Ordinance 230 - Parks and Public Places1.35
R D 1 7A I I C E IT 0 230,
".7 [01:1'
T__1. y...EU RD"'LY A' D I TAB LE S E, 0 Y -
,,T jYLj'T :I1 PJ•Af T"HE C 1, �J`Y. O"fl K A,J 1 S LL J', F, 01
-A j, j�
r 21 �T.A
JTJ� Y, �7
J . u -1. IE.LA�J C 11'Y 01' `3 ALL
I` E IT "JID'T. " "D ED Y T C I T Y " � 0
r i n e q 1U, n c e o r 1h. e r e
S e c t i onl 11 parks i u b 1 i c p .1. a o n o iry
�-n lje C, Lty of �,nxe ',hereby declare;j to
est.,�,iblished Ihit wt
s��rk commi SS i oilers
J_ 01 c 1,11.11cler �Iie directi on ,.-in d oontnl of' the POq,rd 0 +' P
of said City of Kalispell, in acord'-,cmce with tie orclinance f I; h e
city ZInd the lavnr,,, Of Vfte State of," 3,`,,`1'ontvLnti,.
C-4 'bre,k or 1T.-,i vny ,vay
e ot i on 2 o person q.Ah.r.11 rol in`ure or de-
con,,�t-.ruction or vmprove-
,ace any fence or, ot�.,-er structuref
Y.fie,,-it upon or vvitlnin
r k pu c ;Cl 1,-,-ac e
I r n of tYie Bw,.)xdo��
(7 ect i On No -o e r S 0 n unless undetl_ie di... ectio. J,
Park Sh"7111 pic"K or cl.ltaA_
omy willd or cultiv,,ateri f lovre--r
or C'Ut" br eak or i n m:ny ivc-:i-y- injur,El or def,,�..ce carry tree� s1hriAb or pl,,:Int
witI.-Lin the limits of 'Ixar]k or p1,,,),ce- nor wit,,,-i in or
��-,ny i,,Til I'lower-s, tree, shrub, jo I Y1 t
o-IF -c�ny -pE-?,rk or public place, FiX
rl Y nev,,ly brzanch o.r o f
e c t i on 4. Y o person ti( o r t e; n a n y a n i i-.q a 2. L o ,an y fe n c e
building, railin,,-T tree, shrub or pa.Cmt in o-C upon 1,.-my such pL-trk or
pub-1io, :Aace,
orses, mules, swine, sheep, .�Qats 0 r -A, C ) 11v 1 S
Sedtion ho mrxt`Cole, h. A
S 'be 1 t Urned. in Uo or beallowed. to run at lar-e in or u,,;.,)on a n y jo a r k
4. 4�1
or public place, an d tI-ie k,.ying or securimg by v.,i.et-ms n-, a rope or Qth(�T'-
ou rp o s e r s u ch
U I for r� or surf f e,-
v-v_,--Let-ier -,ttended. 'by wz� to
'to graze, I'- _-tchers o.r not �,,h- f�CIso be
deemed all-. Dargle vviGhin the meaning, of ti�J:_t3 section, nor sl,,i.all any dog
or other �),Yiimtnl be -,Oermitted- to go into any 1,ake� or w.-_�Itlers ol" canv
?d ,.)ark,
and any clog ivit1111''I'l Oal_%k -not being led by itts owner or attend,,xit sh.all
b,-'�'- deeymed to be r�mriing t large- and ir.my dog running z,-,t -larg in Y ` 0
y .),ark ,rxa be.:.) e I I e ri b y -.-ny ,),,-,trk policem,,�,,,n or
Section 6. 1 t S.-I-Iilll 'be the dut, o i eman d emp 1 a y e e o f 'Y o I` C 11
k no vvn tu, o xi i m t o _1b e, r u nn i n g,
the, parks, Uo tl-,i u,.) any o_r
J e
at large in any park or publ-Ic I)Iace, C,,ixid under the dii-Arecti n of t..Y.
