Laborer 3.66� Hour Utility Men - Water Dept. 3.66- Hour Dog Catcher 3.66•'l Hour Meter Reader - Water Works 3.663i Hour Increment for hourly employees will be paid at rate of 2� cents per hour per year ' for each year of continuous service up to and including the twentieth year of service. Increment figured each July 1st. Employees must have worked continuously for full six months prior to July 1st before boing entitled to increment. City of Kalispell to contribute $10.00 per month towards "Hospitalization Insurance" for full time employees enrolled in an Insurance Group approved by the Mayor and City Council. Appointed female administrative employees of the City to receive a 1% per year of service, Longevity increment accu-mlated on a base wage of $400.00. Longevity pay Increase will be computed each July 1st. Luployens will be eligible for longevity after at least six months service prior to each July 1st. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after July 1, 1972. SECTION 3. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 4 PASSED BYCOUNCIL OF THE CIT`1 0'? KhdISPELL, MONTANA, AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS TH DAY OF 1972. F /1 City cler'c or, tn+: 12th uay September _ C _ l t41 C4ty couzell.