Resolution 391 - SID 107RESOLUTION 1NO. J91. 11.7 RIKA IT U 1T1131 �T I AL INPFMV!`I"IIYM T T77 � 1, . .I CT IN T'C T 07 T ; P 7 E AI APPROXIL,�� -T, T I I ZI Al' fI OF TATTE 0 S T T 1 EIR I rT E C C I T, 10 1 j.. 1 117, 0 "S Tf. ") I T S F I T� L M TI U,', '1­1 1�111!7, N of 1, J, ADO T I CIE'. Y.Y V�I�v I.TTY F TIFP`� CIT*Y OF KALISPELL N, I'IM"ANIAm T h i t i s d e eTYi e d n e el e s pu-� r y t o c r e, t a n d t h e r e i s h e r e - 'by creipted, E")pecial Improvement Istrlot, t1le bol.'Ind'-rie's" 0--", 1,-;ACII e,-re .- he.Rory ein,,_,Tter .-.,et fort'n, em ,.:ection 2.* '.Ihat tkio, nu.mber if P_ Iiel Inaprove.ment 4 ' i tr i t hereby d-e-sigiiated. 11�o. I(T/. s(..'Ction The bound;Fxies of saaid pecial Improvement Distr-ict C,�re her eb cl)r . y de-kred t 1be aS f Be g inning t ca point iarhere Lh,e cente.r Iii'le 0-1- 71`jleven�h r"treet inter- Cee Lo the cen"Uf-,Lr of t1i-e Alley betvreen Tf'irst tn:nd S.'econd Avenues runnin'ror, thence in ft,� Ewa out.-he-.,71Y direction alonr., Vae, center line oi I *d Alley to the cei,ter of Thirt(menth Street* thence in CZ'. 7'esterly Al -�e center of 'T",,�ir'eEIFIt!) PtrQ�et tO podrat ir." ere the sz�.me direct_i,orl in Vh J_ i j, 114 . i 1. L. inter,,!�ectr, the center ,.in of the Alley b;.' .!tween '"Main Street Avenue East. Thence in a. 11ortherly direction along ti-ie cei'lter line of Alley to the cente-1, o.-f ' ' Eleventh Street; h e n c e J. ri. ,A n a s f. 1 r I y direction ,,Iong Vrl-(--� center line o-fl' IP"leventh Street to the pL­,ce of' be- g Iection 4. That the chl,-rcatcter of s,,,..id improveli-lents to "Ge m_.,,:1.de in s id lm-prover..�ient District is Tiereby decicared to le ti,-; t,i, 1 That the on 1:1i-rot 1, ' venue s t v,! i ilhe bounds: -cries ol." sit... -)-id. district, between the curb linier),, which sh,,:Dc,12. be 1Bft, from the pro.pert,y linep.­�shall "be exc--,.vttted to t'he necesrmxy depth 'below the est�,11.-,,I.ished F,r tV e of the finished ro(2dVIZ­'.Yt tII.-PIou�,,h":y rolled until. "he ,,.,,,ub-c-racie is ar tC. I. I tc) the oropor,,ed ---mrlface of t�3.e contempli��-.,_ted pave - men t On top of t'.his sub-foundt-_.;,tion ca macadZ-�-Y.i shall be con- etructed according to the tl.,��erefor on file in the City 'S r o a d. mr,-a e Engineerle office, n both -ide of 9-�,.id the-i" -hull, be constoted conCI:I0T,,,_ curbs, parking .and sidewlaks and crcs,(,-i-w-c-k1ks where necessary in accorrdfir, nce- %,,',ith the o-Ardinrnijcets of the city, Of Kalispell, -,t of coi -itructirr, -,nid im That til;e pro, a. rn is t'he sum of '1'4781. 00. That the approximate cost of 'the enfineering, irispection c,,�md all otlier expenseo incurred in creating d;-tid SPecia,l IMP-rovement 'istrict is the Sum 6 T hz, -i .t t 1),e e��Itirel cost -nd expense o.'.' sr,io' irn-j-)roveT,,ients e C Cz C-ircel of It-,nd shal )aid by Improvement Districto- 7AICII lot a-r p, w -t pp�rt of, t.jje, pjj()a.e cor)t ithin disia 7txict to C(� assescsed for t1jo-, it I S Gar Ea. 1) e p to tI. te ti.rca ()f the reets, excl-Lusive o-fst ' and public Section 7 Tlmat s,.a'id as,sessmient be- Paid in'Five cmnut-a "1, 5 i ns tzel, I me.nts which. a-lle here , ee,-,-ver V. period of veziro- said s e s f !, j r, e, n u,,,i sr v1l. constit�te 1.und to be known i,s Specj�a:j iffl.prov-emient Distri I"t im(I 1-1, o 107 qe Section 8. Thrat On t�,e 10ith da-w -0 1911, at t'he Coui­icil chamoers JU �;Rllp i-n tlie City' of Kalispell, Tvlon­; tanr-i att eig'ht otclock P.M. the C .1 t y C o u n, c j. 34ri I f a I hen ob j cc ti ons to t?Ie 04, ici L of this resoli�tion, o z It v, h. i ck i t i yr I e I I -r) e rs 0 n () r 0 e Ciny lot Or pEi-rcel of 14tmd 2VAd I mpr o v em e ri t 4, Dir�trict, shzrill he the r.ipht to zalppe,­x, at in person or 'by attorney, i,Duid shot:. ccaalse� if' U.sI.Y there 11,e, wh.vnm-n.yem-pes tioned her6in shall not be made. Section 9. This resolution Ph&II 'be pu'bliohc�6 in tfie "Kallspell Time9to tliopell on 4th dcay of a weekly newspv,�ier pub"' iskied in said. City of K 1911* The foreC-<,oing resolutiori i6-- by )Alopt e e a'. th i q 10 th, d py a Aa 1) C Attest- !I*,A* IV-ayor City Clerk, S'U-Ite of IJoyatana County, of Fl.can-iet.dp ss, cl-Wy 017 I II.A.Kendcall, City Clerk of t ' he City of kcgj�jispv, I dontantk do certify ty, e ,@,y of' 1 C­�'used the f oreC oiir,g resoju-tj�-)n to 'be pastx"�'.-, 1. 17,11 0 r d i n,-�, r �Cca 7-70, 174 d e 4' thFi..t sais re2olution rernzned U s s t d L c) r a per i c)d c)-(' five :­,,VV, a n d t.'.', t I I there have been no chan.c.�'er, or Qalterat-iomq, made t1herein since, _ titre pa s s z e ,-xid.approvtj,l thereof by tiie City C ouri(, j' r,.t o r i ecorded herein z,:md ttiis c e rt I f j. C S da 19114 C itV 0 -1