Resolution 410 - SID 12110 1 RESOLUTI0111 INO. I )IT ROVEIAE % 1_111�'YOLUT DF cI C T I IN"( IMIARE,13 OF A SPE, 0 1 �JI THIII CHARACT'RR OF STATI1.1 TR1CT, DESIGIIAT111"G TH;j BOUIM.YR I !�Z 27 OF VIE T 0 13 7, 111.)J1,1 AIM AN APPROXIMAT.-E 'PISTIT I AT14' OF THE i_ Co- ST T 1_T'0F 'l- '1'-ME71 -1 ' Tl RB''"I" UjR!41"]D TI 7�V TH11, C()1C I I ,lTI�. IzT �117jOTIS IT'S II AL A k1 0 11 T, / Vli'l A BE IT R_J`',"OTAI�E'D BY THE CITY' COU1,10,11) OF T11111','CITY 0-9 KALISPEALL, Section 1. Thcat, it is deemed necessary t creto cind 1-).ere- by crelr-),Uted, <,3. specic,1.1 imProver-1 ent district, th� 1-.ound,,,:ixies, 11of vih'.ch Yi.ereimtfter set forth, 0,.ectlon 2. That the number of saiJ Special Improvement -District is hereby desi�,,,;nated cai.:,1 _N'e. 121. Section 'The boundoarles of sarid Specl'Zal Improvement Pistrict care hereby decliare".1 to be f'•ollows: To include t),.11. t1te im t-dhc East )rialf o.,.­ Blocks 191 ,,.r1(1 192 of 'the City of llontrana, Rlso e pro'perty on t1ne ],Ej @, s t, side of Woodland Avenue, beVi,�een r(aia,way ri.-,ht of wand Second Street which is public property -,i:nd 1)i::i,y it's pro-oortioru.-Lte ­,,,_-iount of 'Ohe f7or the Cost of �s,, id ljra,ork. -o ade is ,"ectio'n 4. -lizat the ol," improvement t b E ? m o v is) hereby declared -to be -IC011ows: aid im-,,prove,.-i,.-nt disitrict To include the construction of sidewal-lKs, ciarbs� and PCarked, spaces on Wood1t,::Md 1"I'venue bet,�-,reen lrrailway rir,,-I�it of way and. 1-`:)econkJ 1k-)'treet* -i -ie North side o-'ti Second Streat betw­-,en V,!oodiand Ave. also sidevv�l �s o i. tl Fif th a which sidewallks sha.11 be _9111d 111" S t aid for by -the mners of -the ,butting 'Pro Ci P er ty, ,Section That the approximate cost o-_IL7 construct' 111'g c'u-,tid imp.roveN- ni,ent.s is "r,e surn, of �-5000.00. Thc,.0kj 'the Cast of enFine(�ring, in,specl..ion C­'--,Lnd other expense,c~ irici,irred i.-i said, speci(,:,,..1 il,-ri.provem.ent djstr­Lct is the L S Url 0 f .00. S)ectLion 6., Ths.��,t the entire cost -and e,,,-,� k:�ense of so.id improvements shall be paid by said improvement dis-trict. Each lot or parcel of land in scJI-d to be asseosed -.f"or th.;at part o-.1L` Ll.i.e �Prhoje cost which it�s are�­i. becars 'to the of the entire distrlct,, exclu2ive of streets, @-11-eys public y lal c e s ]"hat sc­J.d sh,211 be -,),aid in on (8) annual wriic`f-�. are .1-tereby exso-ended over e r i o d i t "-% I I e m t 1 ' . ol[ eight years; s R id: asse,­�s-Tnents shall. constitute za. fain d to be known as Special In._OroVeTaent District Fund No. 121, Section S. That on 17th day ol" Jl'uly1911ral the Counci-I 'e C * ty 0 K�4,1 i 8,) 0 7,%�j I 41, _ , I -it Chm4l)ers in City Hor,jj ill t,, I ma, 3 o I c I o ck- %J a n tz, "11 P.11J. the City Council vqi3.1he,,T,-.kr obJections 1-1 o the official and firml adoptiDPS of V,,)jq. resolution cat wh-JI,ch tiT.,,te 4--my �,)erson or ,i)ersons wh.o a.re or, gerlts or owners of -._-my lot or pcel of' land within s-lid improvem-ent.. district sl-�ra-ll 'h,ave 1,1-iP, riC,,..- eting, 9 .1-1 t t x at sti,id. ine in nerso'y,) or by attorney, and. show cause, if,:' there be, ,,,,,Iiy t�he irti- r provement mentioned 'r-ierein s1zall not be -,rrjede. i o Ti s h,,,-z 11 b p u b 1. s, ^n e d i, n the "Kalls­,)ell ctiolq 9. T irae s" weekly n t I ewspaper ,p'U1-1.-,?1is,�1.ed the se,,-,iv-1 City of Kalis�.)eli, on the 6th 13t'.ri (lays of July, loll. I/ Attest,, Ill 0 j City Clerk, S,t,--,,.te of Cminty of ss City V1 . C I Vill I PP SA T 1-41'a y n, r 10 I H.A.Kenda,11, city Clerk of the Nty of Kalisoell 'A'M"Ilontano, do hereby certLi"y thcat ,,,n -the -red in ordinance C alu .9 e d t1i e f o r e g o i n.;..7 r e s o I U t i 0 rl t 0 b e 11) 0 6 e s o I u t i n n r em,�� i n e o t e �J. 4[" 05ca o e r i o d I I f i V e N 174 arid t-:nat P,,,- tluLr there been no chVIA.Fe's t e. 0 r' ad �,r­t-tons, ld'here- i-11 to''1-10 ),assoq­e Zmd. ­),P[)rovz',1-1 the r e o f "by t.'73.e 'C it-v Mincil nDr in t-_'Cie recynding thereof, Recorde(] 'r). e r e i n t1ri i s c er, t i f i t e d e L'L i 9, A 6` d cr-iy o f 1911.