Resolution 406 - SID 1201�- 0 1'-ZE SOLUT 1011' C1 I 1_OLUTI')'N A D W), IMT U X4 R 1121f" T 1" T RAC VE O-F IRI .111T, OSP,T O " f FfiEESTOO TB1MIPD 1,1APPR0)1 1-KiT, MIYATE OF TECO3T TIF. 1iT",0F1 K11D W I T.., L, I I E A R OD04-ECTI 77 1 _1D CITY OF KfiJ,1SP.IELL MOYTA.11A: ICE, OF T!"J"P, 3...Jt'2 IT 1111"iS,''17 VF';D 11Y C I 12Y coull Section 1. 'i ' 'h,,it it is deerw6 necess,­,U 'to cre<ute, vknd there is I. U_ s I le'tereby crevted, ,zpecjzjj Improvezaent �'Astrict, t�ie bound,,Aric, o ,�vhich acre set Orth* P1.9 provement District ction 2. Tluu-t the nuribc-,i., of" 7 vted us 110120. i hereby ,ignf). .17ection she he bouncJ'ziries of stiid Specitl Improv, nt istri t .1 ­y ieclared to 'be r,,g ..L car e here'bj ki fl..1 cif B1 Gcl�, 12'/, -and 10-ts To include ­,11 ti-ic, lot,�-z ill t1-1e, WeP)t 11RIf 13,14 and 15 in Block 114 o---'L' 'the City of Kzilispell, Section 4. That the chcnxac ter of said im-proveTaents G be mv.de its he,,reby decl,­.,,red -Lo be rs follows -0 .0on. I e C 0 T I S 1[11 T'Ll C tine of concrete sidevjalks On -id A -venue Vlest from, t1ne North line o,-1' Tenth Street to "a. "point 10;0 -117t. 1"'Orth of t'he + ,�A E a -f c) r Vn 1 inc c o,:. 1,unth Street, r),nf-i 9, cross- on I-Xie st i� e o n aid 1-'econ�l A -venue `,,IeesL to Ilylinth Stree't. -17 constructing s -vem a.ppjoxjrj.a,te cost o v�id impro nerit is the in of -e cost of t' Th.-it the -,a-pproximu.t no ongineering, inspection all ot,.'ner exPenS1xES incurred 1..n �­reating, sid Specln-1 Improvement DIS- trict is Vrle, sum of �j'�25.00. Section 6. Tht-tt t1rie entive c,\,­)st -.in(i expens-e o-f sraid improveNment wit District. "T"e-ich ot or pa, r c 1 o 1. n, a i d 1 1 mp r o v e, zn J L Y sa I o di's-trict to be ,�),ssessed treat p�,-,trt of the cws,t whicil its axelv, beoxv, I the area, of 'the e n t ir e d i!:�, tr i t sive ol"� streets, aaleys an(! gub--i.ic p1-o:(-,;eq., T b e jwl i d in f ive ann� 1"eation 7. i s) ;r_t, cs vyi n, 11 t iz� I i j-1 P, t ­. 1 11n e n ts i c h ia r e '---�ereby extended over a, -period o-�' five Vrc CAL ­s-sen:�),sments shC.-i-11 cons)titute v! fund o b e n o irz ou i d i,-al lraprov-e.utent District 3und 11q, 120. t1he 2"Ltlri. y- of vi'lune, A..D., 1911, the e C t i. 0 n That on - U I ­_ Council Chtimbers in the Cit,�y Ilkallt in the C.Ity of K�a,lispell ontcana,, ,9,t eight olcloc'k t1-ie City Council vjill '1v1e,.­,,r objections 'L th e o f" f i c i I n d f i Y ia�l I u d o p t i o n ts� o f t'r I i s, r e .-o 1 u t i on, cat :i c h td i m e, a Y1 y -vre. or aq,-nt�5 of ov,,-ner,;,i o-jc­ny lo FIrs(M 0 'Perc-1011s who 1.� C_ t or PF'roel Of 1, Q' w i th i n sa_id Jmplroveraent h�a,ve the D e t 1­!,�-'. i rJ ,rn e, e t J_ n f, i n 1) o n may, rney, fln(i n h o w U 0 r 47, er s o r by 31 r." if any there ;_:e, ,,v�l-iy t1rie improvernents mentioned he-ein not be an 9 Thiz x-ezo'lation -,shnll be. putilished in 'U'Y),e 11Knlirspell Tir.rieslll Iry ee.kly nev,,osj)E--per -publisflned in salid. City af' K,,,ilispell on tl-jie 15th t,,-nd 22nd. dtiys of June, 1911, The foregoinp, resolution is .11-icreby -adopted on this 26'Lkl. dr:..y Of-' 7 U Y.1 e A .7) 19 11 T . C JIM IPPS Attesvt: City Clerk, t e. , 0 f 0 n t axi 'I, County of SS* City of 'L�Ialiapell. ti I H.A.Kendall. City Cjer�c of t1le �1,ity of' Xco,li,-�-.-pell o t n tj- ol "7 19110 1 t �i:o tt clo hereby certify th�C-A: on J. 1 in Ordino-,nce n J. Ore ";0 - 201ution to be :!0 �t; CRUS01d 16fle if' a t a0.f"v E 0 1 `/ 4 cu, n d 't �i tt qa i d resod -tion renw:fJned rjos -o d f r e, --f,� 1. o d -Ii e, mEt cl e -t h er e I n th.r-1, the,�-e hiv e een no cho,nges or R_1ter tion,9 s -r 1 C e, e 1) re, a e n, i i d ta, 1) p a v I t1 L el' e o f _b Y t �Ie CitY CoUnlCi nOr the recorciing tl-�ereof (71 Le ;i. ri t i f i t d 1911. d cay 0 City Clerkw