Resolution 375 - Special Sewer District 102102 T ,F:CiSOLUT101,41' INO. 3750 DISTRICT 011, A Ili-11111 12 C I Al '. '111"OLUTI011 'DES`A']�!A JIM THY, A �A 11' IMPROVE X TI-DI CH-ARA )F TI•(I I C T FZ TYU S TAT I 11 0 X I i� TE TM,, 'J'I (71 F A DR A`;",7,, A11 APP 1 TO 4Ni T S _V" FLIAL ADOPTION • OF THE CITY OF KA11I U - SIPE 311, VIOI TMA b74 V� DY T11., 1)k.l section Thal, it is deerued 'to, crec-t �-Iereby created, ,:), 'Special Sewer -Districto t,,Ic hereinafter set f or th. r of st-�Ad Special Sewer !)is ri t is here- C.,q t C ziection 2. That t?i.e numbe. Section.3. hat'? -the 'Doimdaries- of stti(! SpeC.:i'll IMprove��irient or F',ewe:v -I)istrict inclvde all o -f lots in Block 152 of addition N0.1 of the owngite, f I t, ]`Jontama. e c t i on 4. T ha t the. char�Aer of said Lmprovements to be made in A. s�17�-id Improveli'le,11ts I)Istricu is hereby declared to be as follows.--- Lo -L " the Alley in That"o there, sI-mll be cons ructed in It cel-Iter Of V. IL trl if 7:� 1'>Iock 152, a 4:' All ,iccording to the spe I f i c d 1. n off i c e pipe,, r e 1'0 1, j, of t1le City Engineer, I Sedtion 5. r"" ha, t t Iri e a p I? r o x i ia �a t e c 0 s t 0 " 0 o Y1 S ru c L i YI f .id. i m- prr)ve�I,iient im. s the gum off $500.00. That the zipproximcente cost of e c n f.7 i n e e r i n g i s 1) e c t i o n d. a 11 C. I I 3pe . , k, A 11 C. c i ­,�I e _r D i s t r ' C otI-ier exi)enj,,��,�es incurred in cre'.:ting said S arm the sum of $25.00. Section 6. That the entive oostt r)exid e�,,penBe o:C ,,i,id irmp".,vavement shull bepaid "by said Sewer 'District. T'j, a C'n 10 t 0 r P 'a -0 C e '_1 0 f I'rl 11 d mst witl-iiri said disl;rict IIo IL:e zascsessed t'Li'a t a r t of the wrhole c �!�:hich it's al exclli�sive, of a b the oxet,-,!. o-'[' t"W, erltire� strict, stroe ts and ptib ].. is places 0­e C t i on 7 - That zaid z,,,zzezz-memt --o`AA,t_:­I1 be in, annual instcallments, whic"n are -here"by e:� Lended over perii)d O"J.' tI-jr0-,e yec,116" sAh."9,11 comcP� i;�tite a funel to be k-l'i-M-fl. I_,"peci-.1 Sevie:v' 7nistrict '.`jmd ­, 102. 0e ct i on 8 That oi1 the "th da�i of im, 1911, at t"nn iCham- bery in t1he CitYa,11 y in t'fle City of KeIs,,pell,- ldont.,ana, at eight otclock P.13J%, tkie City Council will hefarx objecttions to the oAzFficial and.fin,,-�J (-IcJ;. opt i on ()f this resolution, za,'L? whic.lh time per6c)n or ,j)ersons v-,,ho wners o at olf, 0'-.,,Ywrs D-," t.may lot or parcel of within s(nAd Sewer District, shcall Iiave the rie-,`.4t to appear at said imeetirig, in person or y .9,1G,torney, cand sliow if :-.,my there bey �jrhy ttic improveme�As r,,ientioned Ilerein not be I a2 -i the"Kal ispelll ,:'ection 9 j1 r re s o 1ut i on sh, I she d i z A. - Tillmlell�c5tl t a we,�elkl-y ne"%,��3papeT pabliohed in st�Ad City Kalispe'll on ,''he 18 (1-49'y 0:10 Iilay� 1911, The fore-oing resolu-'C.ion is adopl'..ed on tI-iis '5th Llay ol' June, A, Dov 1911. W'.0 WILIPPS May C) r Attest& C i Ly C 1 e rk 2-�tate Df Cow-Ity of 91P-V,�eado SS* Of" '411'_Calispell, erk o f V C i ty ca, K0.1 i zPel I JvIontanca, do hereby certify that on t:'ie d e,,y o f r. 1910, 1 'innnce caused t1ae frorelo,-oing resol-Lition to be oosl- d d qiAii,ed in Ord 11 -tion remained pwsLed lor I)eriofj of five No. 1'/4- G. t .ice oaid reoo"u I., ny e o s r alterations made tlierein t !,-Aere have been no c-.a days, V,1,11-ld t 11. s i n c e th. e, passa�. e and approval thereof by t,#IL e C i t y- C o iA n c i 'I. n o C i n regard. i thereof Recorded herei,,-i zand this d Y 0 f 19104 'T Z;- city clerk.