Resolution 430 - Assessment - SID 570 All' Iol, r,,, �T:_' J., 'C I 1 (1, 1 1 L7 J',�. 'T T11 , y 'J T Al E JIINCI� IT -!I'.: Y l IT, S e c t i o Y.1 laar c 1. ,1 c r (..' by i e v i ea "Ic-) d I "S iG c P t S Ile, 0 e n 0 E'. 1 T Cad' 6f iraorove.,aexats ma6e mid ct ousruc',­ Le-` in I,�TITJ U17— )WT111'I I 11zC, J, ,,.�O il: e City of oritina, in i tn rprF- 0 1 u , i 0 f1s, txl d ct ° d i rl � �n c e s d City tax in, ea t I h e e, n t i r e prop P, r i Yl c 1v d c,i in ­iqtrir�tf #.h.e aracola'u to r�`r r!:cd lat r)l, oaccel I, _ercol 1_cjrif? k7et iiecc�`ption it t re )1, 0 s t) L ty r.-nd Li,e ni.]ae of tic, owler, "Is at; Dc�'crlpti,00 of ,rmE, o" Owner ot�,J Lr,.'xego �.nnurl Pn,y, ,Icnt. 21 Lcat. L a r y i in i e,,i. r(- :� "', C9 If r" b 0 2 12 j Lot "o. I T C o oue) 0 it tv, BB If if 1? 6 B9 If If 4 11 If It If 11 il 10,, iJ It If If if It Ii r I ook Q J,ot Tar 2 1 o t t 10 If It it 12 It Lot 1,, a 1 J. 'Yonne io 7,6 d If 4 6 6 fa if a 0 6 7 Lot 1,-0, 7 e I o 8 FB et Br .1 77 lo .0) 13at o I ia m �56 6 10 If 12 1;ulia, Trertoi,2 in.56 12 It. Lot ;,1u. 1 dv:irl P. 'Dirrent 1, 2 Lot. to. 0111iom R. Dyer(huward J. H H 0 124,47 24.69 K, T. Co. 63,c s) 12-79 7dward " kaman V2.57 14,52 lock Lot -a. 7 John IS. Gx-iffin I . j 12,36 Olin Ronan( ,, 'I'loy Rou';,h) 61 87 6 . 61,85 ;v 11 YenEc 63.99 a.2,q) 12 71-97 14 , 5 klQcicho"--122 Lot 1"o. 1 171-97 14.3(, 2 9 C', 12 ` 75 7 4 na(,ao 11. Eckstrom I . c' 5 12.3t 6 C . Lyman 61,85 In 16 7 E 100 1 o WTI - Lot. 110. 7 ",choul District 1" 71.0 14, 1(;, 11 65,Q9 ly-79 1 9 11 If it 65.99 12.7c) 10 11 it CO-99 12-79 11 to 63-99 12 - 7 9, 12 if it 65-959 12 - 79 blonk lo. LC)t x,io. I '—e J. aon 2 P-.R.ITe il son 6 - 9 7 �f It WI , 63 U9 13,67 4 Surdon 11,AWN&C.Morrill) 61:15 -2.56 51, C'harles Eavulmndt Q 25 Q 56 6 1 it 61,83 12:36 Black 11110, 101 Lot to. 7 R.T. Slorin 72-0 14.57 8 Kal, T. Co. (ij"Cheuter) Am 13.67 9 H 11 63,99 13,67 10 TV 8tote land Co. 63-99 is.6,1, Il 1). ",t6op 65 ;q a q 12 0. A. Moberly 14 .5/ Block to, --02 Lot Ro. I jumnes 1Oran't P-87 14, 2 Lowrie L Damiz, 63, p 16,61/ Frederick A, Uoebuo 03.09 13,01 ?led K, Win 65.99 IQ-h7 ti it 63 99 13.67 6 BenncL & Ann Moyle 72:37 14,57 Block No. 100 Lot tau. 7 OrG� A. 5,51 8 filbert 0. Cilber Won 8.31 01-31 9 1j Ii, A. Kend,,ill 4,13 4,13 Lot La. FraWc D, rto) 5,51 8,31 C6 Block Lo. 120 Lot no ail,bert 4.13 0 Section 2. The tz�-x nl..y Le p "i've instillments Au j- D LIM () ',,11-1 t i.: o v e ,-, c t l' o r t h t h e t c, f 'r c I t E, n t s, I I beconic, due c:,nd ,,IpOTt ti;c CAI in,n' c." Lhis i&k �he, Off- ,ltic�, of LhuCi t-v.id City vnd become aelinqun'i the 50th d4tof 'j.:ovomter, 1 ,, Il n d the cannw,:l tlicrea.fter Uecor,,e and on L � i cl e first ;lm,, ol" (),otober f i'o e! .�h ,Q,, r de" n JOLIlk 0' overaber eCh All of tll�, n'i'Ove p�,,Yments be,,-ir i n t (,.� r e r, t the armur, I'loveT a jniJ n 6 1 a C t nb e r 1911 until lacnat �l ri '1'7, t ral p""rti cul," I, pier, ro"perty uecorI-O, (l --I it,Cjucn t L :;boil I I t r fn i e c e 'K., e r�Dili„[, al" wh C)c I n qu (�T" t, Paf,,,,e6 t�ntd vq)pl'oved day of J,, t t EA T!ay or. cit�l clel,R, 1, ta t e of --orlto'na, ("Oulat"', of Flathe,-(", I A, Kend,]I, city Clerk of the City 01 n. Cn t E3 r1a, clo Kereby certif- tht on tlc of coused thu, foregoing 1-1,eqoDition to be posted requircd in Ordi- r,Flice lo. 174 ,?rid {Vivl snicl Resolution rernmin<,-.(Il -p,)�tled "or , -o(3rjod l eT�l r,f dvys, r'r' OLet hr've i)eon no t r ti--tide' S-a"Ce Lhe thcveo:l City, C 0 u n 'iCcorded, ylerFiyl this t-'y