Resolution 438 - Assessment - Sewer District 110:M;z 1. "MMIN: T/"X 1�10E 101 1, ny WiMPMAY 11CADED IT" 0:3011 UVAR DISTAICT NO. 110 OF THE 01'1'1. OF T110,11PI31.1., TT7 COPTS K71 27=07r nF MITURMTS Ti '_)Mq �Q' DAFRAIJIT jj( I. DISTRICT V UTNTS I&D WMI== CF VT CITY W VITAPPELL, 111: -11';:'1'1101�"�'-'.7� ky 791 CITT courCM0,1, 111E"" cl".""l 2oct i on 1. There W lareby lw;iod to deCrry t1f.e co�-t,� on6l 0��Xpcn- sas of Wpr"em�ntn, ma.6(, f�,nd c(onoti-oct,,,ri in F'pedi,' 17,ower 'iotri:-t ;U. 110 of the City of in, '-'Cccrd< :xe the ronaluAnns and ordinnnces omaid City, -f tvx to,)e ontire property in tided W tne ,,,.Ad District, t,Ie --nnunit to be cnx-t--ed uEwinnt erch lot ov nfcel thereof beim; set opposite the description of Un.e -)!'Opert" tk'lt nzme of the mu""'c"r, 'ao to -wit: DescripLion of ot, hamn of mmer 4otal Qxes onnual Pnimmit. il VA 0 . jjj" 1, o t 1-a U. I T, Co. 327-0 ti 9,12 .2 27137 �02 5 27-57 9.12 4 argaret momben 27-57 9,12 1 L, j, Pieper 27-57 9.12 6 !� 11 1 1� 27-37 5.12 7 1. T. W� 0-37 9.12 27-57 9.12 ?7.37 V.12 10 e 97-57 9,12 11 9 d27-57 9.12 12 Ii Ik 8tl 27-37 9.12 i lock :u, 161 "707 q.r-" 2 11 17-57 9,1"1 3 N, L, Mmer 27-57 9m) 4 C. nvitlh 17-07 9 1 '--� 33 " �1 7. 1-57 1 9,') i 6 And T, Rob bw on 07-37 9.1") 9 W400.10oble) P7.57 9.1,-) 10 Oohn Lmson 27-37 9.m 11 F, T, Co. 17-37 27-37 2 27-57 Wj" If 11 9 . 4 C j Roberto (0n, Fros L) 17-57 Y.12 2?.57 9,1? 7 2pylor 27-37 9 irthuo L. Robinson 27-37 9 27-57 9.1. . . .. 57 A. 9 . 12 ory Vwj te A . 17 9, Lot M. 2 enumA 97-67 2 K, T, Co. 17-57 �00 3 anses! 0j, VV navy) 17-0 qn"� m L 1 swc Anw-NAL— Mb to. 4 CAHs, Inker 527-37 9. 1 t# fe MR Y,12 ,"H.0 overt 63 1 ?7 .37 Y.0 17 17-37 5.12 C . I. .rb A - 9,1") 1) �M nk HAWAs "7 9. r? 10 Ohn F, Tripp 07-37 Y,12 E, Furbou 77-57 12 C, H, Foot(Trustec) 27.57 g.w o - Ad d Lot Eo. 7 0,. P, Vose 27-57 8 1) IV-57 9,12 N - 07 9 12 fP07-57 0.12 ?7 - 3 7 2 17-37 W 0 4 f f07-57 9 , 1:7) 0 0 W-37 gm If A-07 Lot . 1zYonne 7 , 3 7 9 , I 2 james Late 27-57 qn-� 3 021 Twi D. Reed ?7.37 T a �,) 4 Johm (1, Drousen) 27.37 9.12 'AlAce, '.�. Enn& 07-57 q . r? 97,37 7 Chns Man 17-57 27-57 Y,n 17-37 y io Ducomiler 27.57 9,12 sf 22 27-57 yn Lot Bu. I jouis Lar"n 7707 9 imna DyCert A-37 9 R, lawson ?7-67 9 "7 - 37 9,1"7 .57 7 K. T, Co, 17-07 9,12 it 17-57 9 , m) / 97-37 9.r! 27-37 9 , w? 12 K, T. 'U 77.57 � m lock 10. V g 27-07 9. r) SCJWVi'l .07 9 . 1:� n,n) 27-37 9 , y, It Lot No, 7 K, T, Co. 027-37 9.12 77-37 9.12 07-37 9 1 10 Louis, C. Kelsey 07-57 Y,12 11. innoret A. Collins 17-57 9 a ":) 3 H.T. Co. (3.'Y. 77.3? 9.12 120,10 Lot Ea. I Mornnee Ifonegral 97-5Y 9. 1 MrIes 4uny P7.57 Y. 1"� ""'. 11. OcO)Tinell 07-37 9,12 t. louis hnro-tte 17-37 X T, 9.12 110'.Ck 2 Add�. lot so. 27-37 9 , v r A Lot to, cem�d Mliari 1 :07 LA,Dvvis ?7 .37 9.1") look 0 1 at to, K, T, Ca, 27,37 9 . 1p 10 P7 .37 9.12 11 .37 9,12 Y? 37-0 9.1? Reation 2, The said tux may be grid in t-,,)ree amum ins tal. 1- ments in amounts rm "ovt- set f4rM the Mrst of MiNi QMw3bwnL F0111 bacon; due fmd payable upon lte fiiinp,• of resolution in L118 „ffjce u,'-Lhe City Treasurer of snid City an , M= J. becune delin- qwnt rfLec the jOth day of Zovember, 1911; and Vie mirwnl sr: stnij- monts sBall tAerenfter become due ond. !');Yrtble on 'I":-"e f'itst day of October in each year and delitaluent on �(Oth, day of Fovemlber in elch yom , All of the above palments be;" interest fit 10m rnte of op per onnum ol'ter th-e 3')t-n dnY of :'aVerlher, 1I)II, until _) -,Ad, and if an�) af_,-iiiist �,ny pnrticular �Jece of property oeco,,�Je's doliiquenh, the whole tax agai-iist r,-,ich piece bee due Pnd delinuncM, wn"ed and ETproved 'Lits dvy o f At� tz Hayor �Q'l e nk City IBL'.: €,e of tConLana, county eat' Flattlead, '-'ity J, a-e".1ispell. I H.A.Kendall, City Clerk the City of iLalisjjell,, do herelby certif-,y that on ne,--? dey 1 caused Lim foregol,esolution to i.e )ootod n-,, Or- dinance Ao, 1'74 rued Wit s.nid 11?esolucion roiu,-ined posted for u- pori"-)d ", five MY, ,all Wwt ner hnve been no or .-iltr,1%,atiom, We the -An sWe AP ynmruf�(, rmd I),00-00-vil theof L', t , I ty Y ho �i Council, nor in rcdordi�ig t-'aercof Recorded her einand this c e r US i W e We this City Clerk,