Ordinance 796 - Curfew Ordinance287 ORDINANCE NO. 7C�5 AN ORDINANCE TO X-IEND THE CURFEW ORDINANCES (No.'s 19-1, 19-5, 19-61 19-7) OF THE KALISPELL CITY CODE, TO PROVID ; FG- Clir?ZE`.°i REGULATIONS AND DATES AMD IiOURS THi ?SO", FOR PER3G_TS i ,":. SEVE2T- TEEN YEARS OF AGE; TO PROVIDE. FOR THE I�',SPONSI:3ILIi'Y G:' PAR]_'i OR GUARDIAN OF SUCH PERSONS IN VIOLAAION OF SUCI: C]G-J7_-__'_T;;NS; TG PROVIDE FOR THE ENFORCE"•IFNT OF SUCH 2.GULATIO`?S Aca i-. 'i:::: ;IZ., STOPPING AND QUESTIONING OF ANY PERSON UPON C7,-)UNDS OF A VIOLATION. THEREOF AND THE DETENTION OF =:.DIY VIO:Z',TO R U "iIL RELEASED TO THE CUSTODY OF A PARENT OR GUARDIAN; TO PRG.'IDE PENALTY FOR VIOLATION; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE D'.T THE-' OF Ani REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. BE IT ORDAINED BY TZE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KAL'ISP'E LL, MONTANA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for anv minor under tiaa e seventeen years to loiter, idle, wander, stroll, oDcra-sa a motor vehicle or play in or upon the public streets, :ichways, roads, alleys, parks, playgrounds or other public grounds, publ-.^ places and public buildings, places of amusement .and entc_:L_- n*...:t, vacant lots or other unsupervised places between the foliowing described hours: A. During regular school term. 1. 10:30 P.M. to 6:00 o'clock A.M. or sunrise the following day on Sunday through Thursda,rs. 2. 1:30 A.M. to 6:00 o'clock A.M. or sunrise, ever occurs first; on Saturday or Sunday anc: u ecu-ar school holiday. ' 3. As a general rule, the curfew hours of 1030 P.M. to 6:00 o'clock A.M. or ise the foll.,;:z___, dz.y, whichever occurs first, shall be in cf cct on a::y nic preceding and the morning of a school dv the same as Sunday through Thursday described above. B. When school term is not in session (summer, recess. and vacation periods). 1. 12:00 o'clock midnight to 6:00 A.'1. or sunrise, whichever occurs first during the months which achoo'_ term is not in session which would include those during the summer months. SECTION 2. A child under the age.of seventeen (17) p:.ars will ba considered to have violated the curfew when he is aaro:xd durinc_: the curfew hours unaccompanied by a parent or. guardian when he is on his way home directly from a school sponsored function, and except when a child is performing duties for his parent or guardian and has in his possession a signed .:? dated written note from his parent or guardian stating that tl:a cL-ild has permission to be abroad at the time and place specified. SECTION 3. It shall be unlawful for anyone having the 12ga1 care and custody of any person under seventeen .(17) years of age to allow or permit such person to go or be in any place as set out in Section 1, above, within the City of Kalispell, during the curfew hourse`:as set forth in the above sections. SECTION 4. The enforcement of the provision: of this Ordinance shall be the responsibility of every officer nand of :n ia1 whose duty it is to enforce the laws. of the State of Any such officer is empowered to stop and question, any r �o ; . �& during the said hours of the curfeo, upon reasonable groundto ._olieve that the said person is a minor within the age sat forsh nhove and if the person is found to be within the said Pqe lint: may be detained by the officer until the parent, quaraian or other responsible adult is contacted by the officer. Ths child may be further detained by the officeruntil the contacted parent, guardian or responsible adult comes to th_ headquarters of the officer to take custody of the child. SECTION 5. Any person violating the provisions hereof Shall, ugon trial and conviction thereof, be_punished as provided in Section 1-91 Kalispell City Code. SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall be in full force anu effect thirty (30) days from the passage and approval thereof. SECTION 7. Sections 19-4, 19-51 19-6, and 19-7 of the Kalispell City Code are hereby amended to provide as hereinabove ect forth;. all other ordinances or parts thereof of the City Code of the City of Kalispell, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALI3�;ZL, M ITANA, AdD APPROVED BY THE MAYOR, this 100i DAY OF +Y , 1972. I, Ceorge seardsiee, City Clerk of the C en the lath day of April , 1 ordinance in my office, and the same re the foregoing is a true and correct copy City Council. ity of lispell, Mon :no, do c5rtify that 7 I pos['11fifir a foregoing postedLive days, ace the ordinasby the KalinQ11, III 11