Resolution 396 - Various Water Main Extensions'01 THS ,IT 7 'VIM Ta 110 , () "V) BE A D n� V'�r W 4 T y (l." S I' ) ... C �Trmry cclT�.'Tr� L L BE" IT R.'101�101."MjD C J tl-le orthern Idaho & Lont,�-i,:ria "'awer Cori pciny l-,-)e r q, i i :r (). d d sa i d j. 31 company is '-iereby ­e(piired, jyj accordance vrith t , e v1sions of Or d i - A. .1 C.- "j' o 2 1 Irleretofore p,i.ssed, to extend j�tls .A t e r mmains, as f 11 wo: lj,.�I,n C E (',,n First Avenue, '_P','asL IL'rom Street to llevtida StV,.,'..)e-C.. On lvlaln St-.re�elb' lbe-jcv�een ore,�­­on fti:nd Street.�3. Thence on Cplifornia St-ree�t to Second Avermle �qeo,,-L- to caljforrij�a 1,7itreet Thence South o�'. 12)econd Avenue na Stree$. On Fifth Avem.'ke "',�'.aq.t betTeen ldc­. _,An.d it is tiu_vt tlie City (,,'Ierk serve ;ci ,,-,,y of this -r i.y ris tor-eot.].ev with rm ord--.r reqi.ii ig si,id exte ion to be resolu tion, -Made. as 1-i-erein set forth, upon the saidd. 14c)rt.hern Idaho &. llontara_� Power Conpany. Pa,s-,csed acid Capproved -this 10th dtiy of layo A.D., Ic)],l t. VV. C . VRI IPPSP 1"I Ca y 0 xT Attest: Clerk.