Ordinance 793 - Off Street Parking278 ORDINANCE No. 793 AN ORDINANCE: ESTABLISHING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS FOR ALL STRUCTIMLS; AMENDING SECTION 5.4, CHAPTER 5, ORDINANCE NO. 704, OFFICIAL CODE OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA: AND REPEALING ANY ORDINANCE IN CONFLICT HEREWITH: DECLARATION OF ELERCENCY. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana as follows: SECTION 1.01 TITLE. This ordinance shall be known and may be referred to as the City of K is e''1, Montana, Off -Street Parking Ordiranco, SECTION 1,02 PURPOSE. It is the intent and purpose of this ordinance to provide regulations for the location, size and number of spaces for off- street parking areas, in the incorporated area of the City of Kalispell, Montana, in order to prevent co.:estion in the streets, promote, protect and secure the public health, safety, and general welfare of the inhabitants therein. . SECTION 1.03 PERMIT. No building permit shall ba ss.:_d by the city engineer or his duly authcc:izad reprosontatives, for the c,,::s -uation or enlargement of any build_nG or structure; nor c all a permit T::: issued for the remodeling of an existing residence into a non-residential u::o, within the City of Kalispell unless the requirements established in this ordinance regarding off-street parking areas are satisfied, SECTION 1.04 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT EXEMPT. Property within the Central Businecs District, consisting of t::o area bou:ed by Center Strut, 2rd alley East, 5th StrcQ" and 2nd allay Wast, are exempt from the provision of this ordinance as it relates to cosccorciai use. SECTION 1.05 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. PARKING. Each off-street parking space shall have a not area of.not loss than 200 square feet, exclusva of drive - rays or aisles, and shall be of usable shape and condition, except single family residential which may utilize driveways. To determine tha parking space on a gross area basis, 300 square feet shall be allowed per vehicle. The parkin;; area shall be located entirely on privately owned property. A. Location: off-street parking facilities shall be located as herein- after specified; 19 For one and two-family dwellings: on the same lot with the building they are required to serve; 20. For multiple dwellings: not more than 100 feet from the building they are required to serve; I 279 3. For hospitals, sanitariums, homes for the aged, rooming and boarding houses: not more than 300 feet from the building they are required to serve; 4. For uses other than those specified above: not more than 500 feet from the building they are required to serve. Expansion and Enlargement: Whenever any building is enlarged in height or in ground coverage, off-street parking shall be provided for said addition. Nothing in this provision shall be construed to require off-street parking spaces for the portions of such buildings existing at the time of passage of this ordinance except as provided for in Section 1.03 of this Ordinance. C. Mixed Occupancies: In the case of mixed uses, the total requirements for the various uses shall be computed separately. Off-street park- ing facilities for one use shall not be considered as hereinafter specified for joint use. D. Uses not Specified: In the case of a use not specifically mentioned in parts below, the requirements for.off-street parking facilities shall be determined by the City Council. Such determination shall be based upon the requirements for the most comparable use listed. E. Joint Use: The City Council by 2/3 vote of said Council may authorize the joint use of parking facilities for the following uses or activities under conditions specified: 1. Up to 50 percent of the parking facilities required by this ordinance for primarily "night time" uses such as theaters, bowl- ing alleys, bars, restaurants and related uses, maybe suppltied by certain other types of buildings or uses herein referred to as "day time" uses such as banks, offices, retail and personal service shops, clothing, food, furniture, manufacturing or whole- sale and related uses. 2. Up to 50 percent of the parking facilities required by this ordinance for primarily "day time" uses may be supplied by pri- marily "night time" uses. 3. Up to 100 percent of the parking facilities required by this ordinance for a church building or for an assembly facility in- cidental to a public or parochial school, may be supplied by the off-street parking facilities provided by uses primarily of a "day time" nature. F. Conditions Required for Joint Use: the building use for which applic- ation is being made to