Resolution 389 - SID 105115
k I . .1 J . .....
10 'A _1M OF A 'S31` T DIST1�1(!T
Pi. RVI�70JJV'
0 -T 1 11 IV, N
I C11 I 'T.: I`E F .7 P1 IT!�.l
j.T (S
D "E, C! i 113 1 T'J`
111 7 A..
a_j -� k. � -'j e oF A.1
POI BiV4 `N'11AD.'E1 A.11`11107IT.UT]_._ OF -L, fl.'11 (700�1� 1:11.1,171,F)"S$
Fl 17.. ..P TO ITS FIEAl, A111OPT11011.
U'll. 0 J'P ThIt" CITY OF KAIJ!�P'F�'111 j ANA
C. i 111y C o I C 11.
I;E' IT L114201-4E4, B 'Y 172"
-is iiereby
Section 1. That i1'. is riece.,S<..ry tO C�1101�DUep ,�,,-nd there
&� C, - .4 1 - e District� Uie bou:r-idaries,, of a:,, e 'h e
c r el L e- d peci�-�l 1ryiProve:11,,.nt 7) h
17'ection 20 Thtat t'fie"O,er oil' ota-i'd lfmprove'--IC-nt ]N.Strict is
hereby designit-� Le d @ P. III o . 10
Section The boundfaris of said Special lmf)rovement Distvlct zrtre here-
b - d, e c 1 (c,z, r e, d tco be. tas follovi-s:
C (>-ryq.eTi is i n,,T ' ,rit ;a Point ivlh,ere tl,-)e center line of '.`ourth �7treet intpr,,�,,,-ects
the cr.-,nt(,-,,r I i ne o f t L %Se Alley b e twe. en -a I ri 7, tr le e t, Pir t A. vent!e �.'Icast
.,_inning frorq t.,ience in -i '��outherly direction calong the. cente-r,, line of'
Alle, ot the South line, of' T�ighth F')treet,, thenc(,kin �1, VIes -,,ly iA.
alo-fjg tie 6outh line of :Eighttreet to _i point vibes e the vvould inter -
.so. C t Lhe center line of the Alley betvieen ]�Ilaln �13'treet -.,.�nid ' ir s t !)vernie, :e_'st;
Vvience in ,� N.ort]ie,.rly directio-n �, "l 10, y t a i t 8
�'l el C, M111 .1 r I i �-,i e r) f Q4
i1aid 'F �.A
ri t e, ci ct ion n with thcenter line of s Tre ourth F�treet; t1rience in an it�Aot-
an7ly direcItion alon�� the center line of s� Fourth Stre(.,,t ,to tlki.e. pjL�.ce of
b e g i n n i ne:
Section 4, hat tl_�e c.ftdn=�.Uer of' im�Orovements to be in ri,,id Impro-
ime-i-lt 7'listric� 'is Yi.ereby decl@xerl to be follov,�,S;
I'hat the
0'. ain r7treet witiri 41he district
b e t,,v P. e n t'! i P r.., u i r i e Wl.lich be 117, ft. fro-m Vne line, shcall
"be e.xca�v-,_,ted t10 the neccn,��s�-C,3,ry depth below th.e eF,�t-`(Aished Frade of th-e fin-
'rolled until the; is faOlid cand ptlx-
is'-led roadwa�y, and throu,,,.bly
,..,Ile! to the proposed surfice of tl�Le con ter,,ijolated on Vap of thig
'n. biiv�,�Anou.s mit, -1 1 r - t e d. � c c o r d i n,
"A �).vi roadta
'y shcl,_'11 Ue c- ', -i s t r, 'j c
to the vi�pec i f i cations V ' terelfor on file, in t e., City n Fr, i 114.", f, I S office. On"'
bD'U,h sides of ssaid road7`C-.--,s,y- -t"P-tere Oht.,.'11 be c o i.-is t r -t,i c t e d c o ra c r e -t e curl) side-
V'r C. 1., 0 S �,v,! 9 it a cc o r d z,+, n c e with th t h ordinctiice s of" L'JrIe Cit,-v of
13 Pe
See tio'n ha t Mh e iR p j,') r o x, yi,,rj.4
e C, c t in i d i q1) r v e -rn
a s t o`17 C 0 1.1 's LJ I
i s L.h,e q ui-n o f " 1 1.66q 00
0 x i mr
In& t t 1h e r.,x.1 Au� ic IS the eru-�i),ieeri -i cs p e c L. I Q 11 r
expe,ns(-.��,s incUrred ii-i Special ImproveTflerlt Di.E.�tri(--t - i E3 the sum
of Two hundred
enL�j-re CaSt
of" s),id. iai.rpovf,-,ej:,ts a'jnj]
1....,ection 6. T A, at e x p e n T I r
i t h i n
b C e,i-
b e p d. y s a i d I Yj, p r o v 1 s t r i. t 0 t, 0 r D'n...
• i d d i qz. t r i C t t 0 1, e s .9 e d jf.' o r C 0 8 t i ("?l i t I S
J a , r t o f ti.-I e., �!
area 'to the Of the enti-re district, exclusive. 0 -'C str.eetsp to'lle"vs
c.n d pub 1 i c I ap i C , c e s
1`3ection.7. an nu�n.,l i iris t t,�..,Ij I
That zaid asseosment shcf,111. be pad. in tern
-Lod of ten yevrs S a's
ed over .,�er
shallo.o cntitut,.-, to ,s 1�rjcjwn �.Special Iraprove-rient ixtrict 7� u n
No. 105*
Section 8. Jhc-tt on the 10t?,i. d.,-!..y o -0
ay, 1911, &,1, the I - "ouncil C h arab e F
i n th e C i tar hall in t,1,-,e City of Pell ont(an'r-1, ".-vt ei(rs-A o'clock P.M
firl,-al a-doption
'010, C it Y C 0 U rl C i I W J. I I. h e z� r o b j e 0 t, o nq t o -t Yi. e 0 j- fi 0, za n d
0 A" t i S r e r, -k�l t i o 11 Which time ,,,-i.ny person or ..ierso,ris %vho ow-.,��„
iers or
p a 1" land within said Iza -ovenent Dist-
o r rc( oi
of ovf� or (9 r1y 1 o t T pr
rictp B-ha.11 kiave t"Cle right t,,.,).uppeza.r �-it said meetinlv, in pergon :or b y ,),t
t o rn e y and show 'cause if there be, w1iy the linp:rovements mentioned
herein Shall not be rncti d e
J. r e s o I u t i f� -r-% s' a I I n' e
S e, c t i o 11. 9 r
,a 77
JY rl e ity of
d o y 0 A D
The for e C7, o i ng, R es 0 1 U 1LO h e r eby -)A o p d t,i i s 1. 0 th
ign. I
C V/1 I P P!P
Attest: 11 A . K 1 -, D. I 1 1, A 111
C i ty Clerk
t -a t e 0 f on t a ri a
oil n t y 0 f I ca t OL e d
"ity Of vxlis�.)ell.
U v 4,1 'Iv�� on t
T of
Clerk (.-.,,f te t
do 1,kercby certify o n. e d t� I, y 0 f 19110 the,foreg
A i e s 0 1 U t i o n I; o b e, o s t S r e qu i -r d
n r d i n a n c, c�� �.N c.. cj r i d scaid ver,
L ere. ,-ve been
in e d .,."d _4
oltation ram �0!,�).t ci. a. -r, e.�: o e r i r)d of 1`ive d,ys, ""11 c." i (A
YA 0 n P T-1 re e% 'e.,