Resolution 419 - SID 127!71
ss) ESOLUI-11 I 01N, 14 0.
I1_AlTT'` T11PL
A _0'
�.7'1' ''I CTRE,`
DE 10,117, A'Y 1'_17 C TITI"�
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07. J ATI I E'l Z'R 0 F
"TE'll 0 '11' T H"
D 7)1', A! M AIT 'P117�?OXI A"T" 1 -1 "I"A TT
0 T 1' T '.1. X R F3
"Al.'D TL 111 U. -1]; V!
C01'111:lclil WILL
0 "T C T.1 0
T 0 1 T I S !-,'T� A
AD, OP T I 01�,`
I V� C T C 1. T, 0 11' •TIFF,, C ITT A! A
BE IT RESOL-11.�]M •B�Y CIT'Y' -L V,
section 1. Thqat it is deey-,-,ed neces.,:-P,,.,Ary to cr(.--icate V ' er,e j, se
,,e(-,ted ,,i, Speci;al lmprover,,4ent !District, lJoundc-npries oj:r*
t h. vv Y.i L t, R -1 - e r e 0), (DI , I o
.,Y.. rp
p_Se C t .0n 2. t 'i I e n u i,,ilb e.,. r f sr; - i d p e c i fr:-4, I m -p r o. v c-mi e n D j. P, I- r i Ct"
i s .'jerebyE-:,- 127.
S e c 14.j i o n 3. T I-, e b o u n r i e s o s a.' 6, 13 p e, c Impr ovemen t 1) i s tr c
r e Yee eb d e c 1, ar, e d to be as, follows,
G 4.� � C� f Sixt1j. Street
at.. t1-1.e �..L Y1. of the cenuler Iine o'
Wit'l-i tl-o-_: cente�r., line of ti";e, be".veen Second A.veni;ie
East; Thence 'South t1he cente:-!- of si,-Rid t,u t1he cen-
ti-i.ence "lie cent(.--.� of' 7trcet
f E i c-, 1.1. t h `t r e v La
o f t 'I e c e Y-i [,-o Q_1 r n e ci f t'�:i e 1�� 11 e 1) e 1, vv e e n F j. r s t 15�i n d Second, fi'vel-Anle EC,�,Pst.
e r c)
tl,,enc e "' "orth <c,,,long th(y c(.-,,nter lir-a, e o f' a i d �-,,.'Iley -to the cen
Sixth Streeto thence East along the cer,,ter of Sixth 1,1tree"", to the.
# , U
PICace of bef--Innine-
Section 4, Thf-).t., the ol- ' ' said- improvements 'to 'be M..ade in
s,caid improvement district i�.,, ?iereby decio be Co' 6
To include the colistruction rof' sidev,
kc, nr`
+'--,e boundariets, of' diztti-Cio-6
v e 1"""v e a S oti
Sect.ion Thi(%t the Cost of c 0 rl 6 tr 11 C ng
provements is the sum ol," $1500.004
TIv.,0., t1le approximate cost of engineering,, insj..ection. Lk:nd otlier
ex,rjeni3e,!-" incurred in creating said Special Improvement Dist,Xict is
the sum of q�'�10o.00.
h t 1-;,. e 'sect-ion 6. entire-, cost ,.:-;,nd. e.x1)en,,,_,,e o--rL' s,.id im.proveylrients,
s hn. I ]'._ b e 1) i d 1) �V- s i d I Tr, Jr o v e m e n t Tistrict. 7�`�',a,�.,h Ii.)t 'C) r C 0- 1 D Jr.,
a-y') 6 1 n F.n i d d. is tr i c t t o b e., s e S S e d f or Al 0.��
G Lic%rt of' the. vrl.lolr e cost
Str j C4--
i c h i t I s re ,av', to the o-11" the ent,.dre di EX C Jusive
of streets, calleys tu'ld piAblic
6Th(,-,,,t -.isses,,.-.rnentf., sh,-all bc,, paid in ej.�.-_rht n, 1
7. ri n u a
extendj.n�-,.,- ove.r )eriod oil .IA m e n ts,
to Constitute ;P,. fund to bc'_', krlovvn ao Jmprove-ril.ent "und
S e c t i o n. 8) t 1i c.-�. 2 1 Fi 'L� . d. ca ofC (",ouncil
3 1 -ie C i -t,v� in ti_ie City of Kalis)pell, C
c -i-z---imb e it', t
o' clock P , 21, 11' tl.l.e� citv cou",qcil vvi-ll objecti,ons
to tag official
at whie'l, �-Kny pc-�.rson or
and fila,-.l of t1iLis resolution,
f n y -1.
pe",osons wYi o a,�r e, orr-_rle-vs or ol o-,- 0
V;T 4 r-� " land _Lthlin improverri't distrietp ri-ht'., to
c-, -low caur)e
L-,A p 1) e r k e n, i t 1i e r ir pe.,vson oi, `Le-y �-,ttorne,) �.in(] C1
be- vrliv iTn1")1.,�0vernCntre i
E-ection �4, This reooltltion 'be p u b I - I i e, d Jn Vrie "Kalispell
T i1ne s V, Nllleekl�newspaper gublif�hed iz,A sfvcid
City of' Kcali:-pell, on
August, 1Q11,
the 10-th. and 17t.h. O'A[ U
Passed v�nd ,�.pproved th i s 2 1 S, IL, dzay of 19 3- 1
J.'It t e S "t 11 . A. IME'DJUAL) jv
1 Cit4-
y Clekk.
Stat,of ]%.'ontcana,
Count(Jy of Flathead,
City' o 11C K. ,o. I i s.p e 1 q6
11an do heiveb:y- certj.f�j that on tli,e f 19-n
c(,'.used, the -f oregoln(,", Ordinance to be 0 0 s �U, e, jre1.-)' in Ordi-
o s t e
n n c e 1. i'o 17 4 a: n d - t IN-). t s a i rJ 0 r d i n.-r. n c e r e EQ. i period, of
z 47,�
-4."i v e d �t)tv s Eirid trhP,)A thc.xe� 1,iliav-e b(,,.,en no c-,,l er—'-ions ,aoe
therein sinCe the pasc�-ia,ge P.-ooxo-v, rl the r 00 f "b Y. t 1, 0 C i t Y �A
colrice i I
n(I-Ir in the recording thereof,
.11ecorde.d h.e.rein and th -i s c r I i f i c 6a t m P, .1 e !,L S
d 9 1-
cit"Y MF?vk_