Resolution 392 - SID 108UM
x.bI G
ITT, ,:;,)
10 �T I
�U T I
011"' THE 1141PPOVE
GU DAR 1 2 T I i_- R T`E, F S TAT I IM THE CT_'AT_U-,C1 J44 7,1 p r� C f')
DE A'11'D I, _7 P1 0.7'_ I 1,v T_A ()T1 rUTIE mlj
ILE W11 12 V11 I I AID J s,
T,: "14,1 1" 1 J.'j C C PIONS TO ITS FINAI
Section 1. Th� t it isl deemed necessary to cre,�-.,Ae, and thexe is
2pec` al Im.,pro,�-"e.ment '.District, `he boun&:,ries of heoreb,y created, C, _L C.,
wiiicl-i are hereincffter set foawth.
Section 2. ..hat tIrl,e numbe.lL, of s,--).id Specd-al Improvement -District
is lye -reby des.3i1,-n4,i.ted i,o. IOU
bpecial Improvement "istrict
...ection of sid
are. Lereby declr�red to be as fallow's'..
Beginning at a point where tine center line of Einth. 'S't.reet intersects
t i J_ :e ceriter lirie of V-X ' - 1 1 e y bel"ve-(."rk "Miain 'IE.Itreet t-),nd A v e, rw e e s t,,
Wing from theric e in s out -Ile r ly d i r ec 1; i On along the c em te r 11 - e of - "
said Alley to tie "'outh bound-,-:�r-v- line. of lt,'he City o-.01 Kal Is-, .1 1.( 1 pell; thellccl
due !_:est 14-10rif'- LI-Ile E"'Outh boundf,rritic.,, to a poirt ��?.here the intei.*1%
S C �,s ix,;,ith the center line, of the Alley between First ;and ��econd 1five
nu -
-h.,e ces est- tl;-ence rwanin,,.. ir� f�,,k . ortheriy direotion fu�jojrl �, u enter
aine of "ma -id Alley to the Center of 1--1inth Street; thence E, a s t e T I Y, ca I o pl!
VY i e c e n r -1 i n- e o 1? s i d 11,i n'th E3treet to the pla-ce olf' ber_,.�inning.
lh�at U,Je character J, ynn. Y) eTTI e,:n
tc5 to 'be 2r.:de in sz,�id Improve-'
rflLen-IL. Diiestrict is hereby declared 0 b e, P
Tha,t foncrete sheall be constructed �)n both oides of sv)id 'Pirst
Avenue Viest, wiltn the bouridcoiriecs 0 f s Z, -lid district whjehG'urbs shall
be 1c) ftw- from 'Llie propc-,-rt,�li-T--e; t.`� i t 1 vv,.Teen the ciji-bs, e,,.nd t.he side-
'i e ', �,q -- e
d the and pr o e r "" n.
71".1 1. 1 k Ly a spr).ce shn.3.1 b conrtruc
L -n gre,ss seed rid treeo planted- r-r�d coricrete
d upon T iich shal I be sow
A. 1.1 of csaid work to "be done, ii a: cord,,- .1
i d e w:-'! - k r, c �,-yf, P.) t r u c t e d .
the rn-)ecrict.jionq, therefore T ereto for(:' -dopted by the City Council.
f Vvi'-y of K a I j. s, �._) r, I I
.:hat the G.Pproxim.ate cost of constructi d improve....
e c t i o n i n g,
....ents is the sum of $4,464.00.
Thti.t the cost of ✓the -inspeetion (-.,nd _11
e x,,, in creeating, sr�id Improverle,._t District
p en s e 9 iricurred
th(, sum
e, C
�ion 6. hz,ct t1t e entire cost .,nd expem,,,,e ,DI:'
land vvithin st�id dif,,,trict to be, as,sesse�d fo r th at T) r t o f t h e ve h o I e
c o r3 11:1 �:Ti i c ? i it,,� of th. e en tir e di i s tr i ct
0 f StT'F�Ots, zo:lleys C p 1 �Fj; r� S
I e ct i d i ri i v e ca n u
ID J I j
S e, c t i on 79 nat st s e s, e r, t s h <-
C.: a ir"C"ital.1rri.ents wh-�ch a,.-e � e r eb y e xt e n d e d o v r pf-,bricd, (-.,f five ye,--.t J
sr, i d 4� g es m. r I t s h a 11. consti Lute a -f"und to be knovfn 1,5. s Speci-I 1. rn -Io r o V e. -
llft e, r und o 10
hat on t�-�e 22nd of a y, 1 11 ab the Council
ec "L., ion 8. A.
in t.',.e i t y h 4F, I 'I in tYle C I t
r y of `"'allspell, 1-4'ontr�tn-a, at
ff i c i a -1
o c 21 o c k 'P . I-J, i t y C o -�i n c i I Y-�T I h e b J, e c t n s to Ve ol
and finE-tl �A'oj)tions o3 this resol.ution, at which time (nny person or
personc.',) .�rho exe a wner s or a,.7e,As ow n e r s) o f E,, n y I o t a r p Kv:,i r c e 1 o ff'
Gas 'ht to appear
Lnnd fil d TflT)r 1,0.V11t M11V�1District, sh,-,-;,1Jj_ ve e ip
If -iny there
tit Yrteeti.�in peroon j,:ir by a�torney, andhashbur thcaurse, I
be, why the irriprover-tent izientioned herein shri_-11 riot be r.qt1de.,
S'ection 9. 'hir� resolutii-.)n slrtr�,�11 be - oub.-ished in the "K-i alspl el
Time�c� a vjeekl�y- ne�xnph paper ubliBed in scnid City of Kalisp6ll, on
'lay, 1"e 13-th,
y 0 f LIC
'i`he f ore.f -:)esolut-ion :1,ereby r,,xiopted on thkis, 22nd.d1i,y of Meay
httest,, H.,rk.K_P,1.'DAL1_j Mayor
(."I i t y Clerk.
state of
Co"'Inty- o-l" ) S1010
City Of" K'a-21iscell.
-Y Cle,-k of tlae City of
I H.A, Kexida,11,
r e I... y C
T 0 n ta n a d o I e, j ertify On th-q. d�t,,O'; of I ccaused
04�i1911. Ia ,oing resoltation to be as req i in Ordir rice 1,106
the fore, U
Y e d 0 r V, ")erir)d 0" -ive dnvs 1(4. 1.1 d. 1-d'.1 i, � t- P, �,.--t i d r es 0 -� u n e rfi (�), iri e d o q U J. -k-
i,),, i e 1i ex' e n s
n d hlriere- lu'.1,ve beein no c"hx,.).nge�s or a- I o ri Fj 111 ('01 e
I t e ra
r je
V.� s, �,'l e a n d a.,ppl�ovc,"'I L'.).ereof by City, Cowicil rior in 1.1--e record-
i ng i e -e 0 f
'hcrein and t1lis c,,,e1-'if'ca-tP e th is
............ .... . ........
City clelka