Ordinance 229A - Curbs Made of Cement110o 22 9 A. IT I IT rVil.r. CITY OF I I TN;, ire Al I M R KAl-.l'SdP'.WLL TO B]R, OF Gli''111,- T A j k BE IT lR_D,­lR.,-P�lT) B"( "HE CITY C0,111XIL ()F T�_-,'Pll CI'l.'Y 0J_ KAI..1",P.-ILL, Section 1. cl" i-)- bing, cwistr,icted or :pi aced on j J_ n e o n. t r e c t co�-.venue, or t!--[e C*t,,r f):r e h su In curbing -to 1,)-e a 11 be of concret'le, consl­:,ucted accordin&,,, to s ':.'.fit' r� '.: � � in tri.e o-f, t,he city Rngineer ..in tl-j-e City Of Kf,:�llisonll. S e c I"? i (-) n 2 ' � . � ' � � ; ' . �; :,:e-d`fec-t, frorl I,.id ta.f"ter its p4ssage t_und approvcCIL, n�-lad S11-111 p a to all curbs and cl, n,f"r ?i e, r c - Pl,tev constro.c.ted and z�lso vv'.ien -,,,.ny curbin, novu in exist,-,nce s1h.,all `be renevved of the smine sliall. �)e r n -h t"vie c e e f I i sn n,,c S, 0, c t i on. 1,11 Ord-ina-tace. @,--i-A S. i,.,.i con:­...Lict h e,�, z" n c e, -vf J. t- h care h ev eb o 9,led. .Passed. alad approved June 191.1.0 VIV c I -P p s Attest: 7 Citay Clerk. ay 0 r S,tate of ]IvEontu-aaa, Counl,.-y --)f Fl,;.i.t.headp ss-6 city of E".<wa-A.A.spell. 'H.A.C, i ty A. Kendall 0 .1 e -r., lc of the City of K,,jj.jspe-jj, ldontal-la, (10 fiereby cer-ti-ily t�jz%t on d,-..iy of J� 911, 1 cruased lu-7he fore�.roing i.r. nee -to be red, in ()/rdin,,),-%ce Ord.1 as: e qu 1,10, 1',74 U.nd. tIlLat saj�j Ordinz-incel vemair,- P 0 S t a d(ny,s,p n:-cid -16"h�,-t Llrtere hri:vo.- been nO or � -ltprations m�,i_le lu".Jr.ie rein the pasoa�e a�,,id approval t.A'.-Lereoll' b�y tl-le City Cowacll n r III Ulie recording t'nereof. Recorded herein nxid. this certificaue made 1.,his day 1911* City Clerk.