utilize the off-street parking facilities pro- vided by another building or.use shall be located within 500 feet of such parking facilities in addition to which: 1. The applicant shall show that there is no substantial conflict Page 2 _41 E3 in the principal operating hours of the two buildingsor uses for which joint use of off-street parking facilities is proposed; 2. The applicant shall present a properly drawn legal instrument to be recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder, executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off-street parking fac- ilities and approved as to form and manner of execution by the City Attorney; such instrument to be filed with the City Engineer upon approval by the City Council. G. Table of Minimum Standards: required parking spaces shall be in conformance with the following Table and where alternative standards prevail, the greater applies in conflicting computations; where the total quota results in a fraction, the next highest full unit shall. be provided. Parking spaces within a structure', such as carports, ga- rages, parking garages, shall apply toward the total parking space re- quirement. Table of Minimum Standards USE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED Banks, business and professional 1 per 400 square feet gross offices (other than medical and floor area dental offices) with on -site customer service Bowling alleys 8 per alley Churches, auditoriums and 1 per 4 seats or 60 lineal inches similar enclosed places of of pew of 40 square feet of gross assembly floor area used for assembly purposes Convalescent homes for aged 1 per 5 beds plus 1 per each staff member on duty on a maximum shift Drive -In Restaurants 1 per 80 square feet gross floor area with 10 spaces minimum require- ment c Food and beverage places with sale and consumption on premises if less.than 4,000 sq. ft. floor area 1 per 100 sq. ft. gross floor area if over 4,000 sq. ft. floor area 40 + 1 per 200 sq. ft. gross floor area in excess of 4,000 sq. ft. Furniture, appliance, hardware, 1 per 600 sq.l ft. floor area clothing, shoe, personal service stores Hospitals 1 per two beds, excluding bassinets, plus 1 per 5 employees on maximum working shift, plus 1 per each staff doctor Page 3 M0 el Hotels, Motor Hotels Housing for the Elderly, Housing Projects (where 90 percent of ' the units are occupied by persons 60 years of age or older) Libraries and Museums Manufacturing uses, research testing and processing, assembling, all industries Medical and dental offices Mortuaries Motels Offices not providing customer service Other retail if less than 5,000 sq. ft. floor area if over 5,000 sq. ft. floor area Residential, Duplex or Multi -family Residential, Single-family Rooming houses, dormitories, and similar uses Schools, elementary and Junior High c Schools, High and Colleges Service Stations Stadiums, sport arenas and similar open assemblies Page 4 1 per sleeping room plus 1 for each 5 employees .5 per dwelling unit or lodging unit 1 per each 500 sq: ft. gross floor area 1 per each 2 employees on maximum shift but not less than 1 per each 800 sq. ft. gross floor area 1 per each 150 gross square feet of floor area 1 per 75 square feet of gross floor area used for assembly 1 per unit, plus 1 for each 5 employees 1 per 4 employees but not less than 1 per 400 square feet of gross floor area 1 per 200 sq. ft. gross floor area 25 + 1 per each 300 sq, ft. in excess of 5,000 sq..ft. 1.5 per dwelling unit 2 per dwelling unit 1 per rooming unit 1 per each employee and faculty member, but not less than Assembly Facility area requirement of 1 per 4 seats. 1 per each 25 students + 1 per each employee and faculty member, but not less than Assembly Facility area requirement of 1 per 4 seats 3 spaces per service bay. 1 per 8 seats plus 1 each per 100 square feet of assembly space with- out fixed seats 282 pA..� 1� Theaters 1 per 4 seats Warehouse, storage and wholesale 1 per each 2 employees on max - business and freight terminals imum working shift H. Plans: the plan of the proposed parking area shall be submitted to the City Engineer not later than the tire: of the application for a building permit for the building for which the parking area is required. Said plan shall clearly indicate the proposed development, including location, size, shape, design, curb cuts, lighting, landscaping, construction detail and other features and appurtenances required: All traffic control devices* such as parking stripes designating. car stalls, directional arrows or signs, wheel stops, curbs and other developments, shall be installed and completed as shown on the approved plans. Hard -surfaced parking areas shall use paint or. similar devices to delineate car stalls and directional arrows.' Gravel parking areas shall use wood or concrete wheel stops and posted signs to delineate car stalls and direction of traffic. Where pedestrian walks are used in parking lots for the use of foot traffic only they shall be curbed, or raised six inches (64') above the lot surface. All driveways, off-street parking areas and public off-street areas immediately adjacent to a service driveway which leads to a hard -surfaced public street shall be hard -surfaced with a minimum of 2 inches of asphaltic concrete, and for a driving distance of at least 50 feet from said service driveways; 2. Minimum dimensions,of off-street parking areas shall be not less than as shown on Figure 1, Minimum Parking Lot Requirements, of this ordinance. 3• Landscaping may be included as a part of lot design and may include tree and shrub plantings within and around the parking area at approximately 70 feet on center each way. 4. Screening in the form of architectural fences, or dense coniferous hedges shall be erected or planted and maintained to a height of 5 feet where the parking area has common boundary with any Residence Zone, as designated by the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Kalispell. 5. Lighting of areas provided for off-street parking shall be arranged . so as to not constitute a nuisance or hazard to passing traffiz or adjacent property. 6. Maintenance of all areas provided for off-street parking shall include removal and replacement of dead and dying trees, grass, and shrubs, removal of trash and weeds, and repair of traffic control devices, signs, light standards, fences, surfacing material, curbs, and railings. SECTION 1.06 PENALTIES. Any person, firm, or corporation found guilty of violating any provision of this ordinance or is in violation of any plans or j statements submitted by him and approved under provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be 283 1 MINIMUM PARKING LOT REQUIREMEN-� S I a 9 -' I`% - PERPENDICULAR ANGLE PARKING PARKING I / / 1 I CO.q 15 Ij I: r q � ///// --// J� Y j I3.X rn�I en / IA PARALLEL' - / �• PARKING /GRAVEL PARKING TWO—WAY TRAFFIC TURNING CLEARANCES o L�_c d e I 1 S i8 �tW4 ryF .a'"� •M:Lf SEC ICH' Ev rrlCwcO K I°S.E LEHCT IS1M1Ll CA. Fr 6lNy4 Sf !IW Y.r _, r 0• G EI I GC' I 2;, G ICI J 40• !F 20' 13.e7_5' ! 50co' a 1 19' 0;� 12.0' u.J'�' 51' 50• 5? 1� IS.::', ! 2vll "S' 53' 15, . 55• GO' 20 20' 10 8.5' I :5 117 6 i.• co,20 ' `' 9.7 8.8' I GG' IB' 70-11 20' "0 S.G ! S' S7' 18.5, 60• 4 ZO'� Zv' i> � 9 — — r. ONE—WAY TRAFFIC 5-A LI—' b y c d Ie f ,' c' •SEMCRCAK/Yu RI dN I—eJ AH4C i .'%A IHGIiP {K SEC 1i0 VEF HR uilC N-Y.16TN e'C}I�1 lEH4TNI5AC'16Qe♦HK IST4 R JiX lYIJ1N YII.'.1 1 •45• 50' IJ 12 12V ' !''5:+"1 55' 53 20 13' 10.4' S5' 46' j u Ste; 60• 55' 20 15' 9.G" 8.5' 50' 17.:P G5°I 57' 20 1T- 0.7' G.P' S_ L13'rt ru-I 50 — I — F?G. 1 284 �c T punishable in accord with Section 1.99 Chaptor I, Official Coda of the City of Kalispell, Xonta=, Each wook's continued violation shah constitute a separate additional violation. SECTION 1.07 APPEAL. The City Council shall hear and decide applications for an exception or a:cepti.:;s to the requirements as set forth in this ordinance, and may by 2/3 vote of the said council, grant said exception or exceptions. , SECTION 1.08 CONSTITUTIONALITY OR INVALIDITY. If any section, subsection, clause or phrase of this ordinance is ifor "ay rcwson held to ba invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remainiry; Toortions of this ordinance; it bcin3 h::reby expressly declared that this ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, adopted, approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsections, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitut. ional. SECTION 1.09 ENERGENCY. An emorgency is hereby declared to exist and for the necassity of the public peace, health and safety, this ordinance shall be in toll force and affect immediately, All other ordinances and/or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed; ordinance number 704 of -the Code of the City of Kalispell is amended in accord herewith. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS LOTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1972. I, George Beardslee, City Clerk of the City Kg31spe11, Morita certify that on the 12th day of January , 19 2., I posted a eop of he foregoing ordinance in my office, and the same remained posted fos a per o of ive days, and the fore. -ping is,a true and correct copy of th ordinance as a sed the City Council. City C k t e ty of Kalispell, Montana' '