Ordinance 232 - Issue of Special Improvement Districts and Sewer WarrantsI'T T, T
CE - r7)1 -E]4 d 'I'll,
Ti 7"A T) _N7 0 7A �3 T I 1E, C I T N4wC 0`1jr
K Tj 'A"U'RIER 11�
U-LICI-1 ()F '111E, (.';Y1_'Y OF KAI I..-,PEI.,l �`OY
j P2 I.A
I T AI-17
an nu cei
1"ect ;on ity Couricil to L
It shall 'be the dut�; of the C
ly levy C'311 i. .:t�,-x for t1l(-.� ip"�,, ,rrlent f th,e. r pin.cip`:,-` 1,,,,nd
-v ei r t s wh 1,
impr() -,tent district 5ew�r Wzv-rml
re...11 of r
may by orde-r of t'h.e City Couricli"I on ,:-,.rid 'ter the pnscsac,e
f th�s ordiru-ce,
-qent o r s -.,w d i s t r i s P,, s e, -2, i -1-p r o v o
e ct ion 2 Ii.eneve pr 0 e�r
t Ej y (...
by the City of Kalis.pell, 15 .1a, for t"'. i e - o,, 2 r p. o s e Ir r
L on
d i st r i c t Or �n,ny ix .r, e e tcl
i f7 s1-,ithin t h e 1 im i L s, o s i d d i 's
1u-- Ile C i toyopen i��,ccount o
ns t tli e s id. i m0r v e.1-1 e yl t
h.e n o olc a, acco,,unt 1
s i 117, Ur c t s o c r cr t ed
1) V v i d e 41- t C y C 1 e
,%, n
chCe-J_1r-f�r:.-e, r9,11 cost vtnd- e e r I S, e c o ri n e c t� e, d CRC}P1,00-cl lbed. 1 n t li. e
reso.'Lution cre.tin,,�:- dlistric,�t; ind. the City Cle,k sh-11. iscue -by
direction o':' the City Councill of tale City of K(n.li�q)ell,
.'',r of' the kind r,,,,_c1cte-, dc..,,cr`.bed in t r. e or-
e n t or E� ew e 3-
J +
t 1e 0 f C I U_-� r i Y, u c h o,,, c c o i..� i t �v i t h i i U'M C e r eA. 1, � I d
d CA
t i e c 1j, o v-
ritz-)ALe te o vc.� t,::4k �_2,b J nd t-he b o o 1� (I
r.nL. e Tat d. i ! t r i C t 0 V e e 11, vt,AT, I y -4, 3 o w 7B o in i ssued a�-A t.1-ie am o i)n tlthere-
0 -P
C d j CE t, r .1 1 c I, C t -�e at ,11 ti-,,iez rii.a"�Aer f
--ent or ��ev shall 1. 0
piAb 1 i c T, e, c o r d t), r i d. 1,r!'Y � e r i r), u c ' i w,- -� -,-r I n t c� i s ha I 1:. v e be, e n r e e e pr, f.
y e C j - t y T r e s u r o r s I -), e r e i r i b e. --"L, o r e t h e r e F, 1.) e C t-1 i -v c -�i c co o ii n t E, (j f 1. d
d- - i s t r j. c t rya
r s e v, e r vi (),4,1tsj be orope-c.Iy cred-
s p e c i r ri 1) a:, o v c �� rii e n�.
ith th.e v,,m)xrrA, to.
1�ection heneve-r, n. vrpeciz,_-�.l improvepl..en w X1
-s, 13 t u e r_; t C i t y o f K,�,- 1 i s, p e 11, d i d -t
be(Ir upon it's fac,el the re, -,,xity of issuance, ,s -p r e s c r ib
r e i a g the r e, t o it be preserl.1.,ed to 11,he, (7iit�,,
i n the ordinnce L
for p.apnent, ).nd if theren no J"unde to the credit of t`se
s cu i d s 1) e, c i 1 improveynent or rsev-er dis-,�,.rict- J. n U f f i c j. e n t t 0 pay s a i d
wc.-s-xrer�ntp it, be t]he duty of t I -i. e G i. A, y TrefM,,�,urer to rep.,is�-'C.er �c-!,e-�Jd
Spec i Cal Im, proveni,�ent or erwe "".-rrant in -A.- book to be providied for t`�;e
p -1 e�� tr�;, oloiald -et forth, the rlurlbe-r o." s p e C i t-.I. I urlposc� c"nc slaid rt js A 'L I
o" rict iE�, nd 4-1-le d.Ae o' i d
the 'Mount u-1.7 r7uch v.?Ce,).Vr[31t Z:ind the peroon or persor-ls o , li. u M
'Ls, issued and the City e, n C,•1 (.) r s , e., upon
ti:ie fcace of S� .id. vv�,-i,rr,,--.n,.nt, the df,�-)te of refTistrr,-!.,�:tion of c.,Ad. vTr"-'rrqant ca-nd
shc,,�-11 caffix h-h,3 th... r e t o
Section 4. It shill be t1le, di:tty of the, City Treteisurer to pr e-
'took of record which shrzll 'b e_of Spe c i al
`,jStrjC4- jj-j�(j C
Improvement 'Mgr(-,,,r r r (,,. -n ,-i,n d vi 1 1. e -Pe :r, 0 p e c i m
provenlent or sewer district is cre,,�ted r,,nd. desi ated 1", y proper nu-m-
bert it shall be Urle duty o-1' t11(_-, City to open in said book
of orl z--tccount irith riuch speeiri,l irr,provement or qew er
district, Fiving such account its, proper ni,rrriber; a.grid It e sholl enter
in �Baid book of rep,Istrcation record of all i�mprove-
proper x
I I iL tr r d' c t o r r, e r r a r, t p r e g e r, t e d m f o r t on o r
