Resolution 439 - Assessment - SID 111mx P, '-i -," ." T "". 'UPW ALI ' 7 TPQ0-a 7',',TY 1'Cl I-! 71770WT U0, III WO TU CITY ;J MISFAIJ, provements ;d.D IN AOC hK HS2WXTENIS WE CITY )7 section 1. YKere is hereby Invipd W costs nmo escm-,-e made mid covotrmc>r -'jptrjrt za. Ill of tJL(' Cit�) of Kalispell, Tuntora q in accorciance viLb the rag- Olutionn :-;Ad ardimnc" of said CILn t;,,x pr,,,�,perty ineauded int Me to d Distrint, Qe to 'be, p, 10t or WrW Lhimcof beho set ol)-poite t:te descciptioci 0.." t'.e '1ort; ,'Uld of' m'1101" e,s' fo-I'lovm'' Deacrip"na of i Ot mo of Uner 0 T, a'l L a x e s Annun..'-- "uy-,ient C. Lot Na, 1. G. P. ErinkmLn 9-71 It I# ff 0.71 An rep E. -'R,,,rk "9.33 5.71 B. 2, Droll ingur 29,13 9.vl 12 19,13 9.71 L2ock �,,o 6 Lot No, 4 PhAllips 29,13 9.71 5 6 9, a V 1 ?9 - 3 9 . V1 d Andrew 7n hyxi ng .13 9.71 2 V, Perkinu, 09,a3 9-71 3 9.73. Block�,jt_ P, Lot is o. I Lev"'as ,'Vll 901 2 it if 9 - 7 12 vissmla 1mr, 9.71 9.71 it 9.71 y.ct 1 e Dpy l 9.71 9.71 josexi H. luller 29-13 94D 901 10 G, Eier[7 9 73- 12 1% 4. Bishop 901 29-13 901 Lot Ro, Wm. H. Pmher aqw; PSI 2 if Of 11 11 if If , 79-13 9.71 4 as29.33 ZVI if if 29-13 901 If It 29,13 9.71 Yisher Add. at a Dlk, I i or t _r :_ 9 71 Fisher Add. " 13 H 16 mo"Riulewrg !Kj (Aig T,C"Jot , W291 --,' i T h , � Ad d . Lot IX'k 16 1? $ 9 -,�-L C�ric T.Co. Fisher Add. " i o 16 ji . Z irjuo o r r,, n, n 2 1 T . 1010. 11 3 -1, 2 (,'� i s,% c r add. 11 16 Vard C , Lpaml 19.13 0.11 OriC FiRor f4d. 12 WaW C. Lyman 29.13 9,71 Orie T,Co, 1 12, ) 01 Orig T.C." Q t6 129 ) . 11, . 1`1, i I i g.3, e B e r F . 14. Section The spid tax may be pajd t,-n t]-IY'e0 annur',l ments in amQunto nz abova set forth the first of Onch WSWUnentf, Owl! Mwe due nM qipTle upwi Uie -,C rooc)-J,Ition -.,n t,,,e ,)4-'fiQe the City Treamrer of food jity W shaW. ueeeme ckljn- TMnt after Vkf- "g()ih doy of Jovernber, 1911; nnd 'G,ie :!nnural iwst-,,,,21- malbs shall thea"eafte-r `beooi.�e due n,-yable on t.ie dvy of (�ctob(�r in e,�,ch year rnd delinquen"', u.n 'G"Ie �,',)th �`.'Efy of I�Overrlbor in o",ch '�11 of the too" ynmentr, at tr,(, rate 6% per annwn alter the 50th My of 1,oven,,,ber, 1911 u: tjl ;?rail, `and if rmp instOWnt n,ainet any partinualr piece U, p-calperty %�eco�mez delinquanq the Male tax mgninat suc�i piirticlUa]r piece becorIos due E,;it delin,IAAent- Pasued and z*pr"ed thir Ci-y Clerk. State 0 OuntanA, CoiinL�,, of 2 S ,I.L.Kendn-11, City Clerk of the City of Laliopell, 71 �: --�, day of OOP-Wll. -tno,, Ala Q -,eby cortify ti-,--t ic)TI tI i caused the fore raing Beftolttion to be )ostcd r e :-ii (,ra i3 Ord.in- Lm c e V c 17 4 < ' - i,1 - t �, 1 d v L, i -, u 1 ! i t i o'n r c-,, :aA it i i e d for E,. peri()6 of five days, "ad "Pt their :Eye been no chanqew or Oteratimm 'w(le tnerein rince "e nowWo and ""'Oreof" by t?w City Council, nor in recording Vwreof. c 0 -,,, d ed I e e i 1 C. ua "I It b is 0 C Y t i:C iGtr. Y-,, e 'C". I] z day ONCE"" 1911, City Clerk.