Resolution 432 - Assessment - SID 82RENDAD? NOMIXT A TATO IMM Ali. 02 TIM PROPTUITY 1=11MM -i: I1?1?1",OV1111,WT IMMACT M, Y7. T 'm C1'1'� oF T." 1,16 "11 --,, 0, 1-1 _7" C T T' 11- J" F- ' r-, 1E "", 0 F 11Y7iOMENTS 1"Al to) ( 27TTAQ) E- �7AII) DIFIT.-RIC' -L ACCWRT"'AY'C'1�" VIA! TM& ( HE CIT1 01, 1111 "PffFi�.)I,V'R'..'F� BY T--�!)� CIT)' CO'01"IC11 01' T12M CIT'� OF section 1. there in hereby 3evied to defrF,,�, tYie costs )nf! uXpU',,n- Se of i"aprt--'veynerit3nade and conot-ructed in Specital Improvertient r)is- trict ""'0. f tho City of Kalispoll, '"ontowt, in acordonce wl'Li, 'Ghe reso IS cuNd Wbumce f "id City, a Wx Nowinst the entire property included in the said District, the amount to -1ae ch',rged t'-F-tlinst enc,',j lu, or therof set oppositn the cles- cription Of the property and tne nsfne of the owner, o", follows, to-vit: Description, of lot omle 01, Clv-nf-"r Total Taxeer i-nnui.l Pvymont Lot :W, I Lleter Gunderson RIM01; 4�1 4. 21 2 it fl 71,n6 14,21 14 it 71.06 14,21 4 ohn J. & Edith Thoyaatz, 79-52 15.86 K X.T.Co.(GeorCe W. Proctor) 79-32 15.26 Lot U0, 1 K,"Co.(1"erthe Cramer) 79,32 1926 2 " H H 0 F, 9.52 15.86 5 K.T.Co.(Y'nibel)e t- Be nett) 79-32 11:�.86 4 1, tl it #1 Q.66 T.Mo.( lla R. Coorton) ly,96 6 KNXQJ,�mes J. Ca�,-swell) 79.32 15A, 0 C 11K Ni -1-1! Lot �o. I K.VC0.(OTeW M. Co.) 79.32 1`;J6 2 •1. Co. 79,52 n.86 5 if 29.32 15.86 4 n le it 0Ti, -73 1 P A t5 it 65,73 12-75 It 63.73 12.7", Block Lot no, 7 ohn L. hp -Men V9.32 15.86 -i L I '.err i ck 79-32 1536 1) F"Oy D. ?9.32 15.56 10 Annu M, St,inbu:uer 71.06 14.21 11 RUNWIt Brust 71M 14,21 a �'rathiv"'s ". !"tOlxften 71.06 14.21 Lot to. 31,4l 1 n q; It 6.28 15,16 9 76-28 l n, Q 10 9 fi BH (Mn'T.01""le) V9.32 15. 8 b ! .1 9. 72 1 �,, .;6 12 :�ati'is 79. 0 1, 1, e c A 1 o, "no . ? " 1U.22 j 1-3 39 1 66.64 13 - 3 9 12 4 1 j.5 C Section 2. The staid t,-tx to u.>!,.' in -e- . annual installments in as set fort_ '�'riefi pt C,f ,IjC,', I tr I M(.�yj fI S p A bccome due znd Li,is re,,allutioll in t],)e ice if tie City 'Pre. -surer of sold City and become del-inquont f 'L e r annual 0a and the instr:Ilnents :)Oth of' s h 'a thereufLer beew.le due ,nd. on Oie d.,I;y of Cctober in'. exh. -,;ear rId delinqtwnt on tie 50t.h of LQvcmber in ecucu I�le�a-P. ,',l of the ,I)ove yrl�ents, beE -,, interer-A the, rz-te, per £%rnlul.ft I jv, i a:ovejqb('."C', 1911 untl'i J f -my i I ri vIc-'ninst L,ny pn!rticblr,r of property delAriquent, �Ihc)le tux j,g1�jnsst , t(,h ,,wr ic 1,,t p e e 0� FL L� �j I - i r -1 1,0 qf3r (jUc Celinquent. Pas s e, d and this, dz,y ,-.,f < Ia. A t t es L: T"" 1� itiv Clerk, �A,-,L(" of of City of 1 i o, r) e 1 I City Clork of the City Of :Cntanl, do -,ereb�v tlia, cm tined. caused the foreproinp, Resolu.Lion to lbe posited in (,)r- J din�,-Jlce -Eo. l?4 e,nc. tj,o,,t zUid !'ICsOlUtiCr, pooted fc,,r �.. r)er- jf-i(J of five d',lys,', ��nd t!uit lf�ero ',,,�ive 'been no or �aterntions Ta�"r-le, LYiprein oirce tlYie t,,heveol' by tl1e, City Council_, nor in �.h.e recordinp- thorof, -ecordod laerein v.ric" th co�-tificw5e ,npr�e tjjj,,�, /,l--- d f 1911 . 'C,jty Clerk.