P�".Y,',jent, iscoued, ur)1de,, their respectiv,.s', diqctrictc--�, a in klfl(� Ma-1.11nell
pro-vided in rEection 2o of ti3lis Arlc3 i-t is r t J-1. e 6" r es, c r i -
City Tre;�isurc to orei," e C 1 a 1 i."rqu
ent tIrld se��T�-er district t,�:ccount- froz.yi t i , q
e t o 1".1 iTl-ie cas) the sr,�ixie iS
p ai d luith &J-2. t<axes C�nd w-hich m,,,,.y be
l- colIected by him
0 r, Ell 0 c 0 u n t 0 f S p e C i a I t cr) x e s o -r ca s ,-) es, s ra e n t s 2 e v i e d. ragainsJ14 the re-
13pective Speci-il im -it ttnd -proveme. x 9 e =1,er districts rand he sh,.a-'11.1 elpply
t.'Ne fund so collected in t."ie_ -followinp,. rl,,.Lnrler,
First: Prom th-e first moneys, coll,ected on account of any
:Lfr.p r 0 V eri.te n t or sewer district, in etn,ch year, he shall provIde for
the payment o-[' inte-Cest on or before the lsl;o dcay 1.),f Janu.,La-ry in e,C.1C,1'1
to th,,.-it dt�l:te on any all Outs)tc,.•,a,,ding v.,Carrants of e.e,.ch re-
s p e c v e E� p e c i mp- r o v em e n t -F n d s e vre r d is.. t -1% i t e
Vinereon iA, r e r, t h P)
not ce,-�redt "by olf sa,id v..,�arrz-.-mt�O) or P tv,ym V, n t a_n d
end(-)rse s-, YL),,aymer:il- • of interpst on the reverso, sdde cf eC.-i.ch
,we ,.rr,e,,-,,nt with the intererit so 1),n_id, or by t,,.king- up a.nd cancelling the
inte-L-est coupons repromenting such interest of arly rucn' couj)ons atta(,,!-J.�
e d to szr.i d w a -.r r - n t P, the first payment of interest
t,', 'Le computed
for the period from dste of st-,id of e,cjj
Co. 4,1
tO tlae of Januai%y ney,,t succeedit suCh dute c `7 r eg i s tr t i on
,lad ,,Y,A,.nUt0-1y thereil-11-fter.
1.±c o i -i d Out of the rem@�Andev o.-f fundt-1 tt,) t h e c r e a' i t of such
'- 0 r' P Me E 3 180 t.'he City Treasurer
L ot �ctive s,,peciccil improve. nt or sev,,�rcr di trict, r
then ccall An vn�-d pay Ct e. ,�. . t -t 0 t h e �za M 0 u n t of such moneys or,
htamd for the sa fcar Cal., Such bonds will pay and re-
tire the '..'mount thal'. m,,&�:y be due, vrilw-h a. cure interes,,t, to
crJl for 'by notice the da,-te -.?hereon
'�nd Ov�-ymerlt, fixinf-7;
AUI)on !,c:iuch be tile duty
of the City L . I mote u
.por, SUCII regis)tex' the ?de -te of' ,1] t.'..nd
to notif"y t",-;.e holdei,,,s of jp,-t�,-er, if known, or by
pw-lic�,.tion in a pa-pe tl
of gene circulation. publisheel ,in the City
of K,,alispell, tl-io, c-�11.1 1"or the redemption of s,jd
dl�-,Ae ,rhen inte'.-c-st on sa,'d will , r.) . t .,nd the
wIx cei-I . e.
ection It be the duty of' the City Treasurer, ck, L Cray
tiVV a-fter r the redilmptl'
0�4'! and p� tiyrzien4'�_f' .C _Iny 1P
eCil J �imp-emvenient ,.)r
-efore ma e n t i o n. e t o ca n c e
elme r t -v r r e r e j n'!
to he C ity Clerk oil the City off Kalispell, and
J e 2 iv-. e't"
U thcat such wtarr,,_a,nts, Vhen paid ke, receipt therefor,
to the end
be Pro-
"iled in the affice of tj�je City Clerk.
Section 6. This, ardinance gtivern i-?,nd -�,P.Ply to all s�..,)ecizal
Improvement district taad sewer
ra ru d and rerr ,istered from
L kj
and the 24th d�;y o-f' 'Tuly, 1,011
,._,ection 7. 1,11 in com"lict
with this ord -i e s*tm e ar e lie reby r ep e ct--Kll ed
I I c e b e t'l
i. ec bi On 8. This ardincance is iry 1"orce -rid e ff e c t fr o m a n d
'D i t S PE pproval J
At t e s� t: E.. A K e, nd ti 11 Cit�� Clerk, U TVT Fa y I
COW!* O�f _1P1at1ie4a-dP S s
City of KaliSlIje-11.
I 11..A.KendallCit
o n i--i a do liereby certify t'j o,,
on d ay 0 f 1911* -01
CL-lused the Poreg Ordanar-ce to be, pos-'L_ red in Ordina,nce
I'lo 174. a -rid tl!E-t.t staid Ordinaince remained posted for a period of five
there have been no changes or alterations made therein,
Since the pe"qS<,-q-e and tajpproval
th.ere0f' I)Y ti';e City Counci-2., nor in
the recording, thereof,
Recorded herein and this oertific�:,,,te this
City Clerk,