Resolution 420 - Special Lighting District No 1J 7 e4v, -20. 1A 1()!] 4 'ARESOJUTION ESTABLISIL*O A 10111,]CIAL 1,1 ISTIII01T Fl,'J71 RAIIAT)IN) 011 M� fe Wll A 11_I'TICI; OF 140 ft. EAST to? VAST O'i, AVE]"UuAST, DT]; SCRIBIDG THE TFIE OF WD FIXIW A TW 1110 1, FM COMICII WITI, HRAIR, OWECTIOK,� TO IT'S 7L,'j%L ADOPT101.-_ Ell IT W2011701 BY TYR CITY GVEN" 07 977" nITT OP KhVKVU;U0rTKnA Section 1. That It is deemed neces,­,ury to create, a-uld there is h,,,b, ,,,teC v Special jiy,im- -,istrict, the Laundarjes of ­r, ,hj(�Ji ,re lieroinafter set f%Wi. section 2. Thvt the nLinber of 9,id �71)eacinl7 I �' P rcc-L ad -ection That the chnracter tie' Post-, t,-) r,and lights to be mninwied in said Special 7i5trict r:Xe loere- by de,3cribod as �'ollows:- i'jjojayin� Oconduits ,nelt_ic ereclion .thirty--sixl 1�r,jp post„ capon the outer edge of the sidewn1k on 7irst Avenue 7vs and Second Wroot within the boundnries o,,,' the district ae he?,ein- after described, Wich lamp -hosts 1,iavc p1,..,co6 therpon, five electric, lirhtn xt Height of .Iot tnr!n l'),"t. fro; i the nide- wall, Your of which liolito hall be lir7,hted on cach post flron dusk until midnight, and the top lijq1t on nach post Lo " linted 0oc-. dusk unLil ylight in Um morning. Pection 4, Thvt the Wundpries of st:1.3.,5 "pecioa 3,io.htinp, '`is - tract ure hereby declared to be no follows- BeF;inninf.. ,at t,,e "out"n slde, rl" "treet and Firot Avenue net u,ncl ex.tendinc, flouth an :nrst A.enue East to ourtIL `trect ;md 7Tst trod "Not of l':first vonue ',).st on `ent5nl ­trnet ,,,Ilstr<rloe W, 1-`.o ft., WE all lots and propmty Uutting oRid [Wrect ,�.nd, jlvenue, ns, fell- OWS., All of the lots in the ot hnlr W" Bloc', ol 'j6,,, , (, and 65 vnd West h,,.-,)lf o," Bl( ck,,­, 6z, Origin,-,_1 Tco,­Tisitn of KNURPell. socsion huL the zpprozin` L:a coot of jnstr,,llii.n,�- tlhe- ms,id j)ro"-idec'! fnr is '­e ouln Y2700,00, That t'_'Ic --pp-roxinte cost ("f systtm,, por ye,,:r is t�:�e rix. of �,,60.01), 'in.6 thi,t t-he of jMjWtFjn_ inn cold liFhte us herein set fort'h In tlne su, a year. CeWon 6, Tluot the entire cost Dnd exonoe OF ywinwonirw s c>,id liE"ht�,t ligkting, s,'Ctem, ar to poid, 1IR !� Iiors. Ono�yjf C7 tKe sum tc, no 1wid Q srid AW.Unr district, ewcl,l lot Or loxcel Of land within spid d WOKK to Le ussmsed Nr nat part ('f the v,aole LMOUTIt as-e�,,,;d divtric" vtAoh the nimler of linenj feet of eaN, lot or p,,cej. of 1crud 'borderinp,, upon said SLront sod vanJ,e to the ontire nunTer of liheal feet nbuttir, upon ouid '�irot ,veriue �-!nt e:rjd 1�ec s end Street within osid district; and the tithe Taff of the coot anci exp e rl o e o f , ma in t a i n i ng s a i d -] i C-1, t -, -,,,rd I i, I-, t i n t` s yn t ern stas._, 1, i,-, 0 ,,),,id by the City of Kalispelluo out of' in , Wer nn td I hMa id. aid. L Eectdon 7. The be�innjnc, �,ri th tLe year 1912, , the City COUsCil Of the City of Kvliopell, sl,,all b, reFmlUtjorj levy tan Ossesnanent against the 'P-rol)erty Nvithin said Spr,l 3. _T,jr_,htjnF­ Dio- Wict for the purpose of defrEWing the cost end of ran..intuin- ku§said WoUlng parstoyn no herehi set forth, which assespraent slyll conatitute u fund to he 'k:,lnowo. 11 Spec, al Iliotrjct Yund No. 1. Section 8, That on the Ilub ,'ay oI, -'ep Co—wil Chwabers in the CitN T011 ix:Cit:q yjj,,, o r ,t th O_f, -�:ont- ana, at 8 001ock P.M., the City w Coyell 1,%�Ij ob,ection , s to t.',(' o-l"ficial arid 'inn], -,.doption of 10is resolution Fa which time any Person or person,o who are the owners c- lerr �I,­e,nt�,, of ocl , of any lot or nxcel of land within said lighting district ahpll have the MA to rypet, at suid m.eeting in Person or bj attornol, tuid show -,use, if' v-1y there be, why the improvements Tnertior_(-hercirj. onpi.j. not be wdo, 2ection 9. his Rpoolution shn,.111 be pill is,�d.ccj in tine "Kralispela, TL,rco", newnpriper pub"Whed in sni(,3 City Of K'alispell, onee, n week for four comyc"We weeks prim to staid 11M day of Sept_ ember, 1911. The foreFoisiE,: Tlesolution is hereby sdopted, on thio,,-,11-tit day of f'Q,ptember, 1911. W,c,VI]Pvs' Attest: HOOMMUS, LOYOV. City C'Ievk. " I tt'C- of County of Flvthead, SS, city of jQ1ispell, I 'J. 1'. Kni�7'hL e,ciae, firvt dlul:y "�pon OEtb' depocco vV says; Lh; L he is one of LL(.--, publAshers of the Timez 1, v, week'L" ncn''op'-'jper of [-e''ter ""] 1'shed, :n the City of Ko'liopell, County, ThIonttna; that the foreEoing T),csolution establ,ishod Speci,,,j J,jf._rjjtjn.- �o. 2_ w,,,s publish- c d i r, 1, e f VI 11 t ', 11 d r Q'c --, . 1 r Sri � 1, Ji o n of t,c , e Kc, I i z p, e 2. a. T i)� I e- V. I I , and, not in F.1, supp1emerA thereof, once a We f or four succes'r'ivc weeks' thm first publicRtion be n,- on the 175i day of August, M1, nnd the last edition bein(- on September, Ic)1I S day of Septembel" l'Labc'ciibea 'and' sn%yorn to �)efox e or, thli za_ City Clerk. I ac of Uontvutt-"' County of F-Icttkc,O, 'S)S 2 i L y of Kalispell. r c do he .by celtif, Uw-,t on t>cl Maq 0 1011. 1 csused th.c, forv.F-,,o.rc,' Reso1ution to be-'7TO-o'QMI!. w7,67jiAire�! in Ordin8rice Qo. 174 Pad W-t i .Ooojutjoy,, rc�r, 3 i 71 c: cl i)pr,te d or a t�eriod of five days, thwL there have been no changes or a2terations made therein since the pnstq�-e ,,aaid approvv'I the rcof by t1"o- City col.lnc!1' n(-)!' Lh.c, recordInt; 0 Recorded heohn kind this certificute made thi.""-2'�— doy of City Cl,e-rk.