Su imipound t' e until V -p,-aid.fb
perintendent, S lln.ufl 1 expense of
..lection 7. u person shall th,�Iovr or any rst.011(� 0111-- t1ny other
witI-ii,ri ,.-.,t,ny �),nrk or- ,.,mblic ;--.rounds,,
t or affix (any p1,mctrd, bill
:D e C t i On o p.e r s o n s h a 11 q o s te i n L
notice or sign u-0on �Any structi.ire ,-,,r thing -Rhin ,),,ny ,-,-art of -any -Q-&rk
or public grounds,
S7�1 Y ection. 9. N' o r)erson t disrill"bute circulars, c,-i; o-
r, rl
ot1'.i,er,,ovinted or writ -ten m,,atter in any ,)ark o.r T?ublic groum3s, exce-,,,)tiJ.,.-`-
j r e ed by the 'board o`' I r k
prog,rr-):,m,r-.,, off" concrel-.e or r j_ C A. J,
given ti-er;ein,,
tIf'. r Q NU
k_�ection 10. 31`��o persmn 6 e,',p o s i t o et_-t v e � -.ny
cae o-rl, Cnnw-Uiin,r% i-i -1L-...,j1e o.i,, jr exceot i,r� tly.ie receptetcle.s
Ca grwl,-�nds
provid-e,d If'or w,,1-step and no person shcell comit, ecI fly w) i, sa., e i n i d
SectiLO-11 11, 110 thretitening-. 1)-rofane, abusive, disor�(-WIy, in�3ult�
e n
in-, or ini.Iecent lang -v -A
e P 1- �7-� 11 6 e �'..Ilovied in ��r ui)on ), fw,A.
a brec�lch of th.:: pu'blic, ac e r) I ,
public grounds, nor o1h�.:,.A..1. �--),ny �,)erswvi g.U1,,rte,,73 or c drink intox-
r do t7aiy imiecent or
liquors, or `Ue (irunk, o
on '" 0 o u,11 take into or upon ,�amr
, 19 person slm N., 7irk, nor into
c) r iApon any T)Liblic grounds, ,-my intoxiccot-.h,tg liquors, (:,ither for
to _er,s or fox, h-is ow-n use, c)r for t'�he ume 01 ot.hers in s,,iid -)a r k
or g ro u n d s n o .i.s J", �al 1 a n y e r s o n s ell i v e, C�L v, y n zany v y
c) s e
liquor i�i or upon von y park or pul-lic C,_"round
e c t i on 13* Any d "unk or el-1,1v pers on or carry peroions doing
V, .1.
ariy act injurio-or., to... the -op-rk. or publ. i C -i whi-c'ln Ine 'Uh-en iropor places ii
'who is in the g�3,,dt, 0,� v i 0 31,r.,�,: t i. _11.11rly rules or repiA la t i o yj s e o B va d.
D f tit
of Park Commissic),7-iers ot, any ordin.cnnces 0,1111" City Of KFAlis-pelip
'be r e.Tmov e d fr o,(,ri v,�� u cf i r k or }i u I )l is „ace b y t.' i e Keeper r o 0 r
ny ty
Section -14. 110 perso�1'1 Shall 'A -ace or ouffer to re-mim-in in any park
bl 0 Od S v", r e s m e r c h an d
0 r p 1.1 ic -_rounds? n Y ise, or ot.h.er articles
in t]�.e nc-'.-tturc of -.06struction -to the -f'ree -,Use and enloy,,nent af' said
I Irk or public groimcls; nor shiall camy person pl;%'Ce an�l str,,�, dirt.,
1 -1 n rhet]herf
ell i -p 6 p p e r s h �1 An, ff .9. S
1"I o r U he sc,
J e o "c n ot
c c t i .,) n 150 Any'person of orovisions of t �1 i . S
o r d i n C-1 n c- e s h 13. b e If' i n e d d, -&vi �my suTj not less than One Dollar, nor
'T.Kiree llyndred Do" lars "b%, i'mpri:s�onypent not ex c e e d i n
L or
Three Mlonths, or by �77-uch f J,ne and ilr�ripri.,.,onment.
,17ectio_a 1(_). 1- 13. ordinances -iances in conC.,jct ordii
r-x rdheewith ereuy epeale,
ec,ulon ord n,,-u 4 -, , .,,1I t,ake 0-ffect be in full force
.,_i,d ef)-Cect LIrlil'Ity (Jj,yS ;,�,f-te-r it',q.
A passage and approva,j,
Pa,c,�sed e,nd. appr,oved Junc� 19, 1911.
c . �VFI I pp S 0
A. t t t A. KEIIIIDALL Tdayor
City Clerk.
State of Arlon'tay.111
County of Flatlieadl. ss.
CiLiv of Kalispell,
I H.A.Kendall %
3 City Clerk of city 0-P kcalis.")0111
'riereby certify t' e.t i a 11 on V,i
do ec)L�. d jl Y Of 1911. 1 caused
or e g
,h oing Ordinance to be requi., d in, Ordinance 1,1To,,
and -th,-:-,-- aid Ordinance renirldned posted for a period of five d,,, vs
-EArAd 'Lh,&'- there have been no cluixiges or alteratuiol-oo, rmc-"i.de therein since,
the pas'sage and. f],pp-roval -there of 'by t-�1Ie ClAy coun(,,ij, nor in t1rie
recording, the-,-cof.
Recorded herein �md thi cert is ificnAte
Y of
C ity C 1 ea rk *