Resolution 404 - SID 104om 4 T Vr'', 1� T I cT r"O, 4 T I c! ( Cry S, 1-1 SPE, c I 'r I A. I IT" L. IJ rr I' T() -t T1 4 J A A. 1� i N ( T7,-_`_T1• G IAD.1.1_7c A-11111) DE F I N I _�N Cr T I 1-11T:' `D, P" I]R, Si T V D 1 31 nc A11P) (10INSTRU""TION OF SIDE- AJ -1 0 J;I�R SU C! YTH" IN OF PuY D F) 0 V E 121 �'I T S A.Ir' IILAY 131,] TO 0 0, P I E T F, BE IT RE'',`�OLVETF) BY TIJ71' CITY C(.)'U11-EC11: OF TITIE, CITY OF KA11�IPELL:-- th e 1-, 1- -1 A$,0 : It iS. inL1Aenti(,',)n of the City Counci-L. of the City of Kcal.- ir"Pell to C-r,:e,C-i,,e n n-ew Improvement District 'to be S 1) e c i rn, I IL -Tnp r o v eri ez) nt 7jSt-r -0. j. C t 104-11 for the Purpone of F and t1je (),venues tk-terein, he w'd6ning ,?,nd construction o f Si VV k s the construction of curbs -,�.nd stoVrl sewers, and fnuch othe-ri irl- cowor 0-: I -n be necosstriry to complete s-id improvei,,�.entq; the edlentl k n,s nz.,I., y "irstrict beiiL-ig described and (_J'e.-f'_'L'ne(J qua fojjows-� Commencing, at rn, T)oint. imh,,ere the center lj,ne �-.)f the Aliey betweca.,,n Fi-rSt 'u-nd Second Avenue 7jast intersects tijca% Sc)uLjj jjjje 0-P the (7-tV I-,Ior- thern R.R. right-of-i�,,ay; thence Sou,th in the cente-C of Said Alley, 14-1�1 f-t. to the center of T?ourth Street, thence w-est in the center L)f Pourth tree -'L, 7,80 f t to i. L S intense "(-., on w-ith tie center li-lne o-f t 11 y e n c e r t Ia. i J e n .,V`o-in Virst e _R'Cast; t-11 v e n t e c e n. e ­ - Fr, nterc,,ect,.'i.orj vqjtjj t-Ine South line of the Glt.hor4uern R.R. r_1f,_-,ht-o-.r-WaY- i . el. el. '�hellce 'East ­0,org, snid .rt. z il d Im-Provent en--L, inc -ALUd e the 7,," e P, I h,-,t '11. f IC L)L 10 c k S 3 7 4 4- District to Al .1 U L A- ( �') -0 r'� ' f IGY'Le orr-­ilin-j 64 �­-nd tl,ie '157 rn, q h tr� I f 0 C S 4 n (A P U t e 6 f Ka I i s OW 11.nd V 01, _1 1 -E1 Z E A S it from ti 411 0 t e e s t irl, f ur n,i d 1) Y tY Y I r, i i e f s, C ' tY th t',I` Biti-Clit'hic -p-ixement is the ch-e,,,-t, t and be.".t j)E.,,vei,-ierjt cc­,n be used for t1iC)"PC2ViY,1Fj.1 of the Avenue in said d i tr i c IL, ThEBEF01-1.11P BE IT YURTTF!1�,]FZ th-at sz,.-�,Jld Is, p e, 1 IM py, 0 V '1:_1i'o 104 0 e hereby cr e t e d- d'; n f 0 r t Jr�l e, 1) U r o s C, o o, rn n n d P apt of side - curbs cand s t. c,,ir.n o ev,,e r 2 t 1.10 1'e, :11"1 f 0 11 a 1s t'L V.­,e bet�r.Te(,.�,,n 11,e c,,,arbs lines be e_c,�.-�,vated to t'Ii e n e .p!, s,rY belo�,,r V?Lie olL the fd.nJ�,,hed ro,­.dwfw.Yt3nd. t1i'llouph-1-y rblJed until the sub-cr­,:de is solid ,:.,)nd 1jr 1s, e d s, 4.rf e o r t h e c o n t e rrLp 1 4-� x- t -e d L:) v e, me n t On t0P (,-,f this sub-foun6a_ tion cruslied stone c,�h,-311_ be sf.).ree,d' to de-,ptln ,0,�en throughly will conform tP t'rie contour tuid be 211 b(­.,low rf it e, t f ter ��-rith Cement, there shl.i-1.1 be t1le -B i t u I i tI,. i c W, n g s 11,r oc e 4n,ccor(jirig to tzhiis foundPtion, I C., 4 the specilk'ications on _,Pile in the City Eneineer's office. side- tq)on such A.venue,r�, 'be widen(--.�d to rt 'anif'or.m width of fif teen 11)f(,­et Lf,'le ent,ire nrr �qr,�.jd cansiruc"*edo J. L 6 'th in the ordinanc. 