Resolution 368 - SID 99i00 RE 0 T;eur T 7- 011-1 IT 0 VE D 3T I T IT 99 1.201AT ITH"D MM-TS C qO D 'IT OF` A SOLUTTOIE TO ESTf-T.TJ F V F'1� C I Y KAI, I P-1PELL', BY T �qi,, crfy B-10 IT R!", Sol VF1111`1 That i t i s the intenti on o�f sn,i6 c ity council. t o cr eate ,), new 4. 154pecial jmprf)Ve-,:je nt nistrict to bc oval a District 1�0. 994 for t"lle s a" ew s A. and crosK,,, therein, the bourid-oxies of vjh,Jc1,i sEllrj. �0,:)pecial yq,ont ',,)istrict. C-htill include Lots 10, 11 arld 12 in Block 112; 1,ot 3 in P)Iocx 6 Fiz1-ier Addition$ 4,5,and 6, In Blo-ok 110. U k kle idew-L7/,�Ikjs� i-S-1 fro,Ci�t of d i st r i c, t to be improved by U on the e,��)_stu side o��?` 4t Lots 114-, 1.2 i n Block 112, an A� i.e n o r Avenue. e P, t I -i, t its inter.gection viti eJC411L strcek�,,O and on sideof ei(-.1it street- ivith its i�Yitersection wit1i 4t1-i Avenue West, -1k on vne north oide of eig�,ht zureet at t'.'rAe -D'1,.'_,ey i-ntersec- a cross wa-L 'A tir)n on swoth side ,)f Block 109. SaId Specizi.l im.,provemerit District 1-terein described to be improved L as f ollovis; by cons-t.:ructjri7 cement sidewatl-IK's within the above de- -41, U st-ribed accord-ing to V,ie q )Ocificatio�"Is, or ce­,,i-ent Pell. _s ,;et forth in Ordinc),nee, o t" -le C i t V f El,­�dd impro If is tile SUM of $2`0 00 `.'he ajx,,,proxi.-Rc,,��.te, cosl o -by shall be p�;.Li' -3 F, samn �ILS UI)On all Of t�le and the sa,, essable property 'wit1hin said Special Improvements Distriot, exclusive of Ftreetsf alleys cand public places, ancl e,,.l.ch piece or .1,rmd. wjtYiin sIDAd dist��.,ict !).ay tllat proport.ion, of' cost of� improve- mel-its the t'ner(.z.sof I)earo, to tl.�;e of t1fte entire distTict exCjusj-v,e of s-treots, aljeys ­.,nd ptiblic p la c e s Be, it further -r.,esolved that no-tice be pu"Dlishec' ij-1 't'-e Tralio-pell Bee for cat, le�-_-LSlt one iS S Ile fol-c t."-.1e full timie requi.red by 11,11ari '� C r C 1..� I -I I �) 1-1 i I'l 0 "A (j isaid K-i--O,is�pell 13ee beinf�7 a neimspo:-L Cit'iy o-f TIKJ41i,-�,-� )ell, giving notice o-f the 1 1% e n t i o ii c) n tl o, Council -to Ui�,,"iCe rmJd. n 1 .1 'a I rt of City C) t owric-cs or <�,�,Fents of Ulie proj)erty within sa�id Special lmprovenie,it ,District ]�o, 99, to be a"14'fectilied or bencfJ.ttr,�d- G-11,i.ereby,V.'1&,t Sa-M City CoUnCil Of tjLe City r .1 of Ktalisj,)e',11 mr,-I,et on 1-1.he 17th dr. y 0 e r ,�),t the C i t y 1 _1 0 a t otclock P.TMI. in t'vNAe Council C1.1,� October� 11. 7�'ca 11 pell, TTonttimtt, io �-lny o,- - e c: 't, i 0 11 r) ke 1 -a J tab I i hm. c rg tj of' said Speci(al lmpyl.,,)-V�.mrient District, whicli said oO, ec- t ions mus `6 tten tand filed vvit',Ii the Ci`Coy Clerk on or r)�.--tid d 'a t e a It is furt1-ier ordored `Uy the City Co)-incil, t1hia,(, a!1 levied Said. p-C) P y y",, t �j i 1_1 U -,-qe 4- Dig-tric r ctlid S,,,)ecial Improve, nk.. t NO. 99 Shall, be 0 A. !�j� U� _,xiaid in three. equal i ris i -I -mA , � '�/ co, o y-1-, � el, "I, and all deferr C, - et_x 1 c) I., I e f i r s t of_� Vki i ch sh C,.-.il 1 _b e id in L' -e Ily 0 ly mie,�r-,�ts to be. interest C­.,�t tile rate of sex per cent, per a-Ap",knLim, pLay- able annually. Passed and approved this 2 7 t h d,,�.�, y of Oct-ober, 1910, W. C . VM UPS) Attest: City Clerk. I. r St,ate,, of "I'llontarm, County of 71athead, SOO (7, 1 'vy Q f 1 i s ,�) ('-)- I " 1-11, 8, y 0 r 4 11.A,,,E�`endall, Ci lork of �11e City of y. Qi�a:.19:Lo. I caused tl,'�'ie oil do ceirtify ()rj.th�t� d 4 and -requi�r,,.Qld. in Ordinnce Nlo.l forep.-oing resolution to be Dost; t'llrat s�,,),id resolution for a pe-riod of five, dc,.tys� ne e I he L) 'Cl S S - there 'h.-,�i:ve been no changes or rrio.d e t -�.e ,e, i I'l q. i h o r e c. o r d t1- L e r e - a t-- � I - U A. V." _L e ca -1 d a P ') r a "r 1 +,hereof 'by 1 li-e City Counci" i,,ior in Pecorded 'Clerein t:,iis cerlifiede made -this 'j, 0 f inio City Clerk,,