0, caccord�,;.nce vjit[ i t n� P e C i -1� i cl".., t i C) an P) a t7, 0 e r r es of the Cit.), of' Kalispell, and stlorm seiver (,,r dr(,.,,.:in for the purpc.),,r.;e oaa �j o- {� . � f .d,. .1 L:Y� J, siarface water sht.0.1 'be cons tructed according to p1rans sQeciflc,,itions dri the offi.ce ol the City ]Hngineer, oif -,,uh i elb. Y rly descri-lbed ir, tkile p y�,jore V t i C speCifieD,tiOD6 thereof C-:s prepnred by the City 1`.'Ingineer o f 1- 1 e Cit�/ of' 11Pali.s-,pell C--nidl tr.: - P r-, o v e d by the City Vouncil. 1hat the e2ti.r.,Ln,,ted cost of t",,.,�e entire. improvement ,)-.bo-v-(-,, deccribed t -'Le cost is tI-ie �,�:;um of Twenty-four ($24�000.00) a n f�, t I of improvem-,ents FT-Izall be (,7.,,ssessed agr,- Ilinst- t1l--ie propc-..,rt i t"Et i n i G-� Y district and irL ten (10) equal canniazal. in�i.�-Jtallznlents or �Vayrflennter, the first of vill-ich shall be piz-3,id ilri -L'ne ye.,-,,.r 1911 and L.,111. de`L'erred. Z F p a- y �q �s I ��. K, -,i -11 be-cir ir,�-terest C-.A t1le rn,,e of Q, pe- annuria, p.,.:Yable 0 yaprovements�, Special ly And to 6eJ,--,Nay the cost c-f-' maidl i I I , � c I a s r, ev-, s ra e n t s I I I, e I e -7 ' e a rc7,a 1 ng, t al 1 0 th e a er-,satle property w' th. in said district and each. ece or parcel of land within said district exclusive 0:11" Streetsp alleyo, zand public pl.aces, be.a.r.-, tha.t. propor- 7 tior, of the cost of s-id im proverments tk.te are- 'be,'-r to "lleys Public f tfie entiae disitrict, exclusive of, -s tbe a-r er, a A sitreet T t i lr-��ereby ordered t1aa:t t'j-,,e C ty Clerk publ slae(I moti ce of the, a,C�e of this resoli0-lion for t"he full tiy,ie required by -I.z-nv therefor, p,,ivirIg notiae to the Ownercs, axld Agentc.',] oll-' Ovvner% (,,.f property within s,,,-�Ad dis- urict F:-n{J licll-ble U.) be nssevssed vrith VILLe cost, -LI-:iereof, that Vil;e, City Council of the City of Kalis ' pell will meet at tk-i.e Council. Chambers in the City on the 1,�-th 0. t) V () f T une, 1911, for tlie. pur-pose off coriS.Id,- Id er [7: i rip tions to the fin""I.-I Of tliis 16 L I ob � ec Slpecia,l iriprovem:-,nt -T)Istriclb I -,' o J.041 ��--It wh i ch 'C' ime C-D,ny Owner or A.cseylt property within said Dik')"Grictl m:,-,,y appevx in person or attor- ney and proteest agcainst the estab lishyi-ent of said District providing for the construction of szaid Improvement a.s, -",,�,,erein descrlbed* ' and that sv,id notice, shapI], 'be iT,I tl-ie "Kalilspell Times", thes2.1ne being a newspt�per of ge-nercal circu.1(cttioy"i in the City of Kalis.pell., IvIlontcam,-R. Passed cand c-a.p,proved. this 5th. df":,,y of June, a.011. Attect: 117.A,MPNDALL� W . C . VIIII I PPS p 11"a Y 0 r City Clerk, Stote of N,.ontana, COIAnty of Flath et' i (a 4 p City of Kaiis,peii, I IJ.A.Kendv-11, City Clerk olf tb..e City 011, Kalifspell, do her�'by certify on t-,-Ie of catip)ed tlie. forerzoiy-�it- ,soju,i,()n to V7, equired in Ordin,-i,nce I p 0 Na. 1`4 and thalt.. (scaid. resolutU . ic,A S I,k.l•inecl poqted for a peric-d of five ftays, and. t.laa.t tjje-re have, been no "-,,,Jte ad rnz.ade -Lhle"Aelr� s i r,, c e, e il.-",,-).�:git,.,)C,'.-�!-rLe r IJ -tI-:kee0f by the City CQUIloij.9 nor record i rig tl-lereof Recorded. h`erein and. tliis c e r t i f i ca t e Yvizu.d e th is d a�V r of- 1911 City Cle-.,,;